Chapter 1394 Leaving the Fox Clan
It has been a hundred years since Xiaonuan and Qiqi returned to the Fox Clan in Qingqiu Mountain. During these hundred years, the two little guys only played and ate!
this day!

"Sister Huxin, Nannan and Qiqi are leaving!"

Maybe it was because they stayed in one place for a long time, which made the two little guys who had been jumping off a little bit unbearable. They were about to go out and have a look, and immediately came to say goodbye to Hu Xin!

"You are leaving? Are you going to go back to practice?"

Hu Xin, who was dealing with matters, immediately raised her head when she heard the two little guys saying goodbye, and then asked the two little guys with a puzzled expression!
"No! Nannan and Qiqi are planning to visit other places!"

The two little guys shook their heads and replied!
"That's it, that's fine. By the way, this is for you!"

Hearing this, Hu Xin pondered for a while, then nodded and said!

After finishing speaking, he took out a ring and handed it to the two little guys!
"what is this?"

After receiving the ring that Hu Xin handed over, the two little guys couldn't help but look puzzled!
"Hehe, I know you two like spirit fruits, and this ring contains some spirit fruits that I left for you, enough for you to eat for a while!"

Hu Xin explained with a smile!
"Spiritual fruit?"

Hearing Hu Xin's answer, the eyes of the two little guys lit up immediately, and then they poked their consciousness towards the ring!

Sure enough, they found that there were hills of spirit fruits piled up in the ring. Seeing so many spirit fruits, the two little guys couldn't help exclaiming excitedly!

"Wow! So many spiritual fruits! Thank you, sister Hu Xin!"

"Haha. It's nothing. If you guys finish eating, come back and get it from me, and look at me by the way!"

Seeing the two little guys with surprised faces, Hu Xin couldn't help laughing, and then replied!

"Well! We know, we will come back to see you, sister Hu Xin, when we are free!"

The heads of the two little guys seemed to be equipped with a small motor, and they nodded frantically!
"Well! Then I won't see you off, by the way, Qiqi, remember to go back and say goodbye to your parents before leaving, lest they worry!"

Hu Xin waved her hand and said, but she suddenly remembered something, and immediately told Qiqi who was beside her!
"Yeah! Kiki knows!"

Qiqi, who was eating the spiritual fruit, quickly nodded in response!

Saying that, the two little guys jumped up and left happily!
As for not worrying about the comfort of the two little guys?

That's because Hu Xin knows that there is a mysterious existence behind the two little guys who is paying attention to them. For this mysterious existence, even she is not qualified to know the other party's name, which shows how strong this mysterious existence is.

You must know that you are a strong person in the realm of quasi-sages. In the prehistoric world, except for the saints who are above the 33rd heaven, and those veteran quasi-sages who are hidden from the world, you can basically walk sideways, but even so, you still have nothing to do. To be qualified to hear each other's name, it can be seen that the person behind the two little guys has surpassed a saint in cultivation!
What's more, the cultivation bases of the two little guys are not simple. Although I don't know the exact cultivation bases of the two little guys, there is one thing Hu Xin can be sure of, that is, the cultivation bases of the two little guys definitely surpass her own!
With such a powerful cultivation base, who else in the prehistoric world can hurt them?
the other side.

But they said that after the two little guys came out of Hu Xin, they went to say goodbye to Qiqi's parents, and then left Fox Village!
"Sister Nannan, where are we going now?"

After coming out of Fox Village, the two little guys flew aimlessly. Qiqi took a bite of the spiritual fruit, and then asked the little girl next to her!

This has become a habit of Qiqi, as long as she is with her little girl, she will ask her almost any questions!
"Ah... I don't know either!"

Hearing this, the little girl was also taken aback, thought for a while, and didn't know where to go, so she immediately shook her head and replied!
"Why don't you make the decision this time, Qiqi, and we will go wherever you say?"

Saying that, the little girl took a bite of the spiritual fruit, and then looked at Qiqi who was beside her!

"Ah... Kiki is in charge?"

Qiqi was stunned by this situation. Before she was with Xiaonannan, it was basically Xiaonannan who made the decision. Now that Xiaonannan pushed this question to her, Qiqi didn't know where to go for a while!

"Well! This time it's up to Kiki to decide. That's the decision!"

But the little girl nodded and said with a sure face!

"But... But Qiqi doesn't know where to go."

Kiki said in a daze!
"I don't care about that, anyway, wherever Kiki goes, I'll go there!"

Who knows that the little girl replied shamelessly!
"Okay... okay!"

Seeing this, Qiqi finally nodded and agreed with a helpless face!
"Sister Nannan, why not do this, since we don't know where we are going, let's find a direction and keep walking, wherever we go."

Qiqi thought for a while, and then came up with such a solution that is not a solution!

"Well! Kiki is in charge!"

The little girl didn't refute, she nodded and agreed!
So the two little guys just flew aimlessly. Anyway, now they have a lot of spiritual fruits sent by Hu Xin, and they are very leisurely while flying forward and eating spiritual fruits!

In this way, time seems to pass hundreds of years again!
During these hundreds of years, because the two little guys had no purpose and just flew forward, the speed was not very fast!

The two little fellows gained a lot of knowledge along the way, which they had never seen with Tang Mingyao, Ye Qingxian and others before, and they also met a lot of people.

for example:
On a hilltop, they met a leopard spirit with Xuanxian cultivation base. This leopard spirit saw that the two little guys were young (are they young?), and they were eating spiritual fruits that he rarely saw in their hands. , Immediately began to have bad thoughts!
What else can I do, grab it!

But the final result can be imagined, the entire mountain was razed to the ground, and the creatures around the mountain were ruthlessly destroyed by the two little guys, and the leopard spirit was even more desperate!

After that, the two little guys encountered such robberies a few more times, and it was still the same as before. The surrounding area was directly razed to the ground, and the mastermind was also directly wiped out!

After being razed to the ground several times before, it has been rumored for hundreds of millions of miles that there are two little girls who are eating rare spiritual fruits and carrying many treasures and treasures on their bodies. Will destroy everything nearby!

As soon as the news spread, the cultivators and goblins with a radius of hundreds of millions of miles were all in danger, for fear that the two little girls would run to their territory and destroy themselves humanely!
Of course, after hearing the news, many people became suspicious, but because those two little girls were powerful, most of them didn't dare to act rashly before they figured it out!

Only a small group of people gathered together, discussing how to snatch the spiritual fruit, treasure, and treasure from the two little girls, and then divided them equally, as if they had already snatched them!
(End of this chapter)

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