From the beginning of the flood to the heavens and the world

Chapter 107 Is this the fairyland I was looking forward to?

Chapter 107 Is this the fairyland I was looking forward to?

"Brother Tang! I often hear you mention Honghuang, but I haven't heard of this place in the past 10,000+ years. Where is Honghuang?" Ye Qingxian heard Tang Mingyao mention Honghuang again, so he couldn't bear it. I couldn't help asking curiously.

"The prehistoric? The prehistoric world is a vast and vast place where strong people come forth in large numbers. I will take you there after Ye Fan and the others are settled down. You will know when the time comes." Seeing Ye Qingxian ask Tang Mingyao, Tang Mingyao wasn't hiding anything, he just explained roughly.

"Yeah!" Ye Qingxian also nodded.

"Big Brother! You will also take Nannan, right?" Little Nannan looked at Tang Mingyao expectantly and asked with some uneasiness in her eyes.

"Hehe! Of course I'll take my baby girl with me." Tang Mingyao replied with a smile when he saw the uneasiness in the little girl's eyes.


Seeing that the big brother agreed to take him with him, the little girl cheered excitedly.

"Ha ha!"

Looking at the cheering little girl, Tang Mingyao and Ye Qingxian looked at each other and laughed.

"Master and wife!"

At this time, Ye Fan came over.

"Hmm! What's the matter! Are they all arranged?" Tang Mingyao looked at Ye Fan and asked.

"Yeah!" Ye Fan nodded and replied.

However, after Tang Mingyao and others entered the valley, Ye Fan released the people in the space ring, and after learning that he and others were going to live here for a long time, he chose their respective places to live.

"Qingxian! You also go and find a place for us to live in, and I'll set up some defensive and spirit-gathering formations around." Seeing Ye Fan nodding, Tang Mingyao said to Ye Qingxian next to him.

"Okay! Girl! Let's go!" Ye Qingxian nodded to Tang Mingyao, and then called out to the little girl next to her.

"Sister Qingxian, where are we going?"

"Let's find a beautiful place and build a house for us to live in!" Ye Qingxian replied with a smile.

"Okay, okay!" the little girl clapped her hands excitedly and shouted.

Looking at Ye Qingxian and Xiao Nannan who were walking away, Tang Mingyao turned around and looked at Ye Fan and said, "Ye Fan, go and see those people and see if they need help. Law."

"Master! I know!" Ye Fan nodded back, and then walked towards the crowd.

After seeing Ye Fan leave, Tang Mingyao also wanted to fly out of the valley.

Big Dipper domain.

In a hall, more than a dozen people were sitting opposite each other. These people were old and young, and each of them had the cultivation base of a saint king.

"It seems that this world is not the era of great emperors, but the era of no emperors." One of the old saint kings suddenly sighed.

"That's right! I saw so many great emperors and quasi-emperors fall in one day. It seems that the rumor is true! It's really sad and deplorable!" Another middle-aged man with the cultivation of a saint king also sighed.

"I heard that the last great emperor was a celestial arrogance from outside the territory. He endured the punishment of heaven for three full days, and finally fell when he couldn't hold on." A female saint king also looked at the crowd and said.

"Those great emperors deserve to fall! Those of them who have the cultivation of great emperors don't want to stay and call themselves kings and ancestors, so they don't go to the fairyland. It's normal to be punished by heaven." A young saint king Said bluntly.

"Brother Li, even though this is the case, you still need to be careful, lest the walls have ears. After all, they have fallen." The first old man who spoke looked at him and said.

It turned out that some great emperors did not enter the fairyland when the fairy gate was opened. One day later, the fairy gate was closed. It seems that the whole universe is thundering and lightning.

Now, the world of Shading the Sky is really the era of no emperor, and those who stayed were all chopped to death by the punishment of heaven.None survived.

So now, it is the turn of those who have cultivated in the Great Sacred Realm to be called kings and ancestors.


After setting up the formation, Tang Mingyao went back to the valley, and found Ye Qingxian and Xiaonannan.

"Brother Tang, what do you think of this place!" Ye Qingxian asked when he saw Tang Mingyao approaching.

"En! Not bad." Tang Mingyao looked around, then nodded in satisfaction.

"Okay! Then this is where we will live in the future." Seeing that Tang Mingyao was satisfied, Ye Qingxian settled down.

"Master!" At this moment, Ye Fan came over, looked at Tang Mingyao and shouted.

"Hmm! Are those people arranged?" Tang Mingyao nodded and replied.

"It's all arranged," Ye Fan said.


"Master! Are there no creatures in this fairyland?" Ye Fan looked at Tang Mingyao and asked with some doubts.

"Yeah!" Tang Mingyao nodded.

"Then those fairies, where did they go?" Seeing the master nodding, Ye Fan was even more puzzled.

"They didn't go anywhere, but there was a big battle in the fairyland. They all fell, so now there are no living creatures in the fairyland." Tang Mingyao replied slowly.

"There was a big battle. All fell...fall? But the aura here is so strong, there should be some animals without immortals, why is there no living beings in the fairyland now?" Ye Fan looked at his master in horror, hoping to see from his face See a trace of illusion.

Ye Fan never imagined that the reason why there are no immortals in Xianyu is because of a great war.

This is different from the fairyland he imagined. He had also guessed in his heart before that the disappearance of the fairy might be destroyed by a more powerful existence.

Unexpectedly, it was just a big battle.

If Tang Mingyao knew the guess in Ye Fan's heart, he would be very surprised, because although Ye Fan's guess was a bit incomplete, it was almost the same.

Tang Mingyao didn't tell Ye Fan everything just now, but the disappearance of the 'Xian' is really a big battle.It's just that this battle is different from the one Ye Fan had in mind.

"The fairyland you see now was actually just a desolate continent a hundred years ago."

"I came to the fairyland more than 100 years ago, and saw that there is no aura in the whole fairyland, and there are only laws."

"I was in the midst of the chaos, and I set up a large array of transforming and gathering spiritual energy, converting the chaotic energy into acquired spiritual energy, and pulling it into the fairyland. After a hundred years of nourishment by the acquired spiritual energy, the fairyland became like this Yes." Seeing that Ye Fan asked, Tang Mingyao didn't hide anything, and told Ye Fan everything.

"Master! Are you saying that this fairyland was still a barren land a hundred years ago? Without any spiritual energy?"

"The reason why Xianyu is like this is because of the formation you set up?"

Ye Fan looked at Tang Mingyao in shock, and asked again.

"Well! But, don't worry, there are quite a few people who came to the Immortal Domain this time. Although it is nothing to the entire Immortal Domain, as time goes by, the Immortal Domain will also give birth to spirits." Tang Mingyao looked at his apprentice, afraid that he would be hit by his own words, so he comforted him.

In the end, Ye Fan bid farewell to Tang Mingyao and walked out, but he felt a little lonely when he left.

Looking at Ye Fan's lonely back, Tang Mingyao also understood a little bit. After all, he began to practice to come to this vast fairyland. Although he came here now, the fairyland is still vast, but the fairyland does not have the fairy existence he expected. It seemed that my goal was suddenly cut off, and there was no meaning at all.

(End of this chapter)

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