Chapter 1234 Hui Ye finally appears!
"Forget it, you can call it whatever you want! By the way, you haven't answered me yet. Are you from the Otsutsuki clan?"

Tang Tian shrugged helplessly, then asked again!
Although he had heard the conversation between the three just now, Tang Tian still wanted to confirm it!
"Senior, we are indeed from the Datongmu clan!"

The third elder replied respectfully!

Sure enough, Tang Tian couldn't help showing joy when he heard the third elder admitting his mistake!
And just when Tang Tian wanted to continue talking, he was suddenly interrupted by an angry voice!


Dang even stopped, and then followed the prestige!

And the third elder and others, like Tang Tian, ​​turned around and looked in the direction of the voice!
In the bottomless pit, a white and slender figure slowly floated out of the pit!

I saw this slender figure with pale skin and long blue-white hair (the length of the hair exceeded the whole body), no eyebrows, and a delicate and beautiful face. There were two horns on the head and long nails.Wearing white clothes with black hook jade patterns, the eyes are white eyes, and there is a reincarnation writing eye on the forehead.

Who else could this person be besides Otsutsuki Kaguya!
Otsuki Kaguya was floating in mid-air, looking at Six Paths Sage and Otsutsuki Yumura, full of anger, disappointment, and complexity!
"Mother mother!"

And after seeing Otsuki Kaguya coming out, Hei Jue not far away suddenly exclaimed with excitement!

After hearing Heijue's exclamation, Otsutsuki Kaguya turned his eyes away from the two Sages of the Six Paths brothers and turned to Heijue!
And when Otsutsuki Kaguya looked at Heijue, there was no anger or disappointment in his eyes, but full of tenderness and relief!
"Good job!"

Otsuki Kaguya gave a thumbs up to Asakusa, and then praised!

"Should be!"

Hearing Hui Ye's praise, Hei Jue's face was filled with excitement, but he still replied modestly!

And after complimenting Hei Jue, Kaguya looked at Uzumaki Mito next to him, his eyes full of curiosity!
Facing Otsuki Kaguya's gaze, Uzumaki Mito did not flinch in the slightest, but followed Otsuki Kaguya's eyes with a fighting spirit!

Seeing this, Otsutsuki Kaguya didn't show any anger on his face, but smiled, and then said:

"Your name is Uzumaki Mito!"

When Otsutsuki Kaguya was still sealed, she noticed the existence of Uzumaki Mito. She knew that if it wasn't for this little girl, she might still be sealed. How could she break the seal so quickly!

Therefore, Otsutsuki Kaguya was not angry at Uzumaki Mito's offense, but was full of gratitude!

"Not bad!"

Uzumaki Mito nodded, and then replied!
"Hehe! I know that the skills you cultivate require fighting to quickly improve your strength, and you saved me to play and challenge me, but you can't wait for you to fight now, because I have to deal with some things, you can wait for me to finish something?"

Otsuki Kaguya looked at Uzumaki Mito with a gentle face, and then asked with a smile!

Although Otsutsuki Kaguya was sealed, it doesn't mean she doesn't know anything!
She knew that the little girl in front of her was also her descendant. Just like herself, she had the blood of the Otsutsuki clan in her body, but her blood was not as pure as her own!

But even so, Otsutsuki Kaguya was still very happy in her heart, because she never thought that among her descendants, there would be such a genius who possessed such powerful strength at a young age, and might even surpass herself in the future !
"Uh...Okay! Then you'll be busy first, and then play a game with me when you're done!"

Hearing Otsutsuki Kaguya's gentle tone, Uzumaki Mito couldn't help being taken aback, then nodded and said!

"Thank you!"

Seeing Uzumaki Mito nodding in agreement, Kaguya Otsutsuki thanked him with a gentle opinion as before!

After finishing speaking, he took his eyes back from Uzumaki Mito, and then looked back at the two brothers, Sage of the Six Paths and Otsutsuki Hamura!
"'re welcome!"

And seeing Otsutsuki Kaguya thanking him, and the other party looking at him with eyes similar to those of his mother, Uzumaki Mito didn't know why, suddenly felt a little embarrassed in his heart, and replied in a low voice!

But the voice was so low that no one could hear it except her!

"I never thought that I, Kaguya, would give birth to the sons of you two white-eyed wolves!"

Datsuki Kaguya stared at the two Sages of the Six Paths, knowing that the two Sages of the Six Paths brothers had lowered their heads, so he said slowly!

The tone is full of disappointment, decline!
Although the two felt guilty for sealing their mother, they still didn't feel that they had done something wrong!
I and others sealed my mother at the beginning to save the world, because at that time my mother was preparing to take back all the chakras of the whole world, so the two had no choice but to seal my mother!

Therefore, upon hearing Otsutsuki Kaguya's words, the two Sages of the Six Paths first saluted her respectfully, and then said:

"Mother, we don't feel that we have done anything wrong. If it weren't for Mother, you wanted to take back the Chakra of the whole world, we wouldn't have sealed you!"

"Hehe! Yuyi didn't expect that after so many years, your desire to control is still so strong! And you have stayed with that toad for so long, you are so stupid! When did I say that I want to take back the Chakra of the whole world?"

"Also, even if I want to take back the chakras of the whole world, that's what I should do, because these chakras were originally distributed by me, so what's wrong with me taking back my own things?"

"What's more, I don't think you sealed me to save the world, did you? You were afraid that I would become stronger with chakra, beyond your control, so you found such a high-sounding reason to seal me!"

Hearing that the Sage of the Six Paths still wanted to defend himself at this time, Kaguya Otsuki's eyes were even more disappointed, he couldn't help but sneered immediately, then stared at his eldest son and said!

"Mother, I think you have misunderstood me!"

"Misunderstanding? Hehe, before I was sealed, I knew that you had a strong desire to control. You thought you used my power to control the surrounding countries secretly. I didn't know? I just didn't want to say it, so I pretended do not know anything!"

"And later, after you sealed me, you didn't hide anymore, you directly founded Ninja School, spread the method of Chakra cultivation to the whole world, in an attempt to control the whole world!"

"And, after you died, you still didn't go to the underworld, you tried your best to stay in the ninja world, and even intervened in the affairs of the ninja world! Are you saying that what I said is wrong?"

Seeing that at this time, Sage of the Six Paths still wanted to argue, Otsutsuki Kaguya immediately interrupted with a wave of his hand, and then said!

After finishing speaking, he fixed his eyes on the Immortal of the Six Paths!

(End of this chapter)

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