From the beginning of the flood to the heavens and the world

Chapter 1314 Curse?The secret of the Otsutsuki clan!

Chapter 1314 Curse?The Secret of the Otsutsuki Clan!

"I don't want anyone else to know about this besides the few of us present!"

Datong Mu Xinren took a deep breath, then stared at the elders present with a serious face and said!
After listening to the patriarch's words, all the elders present looked at the third elder in surprise, wondering what the third elder was looking for the patriarch this time, so that the patriarch would say such an important thing!
But seeing the serious face of the patriarch, all the elders present also knew that the matter might be very serious, and immediately knew that the matter might be very serious, so they all nodded immediately, expressing that they would not speak out!
"Because of a key, a golden key!"

Otsuki Nobuhito said!

Hearing this, all the elders present were stunned for a moment. Did they hear it wrong? The reason why their Datongmu clan became a big family in the universe from a small indigenous planet family was because of a key?
If this is said, no one will believe it!

And after the third elder heard it, his whole body trembled violently, and he stared at Otsuki Nobuhito with an incredulous expression on his face!

"You heard me right, it's a key!"

Seeing everyone's suspicious faces, Otsutsuki Nobuhito nodded affirmatively, and then continued:
"That is a key that contains powerful energy. It can give people a powerful body and incredible pupil skills!"

"The first ancestor of our Otsutsuki clan who got it was endowed with a powerful body and the two pupil skills of Sharingan and Baiyan!"

"Later, through continuous efforts, the ancestors finally evolved Sharingan and Baiyan into the best Gouyu Sharingan!"

After listening to Otsutsuki Nobuhito's words, the elders immediately became excited. They did not expect that their Otsutsuki clan would have such a powerful treasure!

"Patriarch, my Datongmu clan can have such a powerful treasure, why not be happy!"

The Great Elder trembled with excitement, and then exclaimed!
"The Great Elder is right! As long as we make good use of this treasure, our Datongmu clan will definitely be able to rise to a higher level! At that time, it is not impossible to become the strongest force in the universe!"

The other elders nodded in agreement, and said!
"Ha ha!"

Seeing the excited elders, Nobuhito Otsutsuki showed a wry smile on his face, and he said:

"If it was that simple, I wouldn't have summoned you this time!"

"Huh? Patriarch, is there any problem with this?"

Seeing this, the third elder looked at Otsutsuki Nobuhito suspiciously, and asked!

"That key seems to have a consciousness suddenly. Our Otsutsuki clan is endowed with a powerful body and pupil skills by it, but it is also accompanied by a curse!"

Otsuki Nobuhito said helplessly!


The elders looked puzzled!
"Hmm! It's a curse! The first ancestor who got it back then was endowed with a powerful body and pupil skills because of a contract that ancestor made with it!"


All the elders looked at each other!
"Well! It's a contract. This contract is that every 10 years, my Otsutsuki clan must donate enough blood and energy for him to devour!"

"What? Swallow Qi and blood energy?"

Hearing this, the elders suddenly exclaimed!

Not to mention the powerhouses at their level, I am afraid that a person who is just practicing knows what Qi and blood energy is!
Everyone has qi and blood energy in their body, but it's just how much or how little, the stronger the person, the more qi and blood energy in the body, on the contrary, the weaker the person, the less qi and blood energy in the body!
And if you want to devour breath energy, it means devouring this person, which is not allowed in the universe. If you are discovered, you will face the encirclement and suppression of the entire universe!
"Patriarch, how much blood energy does it consume at a time?"

At their level, they can actually separate some energy from their own body, as long as it is not too much, no one of them will allocate some for that 'it' to absorb, so that it will not affect them much, and it can be solved perfectly. , so the elders asked!

"Many, so many that you can't even imagine!"

Hearing the elders' question, Otsutsuki Nobuhito didn't know what they meant, but if the matter was so simple, he wouldn't be in such a difficult situation now, and immediately said with a wry smile!

"It's not enough to gather the blood and energy of most of our family members! Moreover, 'it' only needs to contain the blood and energy of sharingan and white-eyed people!"

Hearing this, all the elders were frightened and dared not speak!
A large part of the clan's blood energy is not enough for 'it' to absorb at once, so how much blood energy is needed!
You must know that the number of people in their clan is more than a million, and most of them are more than 70 to 80, and this is not enough. Doesn't it mean that "it" has to absorb at least [-] clan members at a time, Doesn't that mean they want to exterminate their Datongmu clan?
"Every 10 years, more than 80 members of the clan are absorbed. This... this...."

"Devil, this is simply a devil!"

"Patriarch, is there no way to restrain 'it'?"

"Yes, yes, patriarch, you must have some way to restrain 'it', right?"

After the elders listened, some were angry, some were sad, and some looked expectantly at Nobuhito Otsutsuki, hoping to hear from him the way to restrain 'it'!

But Otsutsuki Nobuhito shook his head, and then replied:

"No! Since the first ancestor who was empowered by 'it', our Otsutsuki family began to study how to restrain 'it', but until now, there is still no way."

"Moreover, when we bestowed upon the first ancestor who obtained 'it', 'it' had already been tampered with in our blood, so that we could not attack 'it' at all, and even 'it' could control us !"

"That's why after so many years, even if we couldn't take action against 'it', we didn't ask others for help!"

After listening to Otsutsuki Nobuhito's explanation, all the elders present fell silent!
At this moment, the elders can imagine that their ancestors are so helpless, because at this moment their hearts are also full of helplessness!
You can't win the fight, and you can't limit it, so you can only watch your clansmen, relatives, and friends die. You can imagine the feeling!

"Patriarch, how long is it before 10 years?"

After being silent for a while, the Second Elder suddenly asked!
"Half a year, to be precise, there are still 150 six days!"

Otsuki Nobuhito replied!
"Half a year? In other words, there is still half a year to go, and a large part of our Datongmu clan will be killed by..."

Hearing this, all the elders were stunned for a moment, and then said bitterly, but they couldn't say anything at the end!
Because everyone knows what will happen to most of the tribe in half a year, including them too!
(End of this chapter)

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