Chapter 1268 The Battle Continues (5)

Uzumaki Mito and Qianshouyun punched each other, and in an instant, two terrifying forces erupted in an instant, shattering the air, tearing the space, and the earth was directly shattered, and a large section fell, if there was no I am afraid that the aftermath of the enchantment set up by Jinze and Akai has already destroyed everything within a hundred miles!

As for Qianshouyun, he was also shocked by the power of Uzumaki Mito!

If Uzumaki Mito had been stronger just now, he wouldn't be able to stop it!
"A woman is suppressing her strength to the same level as herself, and her strength is not inferior to her own, or even stronger!"

Qian Shouyun can't remember how many years he hasn't been so passionate. Ever since he met that senior, his cultivation base has been improving rapidly. No matter who it is, he can basically only be crushed by himself. Of course, Uchiha Except for autumn!

But now he actually met him, the other party was much younger than him, strength and speed were on the same level, stronger than him, even the other party was a woman!

Qian Shouyun only felt that his blood was boiling, and he couldn't help laughing out of excitement!
"You also punch me!"

I saw Qian Shouyun raised his hand high and clenched it into a fist, and the golden light spread to his entire arm!
Like a meteor, it slammed down towards Uzumaki Mito fiercely!


The blown wind pressure crushed down towards the whirlpool Mito, and the violent and incomparable airflow spread wildly!

Seeing the excited Qianshouyun, Uzumaki Mito's face couldn't help flashing a look of surprise, but it was followed by joy, isn't this exactly what she wanted?
I saw a terrifying bombardment sound!
Qianshouyun's fist suddenly hit the ground, and Uzumaki Mito, who had punched Qianshouyun, suddenly disappeared!



The gust of wind suddenly blew up and rolled around in an instant!
And the land on the ground, which was bounded by Kanazawa and Akai, was instantly split into two halves under Qian Shouyun's punch!
"Huh? They were actually dodged? Such a short distance!"
Seeing that his punch didn't hit Uzumaki Mito, but hit the ground, Qian Shouyun couldn't help but a flash of surprise in his eyes!
When the Uzumaki Mito, who escaped, appeared again, he had already come behind Garp, and then punched Garp!
The terrifying energy instantly entangled Uzumaki Mito's arm, and even the air was blown away!

"Immortal Technique·Vajra Bodyguard!"

Sensing the strangeness behind him, Qian Shouyun knew that he couldn't avoid it, so he didn't even think about it, so he directly used the defensive move Vajra Bodyguard in Immortal Art, and at the same time circulated the natural energy in his body to defend !

Qian Shouyun felt a heavy blow on his back, a trace of blood appeared in his eyes, and a mouthful of blood spewed out from his mouth again!

This force spread to his whole body within a tenth of a second!

The air was compressed to the extreme, and there was a deafening explosion!
Immediately afterwards, under this powerful force, Qian Shouyun was sent flying straight away!
After knocking Senshouyun away, Uzumaki Mito shouted at Kanazawa and Akai:
"Brothers Kanazawa and Akai, can you make the barrier bigger? This barrier is a bit small, so I can't let go!"

Qianshouyun frowned tightly as he flew out into mid-air. It seems that even though he had used the Vajra Bodyguard and natural energy, this blow from Uzumaki Mito still made Qianshouyun feel unprecedented pain , but the Qianshou clan is already extremely powerful physically, not to mention Qianshouyun who has absorbed Tang Tian's blood!

His physical body is larger and more perfect than any of the Thousand Hands clansman, and he also cultivated the immortal mode, which made his physical defense and recovery ability even more perverted!
"Bang bang bang bang..."

Qianshouyun hit the ground, bounced several times, and directly smashed several potholes in the ground, and flew several hundred meters before Qianshouyun slowed down a little!
I saw Qian Shouyun turned over and planted his feet on the ground, but the huge force still pushed him back more than ten meters away, leaving two long scratches on the ground!
And just now, after hearing Uzumaki Mito's shout, Kanazawa and Akai looked at each other, then nodded, and saw that their hands quickly formed seals, leaving behind afterimages!

"Back off!"

At the same time, the two shouted at the crowd who were watching the battle!
Hearing this, the people who were watching the battle naturally knew what the two of them were going to do, because they also heard Uzumaki Mito's shout just now, so they all backed away!
As everyone retreated, the barrier began to expand little by little, and finally changed from a barrier of a few hundred meters in size to a size of several kilometers!
Expanding the barrier is nothing to Kanazawa and Akai who have the realm of the six realms. Not to mention the barrier that is several kilometers in size, even if it is increased by ten times, the two of them can make it out!

As for the sudden expansion of the barrier, Qian Shouyun didn't pay attention at all, he wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and then looked excitedly at the whirlpool Mito not far away!

Just now, he actually felt a slight fluctuation in his long-quiet cultivation base, even if it was only a slight fluctuation, Qian Shouyun saw hope, which was the hope of breaking through the realm of the six realms!

Once he breaks through, then he can be in the same realm as the legendary Immortal of the Six Paths, even if his strength may not be as good as the opponent, but that is not comparable to his current pseudo-Six Paths realm!
Thinking of this, Qian Shouyun didn't hesitate any more, he saw his foot forcefully, and saw the ground with a radius of tens of meters under his feet burst open, and his body rushed forward violently!

Only afterimages were left behind. Under Garp's extreme speed, the ground rolled up dust and smoke more than ten meters high. The speed was so fast that people outside the venue could only see blurred figures flashing by!

The figure of the thousand-armed cloud flying straight towards Uzumaki Mito!

Suddenly, his sharp eyes flickered slightly!
Because he found that Uzumaki Mito, who was standing still, also rushed towards him!

I saw the ground around Whirlpool Mito explode suddenly, one after another spread out like spider webs, the figure rushed straight forward, the speed was not inferior to Qian Shouyun at all, Even surpassed Qianshouyun!
Like a cannonball, the figure directly slammed into Qian Shouyun fiercely!

Two afterimages!

Suddenly, they bumped into each other hard!
In an instant, the roar sounded!

"Bang bang bang!"

The gas explosion sound of the connection explosion sounded belatedly!
Two extremely fast afterimages collided violently!

Every time it appears, it disappears again before it can be seen clearly!

And on the ground they stepped on, dense cracks like spider webs appeared!

The air waves formed by the collision of huge forces directly destroyed the ground with a radius of several hundred meters!
Huge rocks exploded and flew out, hitting the ground fiercely, making big pits one after another!

(End of this chapter)

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