Chapter 1348 The restless people!
"Mr. Big Tree, how many existences like you are there on this planet!"

After a brief embarrassment, Kaguya quickly recovered, so he continued to ask!

But after she finished speaking, she seemed to be afraid that Dashu would not understand her consciousness, so she explained:

"I mean, how many intelligent beings like you are born on this planet?"

"No! At least for now, I haven't found a creature like me!"

Dashu replied!

"Someone is coming again!"

Just when Hui Ye wanted to continue to say something, Tang Tian beside him suddenly spoke!
As he said that, he raised his head and looked towards the sky!

"It's Ichishiki and Hamura and the others!"

Hearing this, Hui Ye followed Tang Tian's gaze, and instantly sensed who it was, and said with a smile!

"Senior Tang! (Mother)"

In the blink of an eye, the visitor had already arrived directly above them, landed slowly, and then respectfully saluted Tang Tian!

But don't say that Tang Tian's side is already very Hui Ye and others meet, talking about the other side!
In the canyon, Otsutsuki Matsumoto was incessantly directing, and his clan members set up formations one after another!

You know, Otsutsuki Matsumoto has comprehended many formations during these millions of years. Although these formations may not be as powerful as the formations he comprehended when he met Tang Tian, ​​they are still not bad!

With tens of thousands of people forming formations at the same time, the entire canyon is filled with dense formations, and these formations are not the same. The law needs thousands of people!

One formation after another was arranged to destroy the golden key that made them hate it!
For this time, Otsutsuki Matsumoto has been preparing for millions of years. If he doesn't succeed, he doesn't know what to do!

Not far away, Otsutsuki Nobuhito looked at the ancestor who was busy, and also went to help, but he was similar to those people in the knowledge of formations, and he was also a novice!
Even if he got the knowledge of formations passed down by Matsumoto, in the past year or so, Nobuhito Otsutsuki has basically become familiar with the formations passed down to him by his ancestors, and it is impossible to understand other formations. It's only been more than a year since I got into things like formations, and I still can't understand a lot of knowledge about formations, so I can only stand aside and watch!

"Patriarch, good news, good news!"

At this moment, I saw the third elder walking over with joy on his face, and then excitedly said to Otsutsuki Nobuhito!
"Good news? What good news? Have you found Senior Tang?"

Seeing this, Otsutsuki Nobuhito couldn't help asking hastily!
"Haha! That's right, Hui Ye and the others just sent back the news that they have found Senior Tang, and also said that Senior Tang agreed to help, and he will make a move tomorrow!"

Hearing this, the third elder nodded happily, and then replied!
"Okay! With Senior Tang's help, this matter should be fine! But we can't bother Senior Tang with everything, first use the ancestor's formation to see if it can be eliminated, if it can be eliminated, then It couldn't be better, if not, then we are asking Senior Tang to help!"

Seeing the third elder nodding, Datong Mu Xinren breathed a sigh of relief, and then said!


Hearing what the patriarch said, the third elder nodded in agreement!

"Okay, you continue to familiarize yourself with the formations passed down by the ancestors, and I will go see if there is anything that the ancestors need help with!"

Otsutsuki Nobuhito ordered again!


After finishing speaking, the third elder turned and left!
And after the third elder left, Otsuki Nobuhito also walked in the direction of Otsutsuki Matsumoto!

In this way, the formation was guided by Otsutsuki Matsumoto and with the help of Otsutsuki Nobuhito.Laid out in an orderly manner!

In the blink of an eye, another day passed, and before this day came, the canyon was finally filled with formations by members of the Datongmu clan!
Just rising too early, the soft sunlight shines from the sky and sprinkles the entire canyon!

The sun poured down like transparent water, and the blue sky was as clear as a huge jewel.

The earth stretches out into the distance, and at the end of the line of sight, the red glow as bright as a rose looms in the thin white mist, like a fairyland!
At this time, in the canyon, the smog is lingering, and a huge lake looks sparkling under the sunlight!

But in such a beautiful place, it is full of countless crises, because a day ago, thousands, even tens of thousands of formations have been set up here!

Among these formations are trapped formations, killing formations, maze formations and other terrifying formations!

At this time, there were also people standing beside the huge lake. These people were all serious, as if they were waiting for something!

Otsutsuki Nobuhito walked to Matsumoto's side, and saluted respectfully!

Otsuki Matsumoto nodded slightly, and then asked him:

"How are you guys familiar with the formation I taught you? Can you unite to set up that big formation?"

Although Otsutsuki Matsumoto let the tribe set up so many formations, these formations can't threaten that thing at all, at most they can only cause some troubles for the opponent!

And the only thing that can really threaten anything is this big formation that he has realized recently, and setting up this big formation requires not only a lot of materials, but also centuries of powerful people!
And Otsutsuki Nobuhito and several elders are barely qualified to set up this formation!
"Old Ancestor, don't worry, although we know little about other formations, we have basically understood the formation you passed on to us!"

Otsutsuki Nobuhito patted his chest, and then replied with assurance!
"That's great! By the way, how many of them can do it! I feel that the thing will wake up in an hour. If we don't find them by then, then we really have no chance!"

After hearing Otsuki Nobuhito's assurance, Otsuki Matsumoto also nodded in satisfaction, and said!
"Don't worry, Patriarch, I'll send someone... No, I'll go find them myself!"

"Well! Go!"

Hearing this, Otsutsuki Matsumoto nodded and said!

After finishing speaking, Otsutsuki Nobuhito turned and left!
And at this time, in the manor of the three elders!
"That girl Hui Ye, why haven't they come back yet?"

The third elder is walking up and down anxiously!

"Third, it's alright, can you stop walking around, it makes me annoyed just like you!"

Seeing the third elder walking back and forth in front of him, the second elder was already a little anxious, but now he couldn't bear it even more, so he couldn't help saying!

"Yeah, third, even if you're in a hurry, they will come back if they can. If they can't, they won't be able to! It's better to calm down and wait,"

The Great Elder on the side was also annoyed, so he immediately echoed and said!

Just when several elders were in a hurry, Otsutsuki Nobuhito walked in from the outside!

Seeing several elders still sitting here, he immediately frowned and asked:

"Several elders, why are you still here? You might as well meet up with the ancestor. The ancestor is looking for you at this time!"

(End of this chapter)

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