From the beginning of the flood to the heavens and the world

Chapter 1121 Go!Beautiful big sister, Shenshu will take you to revenge!

Chapter 1121 Go!Beautiful big sister, Shenshu will take you to revenge!
After listening to Im's story, everyone also speculated, who is this person who has achieved the title of emperor with the way of swordsmanship!

"Do you think he is the founder of Kendo?"

Just when everyone was guessing that this person who has been titled emperor for a long time with swordsmanship, Tang Si suddenly said!

But as soon as Tang Si opened his mouth, Im shook his head and vetoed it!

I saw her continue to say:
"I used to think that he was the founder of Kendo, but after thinking about it, it was impossible, because the time for Kendo to appear is too long! Even if it is the time when the devil fruit or the three-color domineering appeared, it is very important for Kendo. Like a newborn baby!"

"If the person I saw is the founder of Kendo, then he has existed for at least ten thousand years!"

"Forget it, we don't need to guess these things anymore! I tell you this mainly to tell you that there are so many old monsters hidden in this world that haven't been born yet!"

"And do you want to practice here with me, so that if something happens, there will be someone to take care of you!"

In fact, the reason why Im wanted Gundam and others to stay and practice with him was because of his selfishness!
With the strength of this group of people, it is impossible for the world government to be their opponents, unless they make a move themselves, but once they make a move, it will violate the promise they made to Tang Tian at the beginning, and Xiaoshenshu will feel sorry for him in his heart. She has a grudge against herself, which she doesn't want to see!
But if she doesn't take action and allows Gundam and others to commit crimes outside without stopping, then the prestige of the world government will definitely plummet. At that time, let alone maintaining order, I am afraid that there will be more pirates like them. By then The whole sea is bound to be in chaos!
What's more, the group of people like Gundam are all high-strength people, especially this guy, as long as he is given a little time, he will definitely be able to break through the level of the title emperor, even if he is as powerful as himself, the peak title emperor. There is a gap, but they are always on the same level as themselves!
As for Tang Yi, Tang Er, and Lei Li, although they are not as good as Gundam, they still have the qualifications to break through to the titled emperor, but they have not yet come to my side, including myself and myself, there will be six titled emperors. !

If something happened, the six titled emperors would step outside, who would dare to provoke them!
"Yes, yes! Big monster, you can stay and practice with the sacred tree! When the time comes, I will ask Sister Im to take you out to eat a lot of delicious food!"

After hearing Im's words, Little God Tree also hurriedly said!

Hearing the agreement of the little god tree, Im was also overjoyed, and immediately gave her a look of approval!

"This... what do you think?"

Hearing the words of Im and Little God Tree, Gundam couldn't help hesitating a bit, and immediately asked Lei Li beside him, Tang Yi and the others asked!

"Old man, I am clean and alone, and I can practice there, but I just go back and see Xia Qi when I have time!"

Lei Li has lived for decades, and has experienced many things. After thinking about it for a while, he understood what Im was thinking. Dang even spread his hands and said indifferently!

As an old man, he naturally knows that now he doesn't dare to offend Im, not to mention Tang Tian's relationship, the little god tree alone can't pass the test!
"I am also free! Boss Gundam, we all listen to you!"

Tang Yi is also a bachelor, so he directly pushed the problem to Gundam!

Seeing this scene, Gundam was also dumbfounded immediately, but ever since he followed Tang Tian, ​​Gundam has already regarded Tang Yi and the others as his family, as long as the family lives quickly, no matter where they are!
Moreover, if they practice here, at least they can ask Im for advice if they don't understand something, which is better than groping for it by themselves!

"Senior Im, I will teach you a lot from now on! But we have agreed in advance that we will not join any forces, including the world government!"

In the end, Gundam nodded towards Im, and then said solemnly!

"Hehe! No problem, you can practice here with peace of mind, I won't let you join any forces!"

Seeing that Gundam agreed, Im finally heaved a sigh of relief, and then said with a reassuring smile!

As long as they don't go out and make trouble, Im will be content.

As for letting them join the world government, Im knew it was impossible. With their strength, is there any strength that can restrain them!


Seeing that the matter ended like this under Im's few words, Hancock was a little dumbfounded!
The reason why I came here was to avenge my clansmen. If Gundam and others didn't take action, then what's the use of relying on my own strength?

For a while, Hancock didn't know what to do!
"Beautiful big sister, what's the matter with you? Don't you want to practice with the sacred tree?"

The little god tree standing next to Hancock noticed her strangeness, and immediately asked with a puzzled look!

"Hehe! Hancock, is there something wrong with you? Speak up and make the decision for you!"

Although Im looked young, he was an old monster who had lived for an unknown number of years. Judging from Hancock's reaction, he guessed that there might be something hidden in her heart, so he asked with a smile!

"Yeah! If you have something, say it, we will make the decision for you!"

Lei Li, who is old and mature, can naturally see something, and immediately asked in agreement!
Others also stepped forward one after another, threatening to mention Hancock as the master.

Seeing that everyone said that, Hancock didn't hide anything, and directly told what happened!

"What! Those pig heads dare to catch the tribe of the beautiful big sister! Come on, beautiful big sister, Shenshu will take you to teach them a lesson!"

And after listening to what Hancock said, Little God Tree suddenly exclaimed angrily!

As he said that, he took Hancock's hand and walked out. It seemed that he was going to help Hancock teach Tianlongren a lesson!

But after listening to Hancock's words, Gundam and the others looked at Im next to him. They can't be like the little god tree, who can shoot if they want to!
After all, this place is also Im's territory, and the Tianlong people were a group protected by the World Government before. If they directly help Hancock here, it is equivalent to meeting with the World Government, and the World Government hastily, It's like hitting Im in the face!

"Hehe! You don't need to care about me! It is my order to stop the world government and navy from protecting the Tianlong people!"

"However, the ancestors of the Tianlong people have helped me a lot. Although I have blessed them for so many years, and the favors that should be paid have been paid back, but no matter what, their ancestors have helped me. This is indisputable. Therefore, if possible, I hope you will not let the Tianlong people wipe out their clan!"

Seeing that everyone was looking at him, Im didn't know what they were thinking. After pondering for a while, Im looked at everyone and said!

(End of this chapter)

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