Chapter 1168 A new world?

Seeing this, Tang Tian directly forced out a drop of blood essence from his body. The moment this drop of blood essence appeared, everything around him was frozen instantly, even the ever-shrinking void stopped!
"Sure enough, my own blood is truly omnipotent!"

Seeing that everything around him was still, the corners of Tang Tian's mouth could not help but curl up slightly!
Tang Tian's drop of blood is not comparable to the two drops of blood given to Qianshouyun and Uchiha Qiu before!

The two are not at the same level at all. You must know that Tang Tian himself didn't use many drops of blood essence like this, and he doesn't know how long it would take to recover with just one drop!

As for the kind of blood that can enhance the strength of the two, Tang Tian will have as much as he wants!

The surrounding void is no longer shrinking, and the energy storm has also been suppressed. Tang Tian's blood essence, like a drop of water dripping into a calm lake, caused ripples!
Suddenly, dazzling light filled the entire void, followed by a powerful aura erupting from that drop of blood essence, which was full of vastness, eternity, and nobility!

At this time, the drop of blood essence suddenly seemed to be scattered by the shock, turning into small light clusters, scattered in all directions, and spread throughout the entire void!
As the essence and blood scattered in all directions, chains appeared in the entire void. These chains were like laws, each exuding a different aura, covering the entire void in a blink of an eye, but in a blink of an eye, the chains appeared again. Disappeared, leaving only five chains of laws!

The five law chains are metal, wood, water, fire, and earth!

Suddenly, the chain representing the law of earth shattered violently, and a small piece of it turned into a continent. This land was not very big at first, only about a hundred miles away!
Suddenly, those broken chains of the law of earth rushed over this land, and then all sank into this land!
In an instant, with the addition of these chains of the law of earth, this piece of land, which was only about a hundred miles in size, suddenly began to grow larger, and the speed was very fast. A continent of [-] square kilometers!

"Is a drop of my own blood so strong? This is not opening up a small space, this is clearly opening up a new world!"

"What kind of existence is this deity! There is a trace of his breath in my blood essence, so powerful!"

Tang Tian was a little dumbfounded when he looked at the huge continent that could not be seen in front of him!

Originally, Tang Tian just wanted to open up a small space for Qianshouyun and Uchiha Qiubi to try out, and by the way, he could arrange it later!
But unexpectedly, this drop of blood essence of his is so powerful that he actually opened up a complete world, and this world is many times bigger than the current Naruto world!
"It's a pity that although this continent is extremely huge, it is indeed an endless land without any resources, otherwise I can better lay out a shocking situation!"

After recovering, Tang Tian looked at the endless land, but apart from the land, there was nothing, no water, no trees, nothing, he couldn't help sighing in his heart!
And just as Tang Tian sighed, the remaining chains representing the four laws of metal, wood, water, and fire also suddenly shattered, and then scattered on this barbaric land!

And with the addition of these four law fragments, changes began to appear on the continent. The entire continent was instantly shrouded in dark clouds, and the entire continent became gloomy. Thunder flashed in the sky, and there were bursts of roaring sound!
The huge downpour fell from the sky, and it didn't know how long it lasted. Tang Tianming felt that it was only a blink of an eye, but it felt like hundreds or tens of millions of years had passed.

"Time speeds up? Ten thousand years at a glance?"

This thought flashed through Tang Tian's mind!
And at this time, as the heavy rain continued to fall, the entire continent also underwent earth-shaking changes!
Among them, a huge ocean appeared in the middle of the continent, and this ocean occupied a quarter of the entire continent!

Tang Tian also saw that a huge creature like a fish had to jump out of the sea. He didn't even know why, but Tang Tian felt that there were more powerful creatures in the depths of this sea. In the world of Naruto, the tailed beasts that Tang Tian saw were not comparable, even very different!
Huge lakes and small streams also appeared on the entire continent. These lakes spread all over the entire continent, and the small streams criss-crossed and flowed towards the sea!

With this sea as the center, there are mountains and forests in all directions.

In these mountains and forests, there are countless ores, as well as spiritual roots and spiritual grasses!
As for other resources, there are countless!
"Have I really opened up a new world?"

Tang Tian watched the changes in this continent in a daze, unable to recover for a long time!


I don't know how long it took, Tang Tian finally came back to his senses, he let out a breath, then scratched his head and muttered:

"I just want to open up a small space for Qianshouyun and Uchiha Qiu to try it out, but you have created a world for me now. If you let the two of them enter here to compete, then the news I spread before Wouldn't it be self-defeating?"

"Do you want to reopen a space?"

This thought flashed through Tang Tian's mind, but he quickly rejected it!


Just when Tang Tian didn't know what to do, a piece of information from the void suddenly came into his mind. After carefully checking this piece of information, Tang Tian couldn't help showing a happy look on his face!
"I didn't expect that I could control everything in this new world! Also, although this new world was not created by me or myself, it was transformed by my blood after all, so isn't it normal that I can control it?"

It turned out that the message just now was transmitted to Tang Tian by the chains of laws that disappeared just now!
Although these chains of laws have separated from Tang Tian and become the new laws of this world, they are still transformed by Tang Tian's essence and blood, so they still belong to Tang Tian fundamentally, and naturally they must be managed by Tang Tian!

Of course, Tang Tian can only use these laws in this world, and once he leaves, he will return to normal!
"This new world can be used by oneself at will, so it will be much easier!"

"I made it myself to isolate a small area and use it as a test site for Senshouyun and Uchiha Akira, so that they won't be afraid of discovering this new world!"

Thinking of this, a smile appeared on Tang Tian's face again!

After finishing speaking, Tang Tian stretched out his hand and drew a circle below, and then drank:

The circle Tang Tian drew may seem small, but it is an open space of hundreds of kilometers on the ground. With Tang Tian's drink, everything around him will disappear after leaving the area he drew. !

"Well! This should be no problem!"

After finishing all this, Tang Tian nodded his head, then turned around and disappeared into this new world!
(End of this chapter)

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