Wang Ye, are you leaving today?

Chapter 233 The Best Positioning

Chapter 233 The Best Positioning
As for Xu Huaimin, he already had a good impression of Shen Youxia, but because of his status as Princess Rui, he could only keep him at a respectful distance.Today, Shen Youxia is no longer the royal daughter-in-law. From this aspect, Xu Huaimin is happy.

However, the two of them came this time mainly for the matter of Zhu Yunyan.

"The emperor has acquiesced that Yunyan is dead, and even withdrew all the searchers. Now only my people and the people Yunyan trained secretly are left."

An Yihan got angry when he mentioned this matter, at least Zhu Yunyan died for the country, and he was the emperor's own son, how could the emperor turn his back on him?Aren't you afraid that the people will be disappointed when they find out?I never thought about it, if Zhu Yunyan didn't die, how would he face this son in the future?
The emperor's indifference was expected by Shen Youxia, Zhu Yunyan jumped off the cliff, even if he didn't die, he would be crippled, a crippled prince could neither become the crown prince nor lead troops to the battlefield.

That being the case, how could the emperor waste manpower and material resources on Zhu Yunyan?

It's just that Shen Youxia guessed that according to his understanding of the emperor, the emperor might reward people related to Zhu Yunyan generously, so that it can show the emperor's great grace without any loss. As for the gold, stone and jade articles that the emperor usually rewards, who gets the reward? You must not confess, and if you break it, you will be punished, or you will be sent to the prison of the Ministry of Criminal Justice.

So, to put it bluntly, those rewards from the emperor are nothing more than moving things from the treasure storehouse in the palace to the treasure storehouse in Prince Rui's mansion.After waiting for a long time, Prince Rui's Mansion has no master to manage, so in the end, these things have to be returned to the royal treasury?
Shen Youxia, who had long understood the emperor's tricks, understood An Yihan's dissatisfaction, but still didn't say much.Speak ill of the emperor behind his back, unless he doesn't want to live anymore.

"Why do you say that, the emperor naturally has his plans, we just let our people out and look for them, if you want to see people, if you want to see people, if you want to see corpses if you die."

Although Shen Youxia made peace with Zhu Yunyan, there was no hindrance to collecting Zhu Yunyan's body. If his own An Yihan didn't care about Zhu Yunyan, it would seem that this world is too cold.

Shen Youxia couldn't do this kind of thing, and the tutor of Dingguohou's Mansion didn't allow Shen Youxia to ignore Zhu Yunyan under such circumstances.

I don't know if Zhu Yunyan buried himself properly after his death in the previous life, but in this life, Shen Youxia still wants to give Zhu Yunyan a decent ending.

Of course, if Zhu Yunyan did not die with the miracle of life, Shen Youxia thought she would help him return to the pinnacle of life, right?
You can't be a husband and wife, but you can be a business partner.This is what Shen Youxia has been striving for since her rebirth, to give her the best position with Zhu Yunyan.

Live to see people, die to see corpses.

An Yihan didn't want to hear this sentence, as if it had announced Zhu Yunyan's end.But he also knew that this was the worst outcome and the direction they had to stick to.

Looking at Shen Youxia in front of him, An Yihan truly felt how extraordinary this woman was.When she first learned about Zhu Yunyan's situation, she was obviously so sad, but she just lost control of her emotions for a while, and quickly adjusted.

Now he couldn't even see the slightest bit of sadness on Shen Youxia's face, but he knew that Shen Youxia was supporting the entire Prince Rui's Mansion, and when Shen Youxia left Prince Rui's Mansion, it was when they, Zhu Yunyan's people, were really in trouble.

(End of this chapter)

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