Chapter 1390 Trembling!Unspeakable fear!

However, when Xiaonuan and Qiqi came to the back mountain and were eating the spiritual fruit beautifully, they were suddenly disturbed by someone!

The two little guys who were eating Zhenghuan were suddenly disturbed, so they decided to quit immediately, so they stared back, not to be outdone, and then questioned who came!

"Whose children are you, why did you come here? Didn't I tell you? Children are not allowed to come here?"

Seeing that Xiaonuan and Qiqi still dared to question themselves, and didn't look like they were caught stealing something, the visitor immediately became slightly angry in his heart, and then shouted loudly!
Saying that, the three big men couldn't help showing a strong aura, and then suppressed the two little guys on the tree who were glaring at him angrily!
The person who came was none other than the manager of the back mountain orchard, Hu Yan, one of Hu Xin's sitting guardians!

But what surprised Hu Yan was that the aura that had been exuded disappeared as soon as he got close to the two children. opened!
Actively bypassing the momentum?This is the first time Hu Yan has seen Momo actively avoid someone else, and the other party is still two children!

At this moment, Hu Yan was a little confused, and looked at the two little guys suspiciously!
"Sister Nannan, why is he in a daze there? Could this person be the big fool that big brother usually calls?"

Seeing Hu Yan with a suspicious face on her face, staring blankly at the two of them, Qiqi couldn't help pulling the sleeve of the little girl beside her, and then asked with a puzzled expression!

"Hmm! It's possible! Qiqi, let's ignore him. Let's continue to eat the spirit fruit. It's delicious!"

The little girl who was eating the spirit fruit, being pulled by Qiqi like this, looked at Huyan when she was troubled, looked at it for a while, and then nodded in agreement.

As she said that, she took another bite of the spiritual fruit in her hand, feeling the sweet taste in her mouth, which made the little girl's eyes fall involuntarily!
Although the voices of the two little guys talking are not loud, and Hu Yan is a little far away, but who is Hu Yan?

That is the existence of Da Luo Jinxian Dzogchen, even if he is thousands of miles away, as long as he wants to hear it, he can hear the sound of ants climbing, not to mention the two little guys not far away!
And when he heard the two little guys actually say who they are, Hu Yan suddenly felt angry!

Thinking who he is, Hu Yan, he not only possesses the cultivation base of the Da Luo Jinxian Dzogchen realm, but also is the guardian of the fox clan. It can be said that in addition to the patriarch and the elders of the fox clan, he can basically be regarded as a top existence!

Even in the outside world, others will respect him for the sake of the fox clan, but now he is called a fool by two children, and he is ignoring himself, and picking spiritual fruits in front of his face. How can Hu Yan not be angry!
Immediately, the figure flashed, and he came to the two little guys in an instant, and then grabbed the two little guys!
He decided to teach these two little fellows a good lesson and let them know how to respect the strong!
But when Hu Yan approached the two little guys, he suddenly felt a jump in his heart, as if there was some fatal danger, he knew that this was his Da Luo Jin Immortal Dao Fruit warning him!

"What's going on here? You are already a strong Da Luo Jinxian Dzogchen, how could you feel a deadly threat from the two children? I don't believe it!"

Although I had a bad premonition in my heart, I had a premonition that if I caught it, I would definitely regret it, but Hu Yan, who is a Da Luo Jinxian in the Dzogchen realm, still didn't believe it, he didn't believe that he was actually afraid of the two children, and immediately Gritting his teeth, he continued to grab the two little guys!
The two little guys seemed to feel something strange suddenly, they turned their heads immediately, and saw Hu Yan who was catching them, their eyes could not help but concentrate!

Vast, blue, dignified, and a supreme aura appeared out of thin air, instantly covering Hu Yan's entire body!

Enveloped by this indescribable aura, Hu Yan froze instantly, unable to move, as if being rejected by the whole world!
Hu Yan seems to have left the prehistoric world and came to a huge unknown space. Even the entire prehistoric world does not go to one trillionth of the huge unknown space. In the endless darkness, without a trace of light!
Suddenly, a pair of huge eyes appeared in front of Hu Yan. Why do you say that these eyes are huge? It is because in Hu Yan's view, this unknown dark space is many times larger than the prehistoric world, but in this pair of eyes In front of him, he seemed insignificant!
The moment he saw these eyes, Hu Yan froze in place, his body trembled involuntarily, was it a kind of trembling from the soul?

In these huge eyes, Hu Yan saw everything, one by one, including the prehistoric world he was in, and he even saw himself, the things he had experienced , from birth, cultivation, to now, he even saw his future in these eyes!
But in the blink of an eye, he forgot again, as if he had never seen anything just now!
These eyes seem to contain everything in the heavens and myriad worlds. The past, present, and even the future all emerge in these eyes!
"What kind of eyes are these? Whose eyes are they? Saints? No, saints should not be capable of such things. Heavenly Dao? Or the mysterious eyes above Heavenly Dao?"

This idea came to Hu Yan's mind!

At this moment, Hu Yan has no other thoughts in his heart except fear!

Suddenly, those huge eyes noticed him and were looking at him!
The moment he met these eyes, Hu Yan felt that both time and space were frozen instantly, as if everything had stopped!
And at this moment, Hu Yan lost consciousness!
It was endless darkness, and in this endless darkness, Hu Yan couldn't feel any existence, including himself!
At this moment, Hu Yan felt that it was just a consciousness, or a memory of someone else!

Just like that, in this endless dark space, Hu Yan didn't know what he was going to do, or what he was going through, he just drifted like this!

Thousands of years... ten thousand years... billion years... tens of billions, hundreds of billions, trillions of years!

I don't know how long it took, but in the end Hu Yan forgot, and he didn't want to count, he just drifted like this, and seemed to think that he was drifting like this, or his existence was just a drifting animal!

Until one day, Hu Yan, who was drifting in the endless dark space, suddenly appeared a bright light, this is the only thing Hu Yan has seen besides the endless darkness for countless years!

Without even thinking about it, Hu Yan quickly floated in the direction of the light!
(End of this chapter)

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