Chapter 1476 Central Continent
A year passed in the blink of an eye.

Zhongzhou, hundreds of millions of miles away from Jingzhou.

Central Continent is the strongest and largest continent among the nine continents in the Central Plains. Even if the other eight continents add up, one Central Continent may not necessarily be as large!

There are four forbidden areas in Central Continent.

They are the Yuanheng Mountains in the east, the Nanxu Mountains in the south, the ghosts and creatures in the north, and the demon world in the west!

The ghost creature in the north is one of the four largest forbidden places in the entire Xuanyuan world. It is extremely dangerous inside. Even powerful monks dare not go deep into the depths of the ghost creature.

Because there are not only dangerous miasmas in it, but if they are monks, it is okay, if they are ordinary people, as long as they inhale a small breath, they will get lost, and if it is serious, they will die directly.

It's nothing but the miasma. The key is that there are many spirit beasts inside. These spirit beasts are not only powerful, but also naturally absorb the spiritual energy between heaven and earth to strengthen themselves.

According to rumors, there are powerful spirit beasts comparable to Sanxian in the depths of the ghosts. This kind of spirit beast can not only transform into a human form, but also possess wisdom that is not from humans!

You know, spirit beasts and ferocious beasts at the same level of cultivation are much stronger than humans, and some of them can even fight with one against ten, or even leapfrog.

Because of the spirit beasts, there are some existences with strong bloodlines among the fierce beasts. They are born with strong bodies, and at the same time they have inherited innate supernatural powers. These existences are also called divine beasts in the Celestial Star Realm.

The deepest part of ghosts.

This is the address of Ghost King Zong.

Thousands of years ago, the Ghost King Sect was besieged by various forces, and only a few escaped. In the outside world, it is impossible for those disciples of the Ghost King Sect to stay outside, because once they are discovered, they will face those righteous disciples again. killing of people.

In the end, as a last resort, those ghost king sect disciples who escaped had no choice but to flee to this extremely dangerous ghost creature.

I don't know if they were lucky, or if the powerful spirit beasts, fierce beasts, or divine beasts in the depths of the ghosts didn't bother to talk to them, and finally let them survive among the ghosts.

Moreover, after thousands of years of development, although the Ghost King Sect cannot return to its heyday as it was a thousand years ago, there are still more than a dozen Sanxians, and the strongest one is undoubtedly the Nine Tribulations Sanxian, who is their current Taishang. elders.

This Supreme Elder was one of the strong men who escaped back then, and he was also the only one who survived among these strong men back then. As for the remaining ones, it was not because they were seriously injured during the escape process, fell to the root of their illness, and eventually died. .

However, even if the Ghost King Sect has the top Nine Tribulations Sanxian in the Celestial Star Realm, they are still cautious among the ghosts in one of the forbidden places, because they know that in the deepest part of this ghosts and creatures, there is someone even stronger than the Nine Tribulations Sanxian. Powerful divine beasts, it's just that those divine beasts don't bother to talk to them, otherwise I'm afraid they can survive or not.

Ghost King Zong.

main hall.

The master of the Ghost King Sect, Yun Lou, looked at a disciple of the Ghost King Sect below and asked:

"Elder Gui Meng hasn't come back yet?"

The tone was so majestic that the disciple below couldn't help shaking his body and lowering his head. He immediately replied respectfully without any hesitation:
"Go back to the suzerain, Elder Guimeng has not returned yet!"

"Huh? It took a year for a small Prince Jing's mansion to be resolved? Did something happen to Elder Gui Meng?"

Yunlou frowned, then asked again.

"My lord, there is nothing unusual about Elder Guimeng's life lamp."

"Fate lamp? That thing is only related to life. Only when the life is in danger or falls, the life lamp will become abnormal. Maybe Elder Guimeng was caught."

Yunlou glanced at the disciples below, and then said.

"This... this disciple doesn't know either!"

After being glanced at by Yunlou, the disciple of the Ghost King Sect below shook violently, and drops of sweat dripped from his forehead, but he didn't dare to make any movements, still knelt on the spot, and then stammered back. road.

This is indeed his dereliction of duty, because a year has passed, he has never noticed this matter, and he has never reported it to the higher authorities. He only reacted and realized the seriousness of the matter when the suzerain asked about it.

In fact, he can't blame him, he is a small disciple, and Gui Meng is the elder of Gui Wangzong, so he doesn't know where Gui Meng is going or what he is doing, after all, he is just a disciple who guards the lamp .

What's more, monks like them sometimes retreat for more than a dozen, or tens of hundreds of years, so it is normal for them to disappear for a year or a half.

But he can only think about these words in his heart, but he dare not say them out, otherwise he will still have his life to kneel here or say something else.

The ranks of the Ghost King Sect are very strict, and at the same time, they also believe in the concept of respecting the strong. A low-level disciple cannot refute a higher-level disciple than you. What's more, the one in front of you is the suzerain of the Ghost King Sect, but apart from the Supreme Elder , one of the most powerful existences of the Ghost King Sect.

"Okay! You go down first! Next time this happens, you don't need to exist!"

After a while, Yun Lou waved his hand impatiently, and said.

As the suzerain of the Ghost King Sect, he doesn't even bother to argue with a disciple about this matter, what's more, Yun Lou also knows that he can't be blamed for this matter.


Hearing this, the disciple below finally calmed down, and after a reply, he stood up, bowed respectfully to Yunlou, and then turned and exited the hall.

After leaving the main hall, the disciple also let out a sigh of relief, with a look of fear on his face.

Although Yunlou didn't exude any aura, the difference in cultivation between the two is too far, what's more, Yunlou is still the suzerain of the Ghost King Sect, so his status makes this disciple feel extremely pressure when facing him If it wasn't for this disciple's strong willpower, he might have been paralyzed right now.

At this moment, the disciple didn't hesitate, and left the hall with big strides.

In the main hall, after the disciple left, Yunlou thought for a while, then raised his head and shouted:

"Come on!"

After a while, a disciple walked in, and the disciple respectfully bowed to Yunlou.

"Sovereign! What are your orders!"

"Go and inform the second and third elders to come to the main hall, and say that I have something to ask them for!"

Yunlou looked at the disciple, and then ordered.


Hearing the suzerain's order, the disciple didn't dare to hesitate, and after answering, he turned and left in a hurry.

"Elder Guimeng is a cultivator at the pinnacle of the Transcendence Tribulation Stage. Except for the strong ones at the Sanxian level, even a monk at the Mahayana stage cannot catch him without hurting him. Once Guimeng If the elder is injured, then Ming Deng should show up abnormally."

"But now there is nothing abnormal about the life lamp, so there is only one situation, and that is that Elder Gui Meng was directly subdued without any resistance."

(End of this chapter)

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