Chapter 1564 Leave!Alchemy!
As the explosion energy disappeared, everyone watching the battle let out a deep breath and relaxed, and the three immortal emperors were relieved.

Everyone's eyes were all focused on the fuzzy figure in the mist emitting a trace of blood-red light in the distance, and they knew that this person was Tang Tian.

"I didn't expect Tang Tian to win this battle? It seems that Xiaoyao Palace has been ashamed this time!"

Looking at the blurred figure, the female fairy emperor couldn't help sighing.

After all, even the principal and deputy palace masters were defeated by Tang Tian alone. In the future, as long as anyone thinks of this battle, they will think that Xiaoyao Palace is Tang Tian's defeated opponent.

And Tang Tian is going to be famous this time, I am afraid that the news will spread throughout the fairyland of the Western Regions tomorrow, and even the entire fairyland. After all, although the entire fairyland is big, the news is transmitted very quickly.

Moreover, in the fairyland of the Western Regions, there are not only people from the fairyland of the Western Regions, but also people from other fairylands.

At this moment, Tang Tian had already left this mountain range after defeating Immortal Emperor Xiaoyao, and he didn't want to continue to have any entanglements with these immortals.

In the blink of an eye, hundreds of years had passed since Tang Tian defeated Immortal Emperor Xiaoyao.

In these hundreds of years, Tang Tian has been wandering in the fairy world, and even Tang Tian's figure has appeared in the demon world, demon world, and ghost world.

The reason why he has traveled so many places is mainly to find or collect Dan Fang.

Central Wonderland.

The Central Fairyland is the largest continent in the Immortal Realm. Even if the East, West, South, and North Four Fairylands are combined, they are less than one percent, or even one thousandth, of the Central Fairyland.

This central fairyland is not only big, but also the place where the most powerful people exist in the entire fairyland.

On top of a huge mountain!

Tang Tian closed his eyes, and began to recall the refining methods of various pills in the alchemy art. Fortunately, Tang Tian had a strong memory, otherwise he would have forgotten it long ago.

"Nine-colored snow lotus pill is the only medicine suitable for immortal kings, even immortal emperors. You need nine-colored petals, snow lotus leaves, hundreds of flowers, and a few other herbs. There are all the herbs you bought. It seems that you will try it first. Let's try this Nine-Colored Snow Lotus Pill!"

Tang Tian said to himself, selected the medicinal herbs for refining the Nine Color Snow Lotus Pill, and then urged the immortal fire to pour into the cauldron furnace, and put the medicinal herbs into the pill furnace in order according to the method of alchemy.

"In the alchemy art, it is said that you should pay attention to controlling the fire, which is similar to that of refining a weapon. Especially when congealing alchemy, the fire must be even, so that it can be refined."

Tang Tian said to himself, trying his best to control the demon fire, and refine the herbs in the alchemy furnace.

Soon, more than ten minutes passed, and Tang Tian saw that the medicinal herbs in the cauldron had been refined into a solution. At this moment, Tang Tian shouted:

Slightly increased the heat to extract the essence from the solution. These essences are the key to condense the elixir. If there are impurities, alchemy will easily fail!


A few minutes later, there was a muffled sound from the alchemy furnace, the cauldron vibrated a few times, and wisps of black smoke came out immediately.

Tang Tian said depressedly:
"His grandma's almost succeeded, but at the critical moment, the heat has increased! A slight change will fail, this alchemy is really not easy! No wonder there are not many alchemists in the entire fairy world! Come again!"

After failing once, Tang Tian naturally wouldn't give up, not once, twice, twice, hundreds of times!Thousands of times!
Tang Tian continued alchemy again. After a few days, Tang Tian failed hundreds of times and wasted a lot of herbs. Ge Changfeng visited it a few times and left disappointed.

"His grandma's, it's been practiced for three days, and it failed 380 times seven times! Every time it failed at a critical moment, it really pissed me off, don't be angry, don't be angry, just calm down, impetuousness is a taboo in alchemy! "

The flames that had just surged up in Tang Tian subsided.

He took a few deep breaths to calm himself down, then urged the fairy fire to pour into the alchemy furnace, and put the herbs into the alchemy furnace one by one in order.

After hundreds of times of practice, Tang Tian refined the medicinal herbs faster and extracted all the essence, and finally came to the key to condensing the pill!
"It must be smooth! It must be successful! Calm! Calm! Evenly heated!"

Tang Tian was thinking silently in his heart, trying hard to control the heat so that his forehead was covered with sweat.


More than ten minutes later, Tang Tian smelled a scent of fragrance, and his heart was ecstatic. A moment later, with a bang, the lid of the cauldron flew up, and a powerful aura of medicinal pills emitted.

Tang Tian was full of joy, couldn't help laughing and said:
"Haha! It's a success! The Nine Color Snow Lotus Pill was successfully refined! Great! His grandma's, it took 380 eight times to refine it, and it took three days! Haha! It finally succeeded! It really pays off! Nine-color Snow Lotus Pill, get up!"

In the alchemy furnace, the powerful aura of the elixir quickly spread out, and a scent of fragrance wafted around.

In the mountains, many immortal beasts smelled the fragrance of the pill one after another, and they couldn't help being shocked. They felt the immortal power in their bodies circulate rapidly, and seemed to suddenly have a desire for the fragrance of the pill.

And some powerful fairy beasts raised their heads one after another.Looking in the direction of the scent of Dan, their eyes were full of desire and greed, but soon they seemed to think of something, and the desire and greed in their eyes were suppressed and turned into fear.

Because of the direction from which the scent of the pill came from, these immortal beasts all knew that there was a powerful immortal, who exuded a powerful aura when he came to this mountain decades ago , directly suppressed all the immortal beasts in the entire mountain range. You must know that in this mountain range, there are immortal beasts comparable to the immortal emperors in Lushan Mountain.

But even so, in the face of this momentum, it is still the fate of being suppressed. From this, it can be seen how powerful this immortal who appeared out of nowhere is.

Therefore, when they smelled the scent of the pill, they did not dare to be greedy, because it would cost their own lives. Although the pill is good, it is nothing compared to their own life.

And at this time, above the mountain peak.

Tang Tian looked at the pill furnace, dozens of pills emitting a faint nine-color light flew out, suspended in the air, within a few minutes, the space within a radius of several tens of feet could smell the fragrance.

Looking at his masterpiece floating in mid-air, Tang Tian smiled and was extremely happy. Although this was not his first alchemy success, but this time he had refined the most advanced elixir, and he was reluctant to take back the jade bottle after seeing it. Among them.

Ling Aotian laughed loudly and said: "Haha! Nine Color Snow Lotus Pill! Such a powerful breath, but unfortunately it is only suitable for the cultivation base of Immortal Lord and Immortal Emperor. It has no effect on me now, but it is not bad. At least this success has laid a foundation for refining higher-level pills in the future."

"By the way, how about the power of this elixir? But where can I find someone to try it? Wait, why am I so stupid? Aren't there many immortal beasts around here that are comparable to immortal kings and immortal emperors? Use them Wouldn't it be enough to try the pill?"

(End of this chapter)

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