From the beginning of the flood to the heavens and the world

Chapter 1401 Top-grade Innate Spirit Treasures in exchange for food?spendthrift?

Chapter 1401 Top-grade Innate Spirit Treasures in exchange for food?spendthrift?
However, after Xiaonuan and Qiqi learned from the shopkeeper that if they want to buy things in the trading city, they can only exchange them for things, they immediately showed excited smiles on their faces!

So the two little guys couldn't wait to take out the things they already wanted to exchange. In the little girl's hand was a hairpin-faced spirit treasure, and in Qiqi's hand was a dagger!
At first, he glanced at the things in the hands of the two little guys, but the shopkeeper didn't care, after all, in his opinion, what good things can the two little girls come up with, but when he saw the things in the hands of the two little guys, there was a flickering light on them. The obscure streamer was immediately stunned!

The shopkeeper felt a little bit in his heart, because only the Xiantian Lingbao flashed a faint streamer, then took the things in the hands of the two little guys and looked at them carefully, and after a while, he couldn't help but exclaimed:

"Huh? this Xiantian Spiritual Treasure? And it's a top-rank Xiantian Spiritual Treasure!"

After exclaiming, the owner waved his hand, and the door that was originally opened was closed in an instant, and the whole room was shrouded in a mysterious force. It seems that the owner has used his own power to isolate the outside world. Come!
"It's...really innate spirit treasures, and two top-grade innate spirit treasures!"

After finishing this, the shopkeeper carefully weighed the spirit treasures he had received from the two little fellows, and after a while, he couldn't help but said in shock!

"Why do you two little guys have such precious things? Do you dare to take them out so swaggeringly?"

Suppressing the shock in his heart, the shopkeeper couldn't help asking the two little guys!
The moment he saw these two innate spirit treasures, the shop owner already had the idea of ​​murdering and extorting goods. After all, the temptation of the two top-grade innate spirit treasures was too great for him!
However, this idea just passed away in a flash, and he was crushed to death in his mind!
After all, no matter what, he is also a human race, and this little girl is also a human race just like himself, so he wouldn't do such a disgraceful thing!

You know, since the conferment of the gods, the human race has once again been unified, and the current emperor has directly ordered that the same race is not allowed to kill each other. Once discovered, they will be tortured, and they will not be able to survive or die at that time!

What's more, there is a rule in the city of trading, that is, no use of force can be used in the city of trading, and this rule was made by other races!
Yes, this trading city was built by the human race. To be precise, this trading city was built by the Emperor. As for why a small shopkeeper would know such a secret thing, it was because of his identity. Only those who are special will know these secrets!

At the same time, as a human being, he naturally had to abide by the rules set by the Human Emperor.

As for him, as long as he does it secretly, so that no one will find out, wouldn't it be fine?

For example, if he kills these two little girls, who will know what he did?

Hehe, these emperors can naturally think of it, so they ordered people to collect materials and set up a large formation to cover the entire city of trading. Instantly sensed!
There have been people who committed murder and extortion, but just as this person was about to leave, he was stopped by a strong human race in the trading city and besieged to death!
"Hey! Uncle, you haven't told us how much delicious food you can exchange for these two things?"

Seeing that the shopkeeper took her and Qiqi's Xiantian Lingbao, she stood there in a daze, not knowing what she was thinking, and the little girl immediately became unhappy, so she asked loudly!
"What? Are you playing with these two innate spirit treasures in exchange for food?"

Hearing this, the shop owner suddenly had the urge to vomit blood. This is also the most ridiculous thing he has heard since he practiced until now. To trade the innate spiritual treasure for food, how prodigal are these two little girls?

And what kind of power is it that actually makes two little girls run around the streets with two innate treasures?Aren't you afraid of accidents?

The owner of the store admitted that he was very moved after hearing the little girl's words, but he knew he couldn't do this. He exchanged the innate spirit treasure for food. I'm afraid he promised that the forces behind the two little girls would come to him tomorrow. When the time comes, he won't even know where to cry!

Although he himself has the cultivation base of Da Luo Jinxian, he can be regarded as a strong man in the prehistoric, and there is a human race standing behind him!

But he didn't think that these two little girls were running all over the street with Xiantian Lingbao, and there would be simple forces behind them!

It is precisely because of his special status that he knows that the water in the prehistoric world is very deep. Although the strongest forces in the prehistoric world are the human race and the Saint Sect, the shopkeeper knows that there are many unknown forces in the dark!
Leaving aside other things, the Wu Clan in the reincarnation alone has Houtu Empresses who surpass the existence of saints, not to mention those Chaos Demon Gods who have been hidden since the beginning of the sky!
"If you two want to eat, I can give you some, as long as you change it, then forget it!"

Thinking of this, the shopkeeper shook his head, reluctantly returned the two innate spirit treasures in his hands to the two little guys, and said!

"Ah...but we want them all! Can't these two things be exchanged?"

Xiaonannan and Qiqi looked at the shopkeeper with some puzzlement, and then asked!
"It can be exchanged, but...forget it, you should go back and ask your parents, clan members, or your master."

The shopkeeper said with blood dripping in his heart, obviously the two innate spirit treasures are in front of him, and as long as he nods, they belong to him, but he can't do this, so he can only watch helplessly that these two innate spirit treasures are wrong. How to keep the owner from bleeding!

"Huh! This is my daughter's thing. You don't need to ask others, she can make the decision, and she is very strong!"

Seeing this, the little girl didn't understand that the shopkeeper was looking down on her, so she immediately said with an unconvinced face!
"Yeah! Qiqi can also make her own decisions!"

Qiqi on the side also hurriedly echoed.But the eyes never leave those delicacies and beautifully packaged snacks!

Hearing this, the shopkeeper couldn't help but hesitate a bit, he was really excited about these two innate spirit treasures!
"Uncle, don't worry, these two things belong to Nannan and Qiqi. As long as you exchange them, I guarantee that no one will trouble you later!"

Seeing that the shopkeeper was hesitant, the little girl hurriedly patted her chest, and then said reassuringly!

"Well, I won't trouble you!"

Qiqi also imitated the tone of the little girl and said!


Although the two little guys said so, the shopkeeper still looked at them suspiciously!


The two little guys nodded in affirmation, and then asked expectantly:

"By the way, how much can I exchange these two things with you?"

"If what you said is true, and you exchange these two innate spirit treasures with me, then you can exchange my entire shop!"

Brave and cowardly, the shopkeeper gritted his teeth and replied!

(End of this chapter)

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