Chapter 204

Shen Youxia's words made An Huai's face change again and again. Before that, he liked An Yifeng quite a lot. This son is not like An Yihan who always opposes him.

She has a sweet mouth and can make herself happy. Although she always wants to get some benefits from herself, as long as it doesn't hurt the family, she will give it.

But after this incident, An Huai also had to admit that in Nuo Da's An Guogong's mansion, there was indeed no one who understood, including himself, except for An Yihan.

Before, he himself thought the situation of An Guogong's mansion was too good.

"Yi Feng, it's none of your business, step back."

An Huai never dared to use such a tone to say such things to An Yihan, but to An Yifeng it was very normal.Except that An Huai didn't look like a father in front of An Yihan, in front of other children, he was still very upright as a father.

In fact, in Anguo Gong's mansion, except for An Yihan who doesn't take An Huai, the father of An Guo Gong, in his eyes, the other children rely on An Huai to survive. If they want to live a good life, of course they must do so in front of An Huai. Get a good impression and be respectful and diligent.

This is especially true for An Yifeng. Although Shen Youxia's words made him very unhappy, but with his strength here, no matter how unwilling An Yifeng was, he could only endure it.

Fortunately, An Yifeng doesn't want An Mengyao to be so stupid. Even if he doesn't know An Huai's concern for Shen Youxia, he still knows that it is safer not to speak at this time than to speak, and he has experienced it personally just now. pass.

An Yifeng didn't speak anymore, and of course An Mengyao didn't dare to say anything. Just now, he pleaded with He Yun in a fever, and An Mengyao, who had already woken up, was startled.

If it wasn't for Xin Mei's pleading for her, An Mengyao wouldn't know where she would be now, what to be afraid of afterward, An Mengyao has realized today.

An Mengyao wanted to step forward to help He Yun, but was gently stopped by the maid Xiyun standing beside her.

"Miss, don't act rashly, after Princess Rui is gone, it won't be too late to help."

Xiyun lowered her voice in An Mengyao's ear, speaking in a business that only two people could hear.

In fact, Shen Youxia was wrong, and An Huai also thought it was wrong. In An Guogong's mansion, besides An Yihan, there is another smart person, that is Xiyun.

It's just that Xiyun is An Mengyao's maid. Although she is a close maid, she has never attracted attention, and this time is no exception.

An Mengyao was reminded by Xi Yun, knowing that she almost did something wrong impulsively, she hurriedly stood respectfully behind An Huai without even raising her head.

No matter how dissatisfied An Mengyao was in her heart, there was nothing she could do. She couldn't beat Shen Youxia. She didn't have the status of Princess Rui, and she didn't have the backing of Dingguo Houfu.

At this moment, An Mengyao could only lie low in front of Shen Youxia, hoping that Shen Youxia didn't see her and forgot her attitude just now.

Shen Youxia noticed An Mengyao's change, but she really didn't take it seriously. For An Mengyao, she had never seen An Mengyao in Shen Youxia's eyes in both lifetimes.

What's more, Shen Youxia didn't want to stay in Anguo Gong's mansion for more than a minute now. After talking to An Guogong, she took Ning Xin'er and the maid and left An Guogong's mansion directly, leaving only He Pingping and Zhang Qipengluo.

"Shen Youxia, are you okay?"

After getting into the carriage, Ning Xiner spoke worriedly. Shen Youxia's complexion has not been very good since he came out of An Guogong's mansion.

(End of this chapter)

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