Wang Ye, are you leaving today?

Chapter 215 Can't Send Kindness

Chapter 215 Can't Send Kindness
She can't gamble with the endless years in the future just to relieve her anger for a while.

"Li Yue, you may be mistaken. I have never stopped Zhu Yunyan from accepting you as a concubine or concubine. I told you long ago that Zhu Yunyan and I will reconcile sooner or later. It is you who don't believe it and insist on walking away. Pian Feng has only come to where he is today. Zhu Yunyan was the one who sent you to Xunyang City back then, and he is also the one who decides what status he will give you, I can't make the decision."

Li Yue didn't expect Shen Youxia to disagree with her lowered posture. She didn't think about whether Shen Youxia's words were true or not. She just felt that Shen Youxia was deliberately embarrassing herself.

"My lord didn't agree. Didn't you bring Ning Xin'er and He Pingping into the mansion? Why can they but I can't?"

Forced to do nothing, Li Yue stood up directly from the ground regardless of the difference in status, and looked at Shen Youxia with fierce eyes.

It's a pity that that bit of ruthlessness wasn't enough for Shen Youxia. Shen Youxia really, really didn't take Li Yue seriously.

"I can do many things, but why do I have to do them when you ask me to do them? Li Yue, have you forgotten who you are? Do you think you are the master of Prince Rui's Palace?"

Shen Youxia's calm but majestic aura frightened Li Yue. Standing face to face, Li Yue felt Shen Youxia's strong low pressure. She really forgot that the person in front of her was Princess Rui and her master.

Prince Rui never made any promises to himself, marrying Prince Rui was his childhood dream.In fact, even when he served Zhu Yunyan and often participated in various occasions and activities with him, he never surpassed himself in the slightest.

Li Yue knew a long time ago that Zhu Yunyan had no intentions towards him. If he really had intentions, he was just the daughter of the steward, a servant of Prince Rui's residence, and he had already been taken into the house. How could he have waited until now, when Princess Rui entered the residence? .

However, Li Yue was not reconciled. She had been by Zhu Yunyan's side since she was a child. She believed that no one knew his preferences and thoughts better than herself, so she should always be by his side.

"I really like the prince. I have liked it since I was a child. Can't you show kindness and help us?"

Speaking of this, Li Yue's tears fell involuntarily, and she didn't know if she was really sad or just acting for Shen Youxia.

Shen Youxia was not in the mood to find out whether Li Yue's tears were real or not, she just glanced lightly, "Li Yue, whether or not to marry you is Zhu Yunyan's business, you can ask him, my kindness has never been used for Here, you better be clear."

"Another point, before Zhu Yunyan comes back, if you are willing to stay in Prince Rui's Mansion, I don't care, but please put away your face in front of me, such hypocrisy makes me sick."

To Li Yue, Shen Youxia had never had a good temper, and she didn't like her expressing emotions vividly, but Li Yue had nothing to do.

She hated, hated that she was just a slave, hated that she was the housekeeper's daughter, hated that she couldn't sit on an equal footing with Shen Youxia, hated even more that she was incompetent, that she hadn't been loved by Zhu Yunyan for so many years by his side.

Shen Youxia was not interested in any of Li Yue's reactions, and after she finished what she had to say, Li Yue couldn't say anything more, so Shen Youxia left the side hall directly and returned to Diecuiyuan.

(End of this chapter)

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