Chapter 240
Shen Youxia didn't expect that Mo Yueqiong would know her, but she didn't think much about it because she was indeed too conspicuous in Xiyang City recently.

"I really want to tell my wife something, I wonder if I can go in?"

Standing at the door of someone's house, definitely not in the attitude of talking about things, Mo Yueqiong didn't invite herself in, so Shen Youxia had no choice but to ask herself.

As long as the goal can be achieved, she really doesn't care about the process, as long as the result of Mo Yueqiong's matter is what she wants.

Shen Youxia said so, and Mo Yueqiong had no reason to reject Shen Youxia's words, so she opened the door and invited Shen Youxia in.

Mo Yueqiong lived in a small yard. Although it was not big, it had a very nice view and the yard was kept very clean.Shen Youxia, however, could tell from the clean and unscratched cup on the table that Mo Yueqiong had indeed only arrived in Xiyang City not long ago.

I don't know if Zhang Qi and Peng Luo don't know what Mo Yueqiong looks like now, or if it's just bad luck, Mo Yueqiong has settled down in Xiyang City, and the two of them haven't met yet.

Mo Yueqiong poured Shen Youxia a glass of water, sat opposite Shen Youxia, and looked at her calmly.

Shen Youxia was also looking at Mo Yueqiong in front of her. She was almost exactly the same as when he saw her in his previous life. Although there were some traces of time on his face, it couldn't hide the magnificence of a young and peerless beauty.

What is even more unforgettable is the aura around Mo Yueqiong, which always has a sense of sacredness and inviolability. This may be the natural aura of the saints of the Shenhe tribe.

Shen Youxia took the water glass and smiled awkwardly, "I know it's presumptuous of me to visit suddenly, and I didn't expect to meet Madam on the street. I'm leaving Xiyang City tomorrow, so I can meet Madam at this time. I think it's God's will, please Madam don't blame me for being rude and offensive."

In the two lifetimes combined, Shen Youxia respected Mo Yueqiong. The chance and coincidence in her previous life made it very easy for her to get close to Mo Yueqiong, but in this life she was abrupt, and Shen Youxia was very worried that her actions would affect Mo Yueqiong. First impression of yourself.

In my memory, this saintess of the Shenhe tribe was really not easy to get along with. Although she looked amiable and approachable, Shen Youxia knew that everything was an illusion.

However, once Mo Yueqiong treats her differently, she will be different and flattering.

After listening to Shen Youxia's words, Mo Yueqiong smiled, her eyes filled with smiles, "Princess Rui, you are welcome, no matter why you are here, it is my honor to help you."

If he hadn't known for a long time that Mo Yueqiong was from Miaojiang and a saint of the Shenhe tribe, Shen Youxia would not have felt at all that she was a foreigner and not from Chu Qin after listening to Mo Yueqiong's words and actions.

"You're being polite, and I'm not being polite to you anymore." Shen Youxia took a sip of the water in the glass to relieve himself of some nervousness, "Do you still remember the ups and downs?"

Mo Yueqiong didn't answer Shen Youxia's words, but Shen Youxia knew from Mo Yueqiong's wide eyes and tightly closed lips that Mo Yueqiong knew them.

So, Shen Youxia continued, "They are looking for you in Xiyang City, and as far as I know, the Shenhe clan has been looking for you for a long time, and they have never given up for so many years, you also know that."

Every time the Shenhe clan detects Mo Yueqiong's whereabouts, they will be quickly thrown away by Mo Yueqiong. The saints of the Shenhe clan can perceive the people around them, which is why Zhang Qi and the others have been unable to find Mo Yueqiong. reason.

(End of this chapter)

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