Chapter 1429 Tianxingjie

"That's good!"

Hearing this, Tang Tian also nodded in agreement. Although he didn't know what kind of sect this Lintian Sect was and what level of power it was in this world, judging from Xiao Li's admiring tone, this Lintian Sect Zong Xianglai is not a simple force.

"By the way, senior, I don't know where you are going?"

Xiao Li asked curiously.

Xiao Li was naturally curious about Tang Tian's identity.

Although he guessed that Tang Tian was a senior who practiced in seclusion of a certain orthodox sect, there are many sects in the entire Central Plains. In Jingzhou where he is now, there are no less than ten top sect forces, such as those high-level, intermediate, and even more powerful. It is plentiful.

And Jingzhou where he is located is just one of the nine continents in the Central Plains.

Not to mention, the entire Central Plains, as well as the Western Regions outside the Central Plains, the Outlands, the Wild, the Endless Sea, etc.

Seemingly guessing what Xiao Li was thinking, Tang Tiandang continued to speak his words.

"Oh~! I've been in seclusion for many years, and this time I'm going to walk around casually, without any destination."

Sure enough, upon hearing Tang Tian's answer, Xiao Li's eyes lit up, and he hurriedly said:

"Senior. Since you don't have a clear destination, why don't you go to Lintianzong with me."

"Lintian Sect? What kind of sect is that?"

"Huh? Don't you, senior, come from our Jingzhou?"

Seeing that Tang Tian didn't even know Lin Tianzong, Xiao Li suddenly felt strange, but he soon realized that he asked Dang Li curiously.

You must know that Lintian Sect is one of the top ten sects in Jingzhou. Anyone who is in Jingzhou will basically know the existence of the top ten sects.

Therefore, Xiao Li guessed that this senior might not be from their Jingzhou, but he just happened to leave the customs for a casual stroll, came to Jingzhou, and happened to see him being besieged by the ghost king, so he rescued him.

"Ah... Ha. Haha, yes, I'm not from Jingzhou, I just happened to pass by, um...passing by."

Hearing this, Tang Tian couldn't help being stunned for a moment, but he quickly realized that he laughed out loud to cover up his embarrassment, and then replied.

"I said so. No wonder you don't know the existence of Lintian Sect, senior."

Hearing Tang Tian's explanation, Xiao Li suddenly realized.

He thought to himself, since he had sent the news back to Prince Jing's mansion anyway, why not just wait here for the arrival of support, and then go to Lintianzong together.

After all, it was the remnants of Ghost King Zong who were eyeing them this time, who knows if they will send people again.

Therefore, it would be safer to wait for the support from Prince Jing's Mansion to go on the road together.

Of course, by the way, I would like to introduce the situation in Jingzhou to my seniors.

Thinking of this, Xiao Li waved his hand, and suddenly a gazebo appeared in front of him, and then made a gesture of invitation to Tang Tian:

"Senior, why don't we sit down and have a cup of tea, I'm introducing the situation of Lintian Sect to you. What do you think?"

"Okay! This is my first time in Jingzhou, and I just want to know about the situation in Jingzhou?"

Isn't this right in Tang Tian's arms?So, without even thinking about it, Tang Tian nodded and replied directly.

As for why Xiao Li brought a gazebo with him, it was mainly because he often went out.Use all the things, not only the gazebo, but even the house in his space ring.

Entering the gazebo, after Tang Tian sat down, Xiao Li hurriedly bought Tang Tian a cup of tea, and then sat down.

Tang Tian was also polite, picked up the teacup, took a sip, and then praised:
"Not bad!"

"Hehe! Senior, this fairy tea is the tea that Prince Jing's mansion paid tribute to the Lintian Sect. I am grateful that Prince Jing thinks highly of it, so he gave me some."

Hearing Tang Tian's praise, Xiao Li couldn't help replying with pride.

Looking at Xiao Li with a smug face, Tang Tian just smiled slightly and didn't say anything.

After all, this tea may be extremely precious to others, but to Tang Tian, ​​it is nothing at all.

Tang Tian also has teas that are tens of millions and trillions better than this tea. Even in his space, there are still many teas that he can't afford. It's not that he can't afford it, but that he doesn't Dare to drink.

Because the energy contained in these tea leaves is too huge, with his current cultivation base, he can't bear such a huge amount of energy at all, and in the end he may only explode and die.

"That's right! You should tell me about this Jingzhou and the Lintian Sect. By the way, if you know anything other than Jingzhou, it's okay to tell me. You know what it's like out there now."

"Ah! Good. Senior, Lintian Sect is one of the top ten powers in Jingzhou. Even among the top ten powers, it can be ranked in the top three. There are even rumors that in Lintian Sect, there is still There are Sanxian sitting in the town."

Hearing Tang Tian's words, Xiao Li didn't dare to hesitate, and immediately told everything he knew.

It turns out that this world is called the Celestial Star Realm.

The Celestial Star Realm is divided into five regions, which are:
Central Plains, Western Regions, Outer Regions, Wilderness, Endless Sea.

Among them, the Central Plains is divided into nine continents, and Tang Tian is currently located in Jingzhou, one of the nine continents.

The Western Regions are divided into three continents, namely the Triple Layer Region, the Nine Heavens Region, and the Taiping Region.

Among them, the triple domain is formed by overlapping three extraterrestrial boulders. Because of its huge size, it looks like the triple sky, hence the name.

In the triple domain, there are more men than women, and they are very aggressive.I like cold weapons and value individual heroism.The people of the tribe grew up among the triple boulders, saw a lot of weird objects, and spread a lot of legends and stories from the wild and foreign lands.Close communication with foreign domains, often settled in.

Nine Heavens:
Made up of mountains.One of the tallest mountains is even straight into the nine clouds, and it is also called the Nine Heavens Clouds.

There are many weird plants, psychic animals, and creatures that can speak human in the mountains.The people of the tribe grew up in the Buzhou Mountains and saw many strange stories about animals and plants.

There is little contact with the outside world, and all resources come from the triple domain.There are more women than men in Jiutianyu, Wang Du is a woman.Advocating women, women's society.The Jiutian tribe likes singing, dancing and art.

Pacific domain:
Because of its flat terrain, endless grassland, and abundant food, it is the largest in the Western Regions.It is sunny, and the people are mainly farming. The power is the weakest among the three domains. They are often invaded by foreign domains and suffer unspeakably.

There are many huge stone carvings in the Taiping domain, and there are many water resources, facing the endless sea.The clansman likes books and farming, and lives mainly on life. They are not good at force. They are often exiled and have a close relationship with the Central Plains.

The Outer Domain is separated from the Central Plains by the Western Regions, and there is no road leading directly to the Central Plains.

There is no unified king in Outland, each is their own king and communicates with each other.Connected with the Western Regions and the Wild.

People from outside regions covet the fertile land of the Central Plains, so they often invade the Taiping Region in order to gain control of the Central Plains.There are many ores in Outland, and metallurgy is developed.

Prolific in weapons and equipment, the people are good at martial arts, and they know the culture of the barren land best.Internal conflicts often occur, there are many treasures and rare animals, and the overall strength is stronger than that of the Western Regions and Central Plains.

(End of this chapter)

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