From the beginning of the flood to the heavens and the world

Chapter 149 The confrontation between the two teachings

Chapter 149 The Confrontation Between the Two Religions

In the Zhuxian sword formation.

"Haha! Good, good!"

After Jiang Ziya finished conferring the gods, Master Tongtian couldn't help but burst out laughing.

Not only the Master Tongtian was happy, but even the faces of Empress Nuwa and the three emperors of the human race were full of smiles!
"Take it!" After laughing, Master Tongtian appeared in the center of the formation, and with a wave of his hand, he put away the Four Swords of Zhu Xian and the formation diagram.

As the formation was put away, the sword energy all over the sky also disappeared.

Empress Nuwa, Fuxi and others also retreated to the side of the leader of Tongtian, while Lao Tzu, a sage, looked at the original Tianzun, and looked at the five of Tongtian with a livid face.

"Three senior brothers, senior sister Nuwa, and three fellow Taoists. Now that the conferment of gods has been completed, the two of us will return to the west." Jieyin said to everyone present.

Although Jieyin was in a bit of a mess at this time, it was not serious because of the defensive spirit treasure of the twelfth-grade meritorious golden lotus.

And Zhunti is a bit miserable, because there is no good defensive magic weapon, he has been using the golden body to resist the sword energy, so the hundred-foot golden body that was finally built is now torn to pieces, and there is no place for the clothes on his body Well, the whole person looked very embarrassed.

"Hey! Junior brother. Then let's go!" Looking at the distressed Zhunti, Jieyin shook his head helplessly and sighed, then flew towards the west.

"Okay! Brother."

Zhunti's face was very gloomy and he nodded towards Jieyin, then glared at Yuanyuan Tianzun, Tongtian Cult Master, and Xuanyuan. He was obviously blaming these three people. If it weren't for the three of them, he wouldn't be in such a mess , and then chased after Jieyin.

"Junior brother! I'm going back too!" Lao Tzu saw that the Second Saint of the West had left and didn't want to stay any longer, so he bid farewell to Yuan Yuan, and then disappeared.

"Junior Sister Nuwa, three fellow Taoists! Would you like to go to Jin'ao Island?" The Master Tongtian asked Empress Nuwa and the three emperors of the human race.

"Good!" The four of them agreed without thinking about it.

After that, the four of them no longer cared about Yuan Tianzun, and flew towards Jinao Island.

Seeing that everyone was gone, Yuan Yuan Tianzun looked at the collapsed Kunlun Mountain and couldn't help but let out a roar.


But he said that on the way back, Jieyin and Zhunti met the intercepting and elucidating teachers who were confronting each other.

Therefore, Zhunti rolled his eyes, and then said to the reception next to him: "Senior brother, you go back first! I still have something to do!"

"Okay!" Jieyin didn't think too much, glanced at the direction where the two religions were facing each other, and then continued to fly west.

Seeing that the guide had gone far, Zhunti flew directly to the direction where the two religions were facing each other.

"Fellow Taoist Kong Xuan, let's just let it go!" Taoist Ran Deng said while looking at Kong Xuan on the opposite side.

"No way! Senior Brother Duobao has told you to keep an eye on you until he comes back!" Before Kong Xuan could answer, Bi Xiao jumped out by himself, burning the lamp and shouting.

And Kong Xuan didn't open his mouth to speak, he was acquiescing to Bi Xiao's words!
After all, Kong Xuan promised Duobao that he would guard Guang Chengzi and the others and not let them go. Although Kong Xuan was proud, he still paid special attention to his promise.

"You, you, you...!" Daoist Ran Deng pointed at Bi Xiao, speechless angrily.

The reason why Ran Deng is here is because he never returned to Kunlun Mountain. Last time Yuan Yuan Tianzun gave him shame in front of Duobao and others, so he has been wandering outside, but he did not expect to meet Guang Cheng Zi and others, so there is such a confrontation.

"Why are you here?" At this moment, a voice came over.

"I've seen the Zhunti saint!" Everyone looked and found that it was the Zhunti saint from the west, so they shouted quickly.

"Well! You don't need to be too polite!" Zhunti nodded and said.

"What are you?" Zhunti asked with a puzzled look, looking at the crowd.

"Sage Zhunti, this is how it happened! I and the other juniors were planning to go back to the sect, but these people who were intercepting the sect really deceived people too much. They didn't want me and the juniors to go back. Wait here!" Jian Zhun asked, Guang Chengzi jumped out all of a sudden, and said with a very aggrieved look.

"Oh! What else is there?" Zhunti asked curiously, but he was thinking in his heart, 'Go back to Kunlun Mountain?I don't know if Kunlun Mountain still exists now! '

"That's not the case!" Bi Xiao quickly retorted.

"Then what do you think it's like?" Guang Chengzi asked strangely.

"Uh, this... this!" Startled by Guang Chengzi's question, Bi Xiao faltered for a long time, but couldn't give a reason.

"Sage Zhunti! Don't you think he has nothing to say!" Guang Chengzi hurriedly pointed at Bi Xiao and said to Zhunti.

"Zhunti saint! During the catastrophe period, we are hostile forces to intercept and elucidate teachings, so there is nothing wrong with detaining them?" At this time, Yunxiao walked up to Bixiao, glanced at Guang Chengzi, and then said to Zhuangti .

"Indeed!" Zhunti nodded in agreement.

After all, what Yun Xiao said is also very reasonable. When encountering hostile forces during the catastrophe, it is already considered good not to kill but to detain you. Otherwise, why should we let you go?People who cut off teaching are not that stupid.

"Sage Zhunti!" Seeing that Zhunti agreed with Yunxiao's words, Guang Chengzi shouted anxiously.

"Guang Chengzi. It's not that I won't help you, but that if I wait for the sage to take action during the catastrophe, I will be suspected of bullying the small!"

"Why don't you all worship under my Buddhist sect, so that you are all members of my Buddhist sect, and I have a reason to save you, right?" Zhunti blushed, and looked helpless, Said to Guang Chengzi.

"I will not betray my teacher!" Guang Chengzi also jumped down when he heard Zhunti's words, and then shook his head frantically.

"Hey! If that's the case, then I don't care about the affairs of the two sects. Brother Yuan was the one who wiped out the entire Chaoge barracks with a slap in the face. I don't know how many members of the Jie sect died inside!" Zhun Ti Looking at Guang Chengzi and the others, he said with a very acceptable look.

"What? Was the Chaoge barracks destroyed by the primitive sage? Didn't Senior Sister Guiling and Wudang fall? But didn't Guiling, Wudang, and elder brother become gods just now?" Yun Xiao shouted in shock at first. , but thinking of Jiang Ziya's voice that spread throughout the prehistoric world, he looked at Zhun with some doubts and asked.

"Alas! It is the fallen person, the true spirit can be enshrined in the list of gods, and after being conferred, that person will be under the control of others and will be sent forever." Zhunti looked like those who died for the sect. People, sighed regretfully, and then explained, but thought narcissistically in their hearts, "This is true, and I didn't lie to them!"It's just that what I said was a bit exaggerated!It seems that I am really a good person! '

Although the person who conferred the gods probably said the same thing, Zhunti just exaggerated the conferred gods, not to mention Guiling and Wudang, one is the Antarctic Changsheng Emperor, and the other is the Dongji Qinghua Emperor. Immortal status is only under the Jade Emperor and the Queen Mother.

Just because they are the disciples of Tongtian Sage, Jade Emperor and Queen Mother dare not send them too much.

"Ah, Guang Chengzi, I'm going to kill you." As soon as Zhunti finished speaking, Bi Xiao shouted at Ran Deng, Guang Chengzi and the others with red eyes, and then rushed towards them.

Seeing Bi Xiao rushing over, Guang Chengzi and the others couldn't help shouting in their hearts, "I didn't do this, it was my master. What does it have to do with me? If you have the ability, go to my master." , What's the use of finding us!

(End of this chapter)

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