Chapter 1345 The Heart of Life!

However, he said that relying on the intelligence ability of his powerful avatar, Hei Jue found Tang Tian's last appearance in a forest, so he came to this forest under the leadership of Otsutsuki Kaguya, ready to look for Tang Tian!
At this time, in the deepest part of the forest, Tang Tian was walking leisurely forward!

" seems to be here!"

Suddenly, Tang Tian stopped, looked at a huge and towering tree not far away, and then murmured!

It turned out that one year ago, after Otsuki Matsumoto left, Tang Tian also left that canyon!
As early as after he came out of the Datongmu clan, Tang Tian used his spiritual sense to explore the entire planet, and found that there were several places on the planet that he couldn't even detect with his own spiritual sense, so after leaving the canyon, he went to this place. Check out a few places!
But Tang Tian checked a few places, and found that these places were only in a different space and reality, so his divine sense couldn't check them out!
And now this forest is the last place, after Tang Tian intends to explore here, he is going to go back and deal with the issue of the golden key!

"It seems that this book has blocked my spiritual consciousness!"

Tang Tian walked slowly to this towering tree, raised his head and glanced at the tree so high into the clouds, he couldn't help muttering in his heart!
But Tang Tian walked around the towering tree and looked it up for a while, but he didn't find anything wrong with this big tree, but if this big tree is fine, how can it shield his spiritual consciousness?

And just when Tang Tian was puzzled, a voice suddenly sounded in his mind!

"Unfamiliar strong man, please don't hurt me?"


Hearing this sudden sound, Tang Tian couldn't help but a look of surprise flashed in his eyes!
"It was you who transmitted the sound to me?"

Tang Tian looked at the towering tree, and then asked curiously!

"it's me!"

That voice sounded again!

But this time Tang Tian noticed that there was a wave of spiritual consciousness coming from this big tree!

"Spiritual power? I didn't expect you to have your own spiritual wisdom!"

Tang Tian said in surprise!

Tang Tian is very familiar with mental power, because Tang Tian has stayed in the world of One Piece for a long time, and the world of One Piece is full of spiritual power, whether it is domineering or domineering!
And when the mental power is tempered to a certain level, it will be transformed into divine consciousness, and Tang Tian now has the existence of divine consciousness!
"How did you give birth to wisdom?"

Tang Tian asked curiously!
Tang Tian wouldn't be surprised if he was in a fantasy world, or a world of immortals, but now it's just in the world of Naruto, so Tang Tian has to be curious!

"I don't know why I was born with wisdom. Anyway, as soon as I started to have my own consciousness, this planet was still desolate. I don't know how long it took before this planet started to get angry!"

"Later, a group of people came, and this group of people wantonly robbed the life energy of this planet, but because the life energy they robbed was just a drop in the bucket for this planet, it will soon be I recovered, so I didn't pay much attention to it!"


Speaking of which, Dashu paused for a moment, as if remembering something scary!

"But what?"

Tang Tian became even more curious, so he hurriedly asked!

"However, 500 million years ago, a very terrifying thing suddenly appeared. That thing could actually devour others to strengthen itself. Most of the people who came to this planet were swallowed by that thing!"

"I was very scared at the time, thinking that after the thing devoured this group of people, it would come to devour me, because I could feel that the thing found me by itself."

"But I don't know why, after the terrifying thing devoured the group of people, it left and seemed to fall into a deep sleep!"

Speaking of this, Dashu seemed to be relieved, and seemed to be glad that the thing didn't attack him!
"and after?"

Tang Tian asked!

At this moment, Tang Tian can basically guess what the group of people in the tree sky and the scary thing are!

That group of people must be from the Datongmu clan. As for that terrifying thing, besides the golden key, Tang Tian really couldn't think of anything else!

"After that, every 10 years, that horrible thing would wake up and start devouring the descendants of that group of people!"

After being silent for a while, Dashu continued!
"Unfamiliar strong man, I can feel the powerful power in your body, so, can I ask you to do me a favor? Don't worry, I will reward you!"

"Help? You want me to help you get rid of that thing?"

Although Dashu didn't say what kind of help he asked him to help, Tang Tian guessed it himself. Moreover, his target was the golden key. !
"Well! If you help me get rid of that thing, I will give you half of my heart of life!"

Dashu replied!

"Heart of life?"

Tang Tian frowned, and then asked in surprise!

"Yes, it is the heart of my life!"

Saying that, I saw a green sphere flying out from the big tree, floating in front of Tang Tian!
With the appearance of this green sphere, the flowers, plants and trees in a radius of a hundred miles grew crazily as if they had taken a stimulant. In the blink of an eye, the hundreds of miles in a radius were covered by these crazy-growing trees!

"Is this the power of law? Such a strong law of wood!"

The moment he saw this green sphere, Tang Tian couldn't help but a flash of shock flashed in his eyes, because he felt that this green sphere contained a strong law of wood!
At the same time, I also understand that the reason why this tree can give birth to its own intelligence is because of this green sphere!
"This green sphere is definitely not something from this world, because at the level of the Naruto world, such a powerful thing cannot be conceived, even if it consumes all the resources of the entire Naruto world, it is impossible to conceive it!"

This thought flashed through Tang Tian's mind!

"Aren't you afraid that I will kill you and then take away your heart of life? You know, killing you is more cost-effective than dealing with that thing that scares you!"

"Unfamiliar powerhouse..."

"My name is Tang Tian!"

"Master Tang... Tang Tian, ​​this heart of life is bound to me. Once I die or am killed, this heart of life will dissipate!"

Dashu explained!
"I see!"

Hearing this, Tang Tian nodded his head, so the clothes looked like this!

"But didn't you say that that thing wouldn't devour you? Why are you willing to take out such a precious thing and ask me to get rid of it for you? Maybe if you wait a little longer, it will leave?"

"Lord Tang Tian, ​​I feel that it's not that it can't devour me, but that it seems to be restricted by something, and this restriction seems to have no effect on it. Perhaps after it wakes up this time, this There is no limit, so I dare not bet!"

Hearing Tang Tian's inquiry, Dashu fell into silence, and only spoke after a while!
(End of this chapter)

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