Chapter 1311 A Great Chance?
However, Tang Tian gave each of Senshouyun, Uchiha Akira, and Otsutsuki Kaguya a spiritual fruit, expressing that the three of them have helped themselves to block those visiting people for the past three days!

The Six Dao brothers and Hei Jue on the side were greedy, but they didn't ask Tang Tian for the spiritual fruit. The former was because both of them were soul bodies, and even if Tang Tian gave them the spiritual fruit, they couldn't absorb it!
Thinking of this, the eyes of the two couldn't help but dimmed a little!

The latter is also because of insufficient strength, and he can't absorb the spirit fruit even if he is given it!

"Here! These two are for you!"

Seeing this, Tang Tian took out two more spiritual fruits, handed them to the Liudao brothers, and said!

Hearing that they have a share, the Liudao brothers felt grateful for a while, but thinking that the two of them are just soul bodies and cannot absorb the energy in the spirit fruit at all, they are ready to refuse!
But before the two could open their mouths, they noticed the two spiritual fruits that Tang Tian handed over, and their hearts were shocked, because the two spiritual fruits that Tang Tian handed to them were the same as those given to his mother and Qianshouyun. Their souls are different!
The spiritual fruit given to Mother and Qianshouyun contained a huge amount of energy, but the two spiritual fruits given to them did not have any energy, but contained the soul power they both needed!

"This...this is?"

Feeling the soul power contained in these two spiritual fruits, the two were immediately excited!

"These two are the fruits of the soul. The energy contained in them is enough to make your soul body completely physical. At that time, you can also absorb the energy from the heaven and the earth to replenish yourself, and you will no longer consume the power of your soul and cannot recover. !"

Seeing the shocked faces of the two, Tang Tian couldn't help explaining with a smile!
"Thank you, Senior Tang!"

The two took the fruit of the soul, and thanked Tang Tian gratefully!

"No need! And just two soul fruits are nothing to me!"

Tang Tian waved his hand, and then replied!
Indeed, to Tang Tian, ​​these few spirit fruits are just a drop in the bucket. In Tang Tian's space, they are thousands of times better than these kinds of spirit fruits, and there are many more!

"As for Heijue!"

After finishing speaking, Tang Tian looked at Hei Jue, thought for a while and then said:
"Hei Jue, your current strength is only at the super shadow level, which is a bit weak. How about this, when you break through to the pseudo-six realms, I will need you a spiritual fruit that can directly break through the six realms, and then you can also save Let's break through the bottleneck of the six realms!"

"Ah! Do I have a share? But I haven't done anything!"

Hearing Tang Tian's words, Hei Jue couldn't react for a while, and immediately looked at Tang Tian with a confused face!

"Ah what! Don't hurry up and thank Senior Tang!"

Datongmu Yuyi, who was next to Heijue, was speechless when he saw this, and even pushed him, and then said!

For Hei Jue who has not yet reached the realm of the six realms, he may not understand what the bottleneck of breaking through the realm of the false six realms to the realm of the six realms represents!
Although Otsutsuki Yuyi is only the body of the soul at this time, he was also an existence in the realm of the six realms, so he naturally knows how difficult it is to break through the bottleneck of the realm of the six realms!
Thinking back to when he was trapped in the realm of the six realms for decades, he had to go through many difficulties, how many times of life and death, and finally broke through the bottleneck of the realm of the six realms!
And this guy Heijue actually got the promise from Senior Tang, after he was in the pseudo-six realms, he would give him a spiritual fruit to help him break through this bottleneck. He was so stupid that he didn't know how to thank him. can not watch anymore!

"Thank you...thank you, Senior Tang!"

Hei Jue with a confused face, after hearing Otsutsuki Yuyi's words, immediately reacted, so he hurriedly thanked him!

"Haha! What happened, why is it all Senior Tang!"

At this time, a laugh came in from outside!

Everyone followed the prestige, and saw the third elder striding in from the outside with a smile on his face!

"Hagoromo, Yumura, Heijue has met his great-grandfather!"

"Qian Shouyun and Uchiha Qiu met the three elders!"

After seeing that the person who came was the third elder, Hui Ye and the others quickly stood up, then went up to greet them, and saluted respectfully!
Only Tang Tian sat firmly in place!

"What? Did something happen? See how happy you all are!"

Looking at the happy crowd, the third elder suddenly asked suspiciously!

"Hehe! Grandpa doesn't know, my strength is about to return to its prime!"

Otsutsuki Kaguya said happily!


The third elder looked at Kaguya Otsutsuki with a look of surprise!
The Third Elder also knew that his granddaughter was not in its prime, but now that she was about to recover, how could the Third Elder not be surprised?
With a puzzled look on his grandfather's face, Otsutsuki Kaguya immediately gave Tang Tian the spiritual fruit to thank them for helping them stop those who came to visit in the past three days!
"Spiritual fruit?"

After listening to Otsutsuki Kaguya's explanation, the third elder immediately understood!
But the third elder seemed to have thought of something suddenly, and saw that he rubbed his hands by mistake, looked at Tang Tian flatteringly, and said:
"Senior Tang, look at the old man, I have blocked many people who came to visit for you these few days, and the old man has stayed in this realm for so many years, do you have any spiritual fruit that can help me break through!"


Hearing this, Tang Tian looked the Third Elder up and down, and was speechless for a while, then even shook his head and replied:
"There is no spirit fruit suitable for you!"

Not to mention the spirit fruit that helps the third elder break through the realm, even if it is the spirit fruit that helps the third elder break through several realms, even a few large realms, Tang Tian has it, but such a powerful spirit fruit, how could Tang Tian Take it out!
What's more, if anyone wants to take out the spiritual fruit, then when the time comes to spread the word, I'm afraid I will have no peace!
"Hey~! It seems that being strong is also a fault!"

What the third elder said before was just a joke, so when seeing Tang Tian shaking his head, although the third elder was a little disappointed, he was quickly forgotten by him, and then sighed with pride!
Suddenly, Tang Tian remembered something, he looked at the third elder, and asked:

"You want a spirit fruit?"

"Huh? Why, is Senior Tang also going to give me a spiritual fruit? But Senior Tang, didn't you just say that there is no spiritual fruit suitable for me?"

The third elder asked with some doubts!

"You don't need to worry about these. Just tell me, do you want a spiritual fruit that can enhance your strength?"

Hearing this, a trace of embarrassment flashed across Tang Tian's face, but who is Tang Tian, ​​his face has long been trained to be invulnerable, and he quickly restrained himself, only to see him wave his hand, and then asked again!
"Think about it! Who doesn't want a spiritual fruit that can increase strength!"

The third elder replied directly without even thinking about it!
"Haha! Think about it, just think about it! As long as you help me... no, as long as your Otsutsuki clan helps me find something, I will not only give you the spiritual fruit to enhance your strength, but also give you a great opportunity for the Otsutsuki clan ,what do you think?"

Hearing the answer that I miss you so much, Tang Tian burst out laughing, and then said to the third elder with a serious face!
(End of this chapter)

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