Chapter 1150
However, in order to watch the two fight at close range, Xiao Mito was brought to the center of the battlefield by that invisible force!

At this time, Xiao Mito also saw the appearance of the two of them clearly, but the appearance of the two of them was very strange.

Although Xiao Mito is still young, he has a weird personality and a very cute appearance, so he is very likable!
Because of this, she often went to the old village head, and pulled the old village head to tell her about the ninja world and the family!
Therefore, for the people and things in the ninja world, Xiao Mito does not say that he knows everything, but he knows almost all of them!

But regarding the two elders, Xiao Mito had never heard from the old village head!

The two collided again, and the huge force seemed to tear the entire sky apart, and huge cracks opened on the ground. This scene is like the end of the world!
And that woman doesn't seem to be the man's armrest. In this collision, the man didn't move at all, while the woman flew upside down for hundreds of meters, and then she lost the force and stopped!

After the woman flew out, the man didn't continue to chase, but glared at the woman angrily, and kept saying something, but the conversation between the two, Xiao Mito couldn't understand at all. I couldn't hear it, I could only see the two of them moving their mouths!

But at this time, after the man finished speaking, the woman shook her head. Seeing this, the man became even more angry, a cold light flashed in his eyes, and his figure flashed, and he rushed towards the woman again!

Seeing the man rushing over, the man did not hesitate, and went straight to meet him, and the two fought together again!
The two fought from the sky to the ground, and then from the ground to the sea. Everything they passed was destroyed by the aftermath of their battle!

So Xiao Mito is like this, Xiao Mito has been following them, watching the battle between the two, from the shock at the beginning to the numbness and dullness now!
The two fought for an unknown amount of time. Anyway, Xiao Mito watched and fell asleep after feeling bored. Anyway, Xiao Mito was not afraid that he would not be able to keep up with the two of them, because that invisible force would lead her to follow them.

And every time she wakes up, she will find that she is still in the center of the scene, while the surrounding environment is constantly changing!
On this day, Xiao Mito woke up as usual, but this time she found that those two people were not fighting!
And I am actually in a strange place at this moment!

Here is a huge open space, and there are two groups of people confronting each other not far away. These people are all about the same length, with pale skin and gray hair.

It's just that the man has only one eyebrow on his forehead and a "long curved horn" on his head.

The female has no eyebrows and has two dots on her forehead.There are two forward-bending rabbit-ear-shaped hard horns on the head.

The leaders of these two gangs are the ones who fought before, a man and a woman!
And this group of people exudes a powerful aura, even the aura of the strongest village head grandpa that Xiaomito has seen, cannot be compared with them!
"These people seem to belong to the same family? But why has Xiao Mito never heard of this family? And the village chief's grandfather didn't mention it!"

Seeing the two groups of people facing each other densely, Xiao Mito couldn't help thinking in shock!
Logically speaking, this family is so strong, I am afraid that it has been spread throughout the ninja world, but now there is no news about them in the ninja world!
It's just that their eyes are so similar to those of the Uchiha and Hyuga clans!
Regarding the sharingan of the Uchiha clan, and the white eyes of the Hyuga clan, Komito has seen pictures in the family library, so he can recognize the sharingan and white eyes of course!

Just when Xiao Mito was still guessing, why the eyes of this family are so similar to the sharing eyes of the Uchiha family and the supercilious eyes of the Hyuga family!
The two groups of people who were originally facing each other saw the leader of the man wave his hand, and the people behind him immediately rushed towards the other group!

And the group of people headed by a woman, seeing the opposite rushing towards them, their faces were also extremely dignified, but they didn't show any fear on their faces, or they backed away!

And at this time, the woman also waved her hand, and the people behind her greeted the group of people rushing over!
In an instant, the two sides fought together, countless energies continuously flooded the entire world, and countless ninjutsu and sword techniques that Mito had never seen before were constantly bombarding!

Under the influence of so much energy, the entire sky became gloomy, as if it would collapse at any moment!
Every move and style of these people has the power to tear the sky and smash the earth!
Cracks were torn open in the sky, and huge cracks like spider webs were cracked on the ground!

With so many strong men fighting together, if you are not careful, you will fall!

Looking at this devastating battle, the people in the sky continuously waved powerful energy and bombarded each other, and some of the people who were bombarded were directly crushed, and some fell from the sky like fallen leaves. It fell and smashed huge holes on the ground!

At this time, the man and woman who were leading the battle also fought together. The battlefield between the two was within a hundred miles, except for Xiao Mito, who they couldn't see, no one could get close at all!

But this time, the two of them seemed to be fighting for real, and it seemed that they had reached the point where they could not stop dying. The energy fluctuations produced by the two were several times stronger than what Xiao Mito had seen before!
Everything in a radius of a hundred miles was directly destroyed and shattered during the battle between the two, and this battlefield continued to spread outwards!

And some people were a little closer to the place where the two fought, and were directly torn apart ruthlessly by the aftermath of the two battles!

Time passed bit by bit, and the battle lasted for almost a month, and the two sides still didn't stop!
They seem to be red-eyed suddenly, even if the energy in their bodies is exhausted, they will drag each other to self-destruct and die together!
At this time, the number of people on both sides has gone through a month of desperate battles, and there is only a very small part left. Needless to say, the rest of the majority are already dead, injured, and have no ability at all. Keep fighting!
And the man in the lead was panting non-stop at this moment, and his clothes were also stained with blood!

And the woman opposite him was even worse, her body was covered with scars, and blood kept dripping from her body!
At this moment, the aura of the two of them has dropped to the freezing point compared to before, and the energy in their bodies seems to have been exhausted. Now they are fighting all relying on their own willpower to support them!
But the two didn't intend to stop at all, it seemed that they wouldn't stop until they killed each other!
With a radius of hundreds of thousands of miles, countless peaks, mountains, and creatures were all destroyed in this battle, and corpses can be seen everywhere on the ground!
At this time, Xiao Mito is also numb, her eyes are flat without any fluctuations. Regarding this war, Xiao Mito also thought about stopping it, but these people can't hear her voice at all, and can't see her , Therefore, she could only watch helplessly as people continued to die in front of her!
(End of this chapter)

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