Chapter 1325 The golden key reappears!

However, Matsumoto and Mu Jian searched hard in the vast universe for three years, and finally found a planet that could allow living creatures to live!
"Alright! Let's not get too excited!"

And just when Matsumoto was cheering for finding such a planet.But Mu Jian at the side suddenly said with a solemn expression!

"Huh? Mu Jian, what's the matter?"

Hearing this, Matsumoto couldn't help asking with a puzzled look on his face!

After all, the two of them have experienced countless dangers in three years, and now they finally found such a planet suitable for human survival, and it is more than ten times larger than the week they were originally on. Shouldn't they be happy?

"Matsumoto, we are too happy now. Although we have found this planet suitable for the survival of our people, but now only the two of us can come. What's the use?"

"You know, this planet is tens of thousands of miles away from our original planet. Our people don't have the ability of the two of us, so it is impossible to come here!"

Looking at Matsumoto with a puzzled face, Mu Jian smiled wryly, and then explained!

Hearing this, Matsumoto was also dumbfounded!
Just now he was only interested in being happy and didn't think about it at all. Now that Mu Jian mentioned it, he didn't know what to do!
Indeed, as Mu Jian said, the two are powerful and can fly and breathe freely in the universe, but their clansmen can't, and they are so far away, I'm afraid those clansmen have just left the planet and entered the universe , will suffocate and die, not to mention traveling thousands of miles to come to this planet!
"Mu Jian, what should we do now?"

Thinking of this, Matsumoto also looked at Mu Jian with a confused face, and then asked!
"I don't know what to do either!"

Hearing Matsumoto's inquiry, Mu Jian also shook his head with a helpless wry smile and said!
"Don't you just give up like this? You know we have gone through a lot of hardships to find such a planet!"

Matsumoto asked a little unwillingly!

"Then what do you say I should do?"

How could Mu Jian not understand Matsumoto's mood? He was also very unwilling at this moment, but what could he do?
In an instant, the scene suddenly fell into a silence!
"Oh! I didn't expect you two brats to be so strong after I fell asleep for so long!"

Just when Matsumoto and Mu Jian didn't know what to do, suddenly a voice that made them both feel familiar and unfamiliar came into their minds!


Hearing the sudden appearance of the voice, the two of them were shocked immediately, and immediately looked around warily!

"Mu Jian, do you feel that this voice is a little familiar? I seem to have heard it somewhere, but I can't remember it for a while!"

Matsumoto looked around warily, and asked Mu Jian suspiciously!
"Hmm! It's very familiar, but I just can't remember where I heard it!"

Hearing Matsumoto's inquiry, Mu Jian also nodded with some doubts, and then replied!

"You two little devils, don't be on guard. If I am against you, you won't even find out! What's more, it's only been a few decades, and you two have forgotten me?"

Just when the two were guarding, the voice sounded again!
"who are you?"

You know, both of them are now in the realm of the six realms, strong men who can fly freely in the universe, and they are not ordinary strong men of the six realms, but now they are so close that they can't be found, and this person directly transmits their voices. In their minds, how could this not shock the two of them!

At the same time, they were even more puzzled, because from what the man said just now, the two of them heard that this man knew them, but since they were young, the two of them didn't remember at all that they knew such a strong man!

"Huh? Are you two so forgetful? Think about who gave you the power in you?"

Seeing that the two of them suddenly couldn't remember themselves, the voice sounded again!
"The strength of the two of us?"

Hearing this, Matsumoto and Mu Jian were slightly taken aback!
But soon a flash of light flashed in the minds of the two of them, and they immediately fled and stared at the boss, as if they remembered something!
"Wait, are you the golden key we picked up in the creek when we were two children?"

The two exclaimed in disbelief at the same time!

"Oh! I finally remembered! Yes, oh, it is indeed the key that you picked up and gave you power at the same time!"

"How is it possible, isn't that just our illusion?"

Matsumoto asked in shock!

It turned out that when the two picked up the key, they were only five or six years old, and then the key disappeared, so the two thought they were just hallucinating! ndd
As for the strength on their bodies, the two thought it was innate, but unexpectedly, now that the key reappeared, both of them were shocked!
"Illusion? Brat, you're thinking too much! Oh, how could it be an illusion? Besides, if I'm hallucinating, where does the power in you two brats come from?"

That voice sounded again!

"But since you are not a hallucination, where have you been in Xie Nian?"

Mu Jian asked puzzledly!
"Where are you going? I didn't go anywhere! I've been following you all the time. Who made you promise Ruoyan, who would I follow if I didn't follow you?"

"Follow us? But why didn't we find out?"

Hearing the explanation of the key, the two also showed surprise on their faces!

"Find me? Brat, you two think too much, it's not that I look down on you, even if you are training millions of yuanhui, you can't catch up with me!"

The voice sounded again, and the tone was full of disdain!
"Are we that bad? You know, we can fly freely in the universe now!"

Hearing this, Matsumoto retorted unconvinced!

"Okay! I won't talk to you so much, do you remember the Ruoyan you promised?"

As if he didn't want to talk to the two of them anymore, the voice asked impatiently!
"Promise? What promise?"

The two asked in confusion!

"Hehe! I already knew that you two brats would not admit it, but it doesn't matter. Although I can't directly use my power to interfere in this world, who made you make that promise!"

"I am giving you two 10 years. I will wake up again after 10 years. At that time, you must prepare enough vitality for me. If you don't prepare, you will violate the promise you made with me. At that time, I can take it myself, and it is not a violation of the rules!"

"However, if I take it myself, it will not be so simple. Therefore, I advise you to prepare yourself, so as not to damage our relationship. After all, I will rely on you in the future!"

"Okay! I won't talk to you so much anymore, I should continue to sleep! By the way, you seem to be in trouble suddenly, so I will give you this thing!"

"It's really troublesome. The master doesn't know what's going on, but he divided us into seven, and every time, he has to absorb a lot of energy and blood to survive!"

At the end, the voice couldn't help cursing in a low voice, and then slowly disappeared!
(End of this chapter)

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