Wang Ye, are you leaving today?

Chapter 213 Appropriate

Chapter 213 Appropriate
Following behind Shen Youxia, she walked towards the side hall.

Shen Youxia's study is in Diecui Garden, and she is not interested in bringing Li Yue to her yard under the current situation. It's really a bit of a surprise, and she can't explain it clearly.It's better to go directly to the side hall, no one from our own, no outsiders, simple and clear.

Ning Xin'er and Li Xixiang didn't follow, and the other servants were like them, standing from a distance, watching.

If something really happened, he could find out in time, and the distance was just right, so he wouldn't hear any conversation between Shen Youxia and Li Yue.

"Just say what you want to say, I don't have time to go around with you."

Shen Youxia looked at Li Yue in front of her, she was still as fragile as she remembered, with a natural innocence in her eyes, but unfortunately eyes can be deceiving.She was too lazy to think about what Li Yue's purpose was, and asking Shen Youxia directly was the best way to solve Li Yue, but it was a pity that she didn't realize this problem at all in her previous life.

"Princess, I want to go back to the palace to serve you, okay?"

Li Yue asked cautiously, which surprised Shen Youxia.

"First of all, Zhu Yunyan was the one who refused to let you come back, not me. Secondly, whether I let you or not, didn't you come back from Xunyang City? Is it too late to say this now?"

Shen Youxia raised her eyebrows and looked at Li Yue. This is Li Yue's usual method, making people feel that she is pitiful and innocent.It's a pity that Shen Youxia never felt that she was really the same as she showed. She knew exactly what Li Yue's heart was like.

Thinking about it carefully, Shen Youxia herself finds it strange that for other people, Shen Youxia more or less wants to change their thoughts, change their relationship with herself, and even change their prejudice against herself through contact.

Only Li Yue, Shen Youxia never thought that she would be kind from the beginning, she was on guard against Li Yue from the beginning, and she never believed every word Li Yue said.

"Princess, I am also forced to be helpless. I can't stay in Xunyang City forever, I can't."

Li Yue gritted her teeth and clenched her hands tightly. She thought she had restrained herself well, but she forgot that Shen Youxia was a martial arts practitioner. Shen Youxia could clearly feel the emotions she could relieve and the emotions she suppressed in her breath. .

Shen Youxia smiled inwardly, this was indeed the Li Yue she knew, after being reborn, she always felt that everything was changing, and everything was different from what she remembered.Seeing Li Yue now finally made her feel the real memory of her previous life, all that happened in real life, not a dream of her own.

"What can't it be? Is it because I heard that Prince Rui's residence has added two concubines?"

Shen Youxia looked at Li Yue with a smile, lowered her head slightly, and turned her body sideways. When others saw Shen Youxia's expression, Li Yue could see it clearly. Her face was full of sarcasm, mocking Li Yue's impatience, and mocking Li Yue's overreaching.

Li Yue felt Shen Youxia's contempt for her. She never knew that Shen Youxia had such emotions, and she always thought that Shen Youxia was easy to handle.

Even after arriving in Xunyang City, Li Yue gradually realized that she had underestimated Shen Youxia, but she never thought that Shen Youxia could clearly grasp her emotions and heart.

Li Yue even felt that the Shen Youxia in front of her was a little scary, which was completely different from the Shen Youxia she knew in the past, and from the Shen Youxia that person described to her.

(End of this chapter)

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