From the beginning of the flood to the heavens and the world

Chapter 1230 The blood-boiling whirlpool Mito!

Chapter 1230 The blood-boiling whirlpool Mito!
However, Mito, who fell into the vortex of the downwind, was not discouraged at all, but was full of amazing fighting spirit!
At this moment of whirlpool, Mito only felt that his blood boiled for a while, and the exercises in his body started to work, and it was more than a hundred times faster than usual!
"It seems that the skills I cultivate can only be improved quickly in battle!"

Feeling the fast-moving exercises in his body, Uzumaki Mito couldn't help but secretly thought!

Thinking of this, the light in Uzumaki Mito's eyes exploded again, he took a sharp drink, and rushed towards Sage of the Six Paths again!


In an instant, the two collided again, every punch and every kick scattered the surrounding air!
Both of them are using physical techniques to fight, it's not that they don't know ninjutsu or other energy attacks, but they can't!

Because once the two of them use ninjutsu or other energy moves, the surroundings will definitely be destroyed by the two of them. At that time, the moon may also be blown up by the two of them!
Both of them have their own worries in their hearts!
Although Uzumaki Mito is in the realm of the six realms and can survive in the universe for a period of time, but Heijue and Otsutsuki Tonero have not yet reached the realm of the six realms. If the moon is broken and they don't return to the ninja world in time, then the two of them will definitely die Lose!
And the Immortal of the Six Paths also has concerns in his heart. He is worried that once the moon is broken, his mother will definitely be able to break the seal at that time. That is, it is impossible to seal his mother again. You know, now he And Otsutsuki Hamura is just a soul form!
Back then, the two of them burned all their vitality in order to seal their mother, and finally succeeded!
And at this moment, in a space full of darkness, a gorgeous figure is constantly bombarding the sky crazily!

This figure has pale skin and long blue-white hair (the length of the hair exceeds the whole body), no eyebrows, a delicate and beautiful face, two horns on the head, and long nails.Wearing white clothes with black hook jade patterns, the eyes are white eyes, and there is a reincarnation writing eye on the forehead.

This person is none other than Otsutsuki Kaguya!
Otsuki Kaguya can also feel the situation outside, including the Sage of the Six Paths and Uzumaki Mito who are fighting, and Otsutsuki Yumura who is constantly recovering and strengthening the seal. I can clearly perceive it!

Although I don't know, where did Hei Jue find such a strong man in the realm of the six realms, even if he fought against his eldest son, he was still at a disadvantage!
But Otsutsuki Kaguya knew that if he didn't break the seal, then the strange Six Realm expert outside would lose, or Hamura would be free, then he might really be trapped here forever!

Hei Jue is her last trump card. Once that person loses, her two sons will definitely eliminate Hei Jue. Even if Hei Jue is never killed, they will be sealed up just like herself!
Therefore, no matter what, I must break the seal before this battle is over!

As Otsutsuki Kaguya continuously bombarded the seal, some tiny cracks appeared on the seal, but these cracks are being slowly repaired by a force!

Kaguya knew that this power was her second son, Otsutsuki Hamura!
However, how can the speed of seal cultivation be compared to the speed of Kaguya Ji's destruction? As Kaguya Ji's powerful force strikes again and again, the cracks will also become bigger!
And Otsutsuki Yumura outside the seal, naturally also noticed it, but now his brother is being held back and cannot be separated, so even if he is in a hurry, Yumura can only desperately increase the energy he already has, and constantly repair it. The seal that Kaguya Hime broke!
Outside the battlefield, the third elder of the Datongmu clan and others had arrived at this time, but they did not show up, but hid their figures and watched from the dark!

"Master Elder, that person of yours seems to belong to our Datongmu clan!"

When the middle-aged man saw the Sages of the Six Paths fighting, he couldn't help showing a hint of surprise on his face, and said!

"Well! He is indeed a member of our Datongmu clan, and judging by the blood contained in him, he is still a member of the clan!"

The third elder stared, then nodded and said!

"From the clan? That's impossible. There is no such person in the clan! You know, every clan member is recorded, and even if this person is in the clan, his strength is ranked first. , but I have never seen or heard of such a person!"

Hearing this, not only the middle-aged man, but even the young man said in shock!

"It seems that this person may be related to that girl Hui Ye!"

The third elder still looked at the Sage of the Six Paths and Uzumaki Mito who were fighting, and said!

"Master Elder, do you want me to bring him here now?"

asked the young man!

At this moment, when the young men and middle-aged men saw the eyes of the Sage of the Six Paths, they were not as cold as they were at first, but became softer!
After all, the other party is the same as himself, a member of the clan. The reason why the Datongmu clan can rank among the top races in the universe is because they are united enough!
Of course, the most important thing is strength, because Ma Sang is united, and if there is not enough strength to support it, it will be in vain!

"No! We'll go there after they finish fighting!"

Hearing the young man's words, the third elder shook his head and said!

"it is good!"

The two nodded to express their understanding!
Then the three of them watched the battle secretly!

At this time, the battle between Sage of the Six Paths and Uzumaki Mito is coming to an end!
At this moment, Uzumaki Mito had obviously been seriously injured. She was kneeling on one knee, with one hand supporting the ground, blood was continuously flowing from her forehead and arm, and a bowl appeared on her chest. The size of the wound!

If such a wound was placed on Kage-level or Chaoying, he would have died long ago, but for Uzumaki Mito in the six realms, it is not an eye injury!

Because after reaching the realm of the six realms, not only the strength has undergone earth-shaking changes, but even the recovery ability has also increased geometrically. As long as you cultivate for a while, such wounds will heal quickly!

And Immortal of the Six Paths is not much better than Uzumaki Mito at this moment. Although there are no scars on his body, and his clothes are not messy at all, his body has become unreal, as if it will disappear at any time!
The Sage of the Six Paths knew that he couldn't last long!

Because once a person dies, he will turn into a soul form, and then go to the underworld, otherwise the soul will slowly dissipate after staying in this world for a long time!

Of course, there is another way, that is to find a space with the power of the soul like the Sage of the Six Paths, so that the power of the soul will not dissipate!
But once you leave that space and come to the present world, the power of your soul will continue to dissipate, and this is the case with the Immortals of the Six Paths now!

(End of this chapter)

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