Chapter 1320 Contract
But they said that Matsumoto and Mujian were teaching to catch fish in the creek, and seeing that they were going down the mountain too early, the two little guys planned to go back!

But when they got ashore and were about to go back, they suddenly saw a dazzling light coming from the creek. After some discussion, the two little guys walked towards the shining creek with curiosity. go!

When the two little guys came to the place where the light was emitting, they reached out and found that the thing emitting light was actually a golden key!
After looking back and forth for a period of time, the two little guys found that there was nothing special about this golden key other than the radiance, and they couldn't help feeling disappointed!
At first, the two little guys thought they had discovered some treasure, but they didn't expect it to be just a key that radiated light!
But after a while, Mu Jian proposed again:
"Matsumoto, why don't we take it back and show it to the elder, maybe this thing is a treasure, but we can't see it!"

Hearing this, Matsumoto thought about it and felt the same, so he nodded and replied:


But just after Matsumoto nodded in agreement, suddenly a voice came from the minds of the two little guys!
"Do you want to become stronger!"

"Who? Who's talking? We've seen you, come out!"

Hearing the sudden appearance of the sound, the two little guys were startled immediately, and they couldn't help but look around, but after looking around for a while, they didn't find anyone, and immediately ran to the shore in shock !
"Don't look for it, I'm in your hands!"

Just as the two little guys kept looking for the power of the sound, the trouble sound sounded again!

"In my hand?"

Hearing this, the two little guys looked at their hands, and found that there was nothing else in their hands except the golden key!
"Mu Jian, did you hear that voice just now?"

"Hmm! I heard!"

"It says it's in our hands! But besides this weird key that glows in our hands, there's just... Wait, the sound just now couldn't have been made by this key, right?"

Suddenly, the two little guys stared wide-eyed, looking at the golden key in their hands, and then exclaimed!
"That's right! The voice you two heard just now was made by me!"

"It's really your voice? But how can a key talk?"

After confirming that the sound came from this key, the two little guys were not so scared anymore, but they were seduced by the good days!

"Don't worry about this, and there is no rule that the key cannot speak!"


Unexpectedly, after hearing the words of the golden key, the two little guys didn't feel that something was wrong, but nodded in agreement, because there is indeed no such rule, the key cannot speak!
"Okay! I'm asking you again. Do you two want to be strong?"

The voice in the key asked again!

"Get stronger? Is it as strong as the elders in the village?"

The two little guys asked curiously!

After all, in the cognition of the two little guys, the elder is the strongest existence in their village, and he can easily go into the mountain to hunt and kill ferocious beasts by himself.

So, when the two little guys heard the golden key asking them if they wanted to become stronger, they thought they would become as powerful as the elders!
"Hehe! Thousands of times stronger than the elders you speak of!"

Hearing the inquiry of the two little guys, the voice smiled, and then replied, the tone was full of disdain, but the two little guys couldn't hear it!

"Thousands of times stronger than the elder? Just how much is this tens of millions of times? Do you know Matsumoto?"

"do not know!"

Matsumoto shook his head blankly!

"Okay, all you need to know is that I can make you stronger than that elder! I'm asking you once, do you want to become stronger!"

The voice asked again, and the tone seemed to become a little impatient!

The two little guys looked at each other, and then asked:

"Is it possible to become stronger like the elders? Go into the mountains to hunt, and then give father and mother a lot of meat to eat?"


The golden key replied, but there was a trace of weakness in his tone!
"Okay! We want to become stronger, we have to go into the mountains to hunt a lot of prey, and then share it with everyone!"

Hearing the answer from the golden key, the eyes of the two little guys lit up immediately, and they nodded without thinking and said:

"We want to become stronger! Hurry up and make us stronger! Then we can go hunting in the mountains!"

"It's okay to make you stronger, but there is no free lunch in the world. If you want to become stronger, you have to pay some price!"

Seeing that the two little guys agreed, the voice of trouble rang out again, but this time there seemed to be a sigh of relief in the tone!

"Pay the price?"

The two little guys looked confused, and then asked again:

"At what price?"

"I want blood, a lot of blood, I give you great power, you have to return me a lot of blood!"

"Qi and blood? What is Qi and blood? We haven't heard of it!"

The two little guys were even more puzzled!

"You don't need to know now, as long as you become stronger in the future, you will know!"


Seeing that the golden key didn't tell them, the two little guys didn't continue to ask questions!
"Okay, let's sign a contract first. You just need to drop a drop of blood on me, and then read after me. The other party will give me great strength. When we two become stronger, we will give each other a lot of blood!"

The golden key said again, this time the tone was full of bewitching!
"Okay! The other party gave me great strength, and when the two of us become stronger, we will give each other a lot of blood!"

Although they don't know what the golden key refers to, they know that the golden key can make them stronger, so that they can enter the mountain to hunt a lot of prey for the villagers, and they can eat a lot of meat, so The two little guys read out according to what the other said!

After the two little guys finished reading, suddenly the golden key in their hands burst into a more dazzling light, and then disappeared, only to hear a burst of triumphant laughter and a paragraph of words in the minds of the two little guys !

"Haha! We signed the contract ourselves! I will give you the power myself, but this power will not make you stronger all at once. Only by digging slowly can you make this power stronger!"

"Okay, I'm leaving! When I feel that you are strong, I will appear in front of you again!"

"Ah! Just disappeared! But I didn't feel that I had become stronger! Matsumoto, do you feel that you have become stronger?"

Seeing that the golden key disappeared, the two little fellows immediately looked blank. After a while, Mu Jian couldn't help asking Matsumoto!

"No! I don't feel that I have become stronger!"

Hearing Mu Jian's question, Matsumoto couldn't help shaking his head, and then replied!
(End of this chapter)

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