From the beginning of the flood to the heavens and the world

Chapter 1336 Sneak attack!A single blow that gathers the power of everyone!

Chapter 1336 Sneak attack!A destructive blow that gathers all the power of the people!
In reality, Matsumoto slowly opened his eyes!

At this time, I saw a golden key flying out from between Matsumoto's eyebrows, and then slowly grew in size until it became as tall as a person before stopping!

But at this moment, the golden key changed again. The golden key that was originally floating in front of Matsumoto suddenly became soft, a serious strip of cloth blown by the wind, shaking back and forth with the wind!
With the violent shaking of the golden key, its body shape began to change, and a phantom of a human being covered by a white robe slowly appeared in front of everyone!

But at this time, seeing this sudden change, everyone couldn't help feeling nervous, and some even sweated from their palms because of nervousness! [space]
At this time, the phantom covered by the white robe slowly raised its head, but it was pitch black inside, and everyone couldn't see its face at all, only a pair of blood-red eyes!
Are those the eyes that humans should have?

Those eyes are full of killing intent, depravity, destruction and other negative emotions. As long as they look at each other, everyone present will feel that they are in a sea of ​​corpses and blood!
An excited voice resounded throughout the world:

"Is it these people? Haha, yes, yes! They are all pure energy and blood, and they all contain curses!"

Hearing the sudden voice, everyone present didn't know why, but felt their hearts tense, as if they were just a prey at this moment, and they were still being targeted by hunters!

An invisible dangerous breath instantly spread from the hearts of the people present!
At this moment, Harada and the members of the Otsutsuki clan present, everyone knows why Matsumoto and Mujian are so solemn and have made so many preparations to deal with this person!

Because they feel that what they are facing is not a human being at all, but a demon king who has returned from hell!
But at this moment, Matsumoto and Mu Jian clearly felt that these members of their own clan were timid before they made a move. They knew that if this continues, let alone make a move later, they might be transformed by this golden key. The phantom is so intimidating that I dare not move!
The two looked at each other, and didn't dare to hesitate any longer, only to see a stern light flash in the eyes of Matsumoto who was standing behind the phantom, and immediately circulated the power of the whole body and gathered it in his own hands!

Clenching his hand violently, it turned into a fist, and then punched the phantom in front of him!
As for the phantom transformed by the golden key in front, there is no abnormality at this time. I thought that these Datongmu clan members were the power of Qi and blood that Matsumoto and Mu Jianwei had prepared, so I was extremely excited!

I was even thinking that if I absorbed all the energy and blood of these people, I am afraid that my own strength should be able to recover a little bit, and then I would give the two of them a little more strength and let him help me absorb more energy and blood until If you absorb all the creatures in the entire universe, even if your own strength cannot be fully recovered, it will not be much worse!

It's a pity that the master has set rules on himself, and he needs to sign a contract with someone to absorb the power of blood, otherwise, with his current strength, it would not be so troublesome to do it himself!

But the golden key dared to think this way in its heart, it didn't dare to blame its master, because it knew that with its master's transcendent existence, as long as it remembered the other party's name in its heart, the other party would be aware of it!
Just thinking of the power secretly in Xu Ying's heart, he suddenly felt a powerful force bombarding his body fiercely!

This powerful force exploded in an instant, directly shaking the surrounding space away!


With the eruption of this huge force, a roar followed!

But at this moment, the golden key was still in a daze, not knowing what was going on!

Suddenly, the golden key felt that the Otsutsuki clan members in front of him who were about to become their food suddenly burst out with powerful energy!
If the energy erupted by one person may not feel anything, but if millions of people erupt at once, it will be an existence that will destroy the world!

At this moment, no matter how stupid the golden key is, he still knows that he has been tricked by those two brats!

Anger, monstrous anger, erupted from the golden key in an instant!

But now it is facing the full blow of millions of powerful people, and it was also punched by Matsumoto before, even though this punch did not bring it any harm, it did affect it, not to mention, It is not yet the peak strength at this time, not even one billionth of the peak strength!

Millions of forces gathered together and instantly enveloped the golden key. Moreover, Matsumoto, who was behind it, firmly restrained it, preventing it from dodging!


The sky is broken!
The ground was shaking, and the entire planet was shaking violently as if it had been hit by a huge meteorite!
The power of countless thunders sprinkled down, spreading flames soaring into the sky, directly dyeing the entire sky red!
Huge power instantly bombarded the body of the golden key, and the burst of power flooded the entire valley in an instant!
The violent airflow raged in all directions, and the powerful airflow instantly knocked out the surrounding Otsutsuki clan members!

And everything around the valley was instantly destroyed by the aftermath of this energy explosion, towering trees were uprooted, mountains and cliffs were directly razed to the ground!
"Did you make it?"

"Has the monster been eliminated?"

"It should be wiped out! After all, this blow gathered the strength of all of us!"

"Well! Such a terrifying blow, no existence can survive!"

"So, have we escaped a catastrophe?"

At this moment, everyone looked at the center of the huge energy explosion just now!
But at this moment, Matsumoto and Mu Jian didn't have any joy on their faces, but became more dignified!

The two of them were given the seeds of power by the golden key, and the reason why the Datongmu clan has power is that it has been passed down to them! gu
It can be said that the two of them are the source of the power of the Datongmu clan, so there will always be a faint connection with that golden key!

But at this time, Matsumoto and Mu Jian felt that there was no news about this connection, but this connection became much weaker than before!
There is a connection, the representative over there, the golden key has not been wiped out!
"How is it possible? The powerful blow that gathered millions of people, since the golden key was not destroyed!"

"In the face of such a huge force, I am afraid it is enough to destroy the two of us tens of millions of times!"

The two had some unbelievable secrets!
What kind of existence is this golden key, and it has not been destroyed even like this!
The two believed that with such a powerful blow, no one in the entire universe could resist it, not even some hermit powerhouses!
But the golden golden key was attacked by Matsumoto in front of it, and then restrained by Matsumoto. It can be said that it was hit by this blow in the front, so it has not been wiped out. For a while, Matsumoto and Mu Jian didn't know What to do!

(End of this chapter)

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