From the beginning of the flood to the heavens and the world

Chapter 1569 The gluttonous blood!Qinglong bloodline!

Chapter 1569 The gluttonous blood!Qinglong bloodline!
"Ha ha!"

After successfully breaking through to the secondary divine beast, Xiao Hei seemed even more excited, jumping back and forth in the surrounding space, very active.

But Xiaolan, Xiaoyi and other fairy beasts looked at Xiaohei several times, and found that its body had grown a little, but its appearance hadn't changed at all.

As for strength, except that they sensed a little pressure on Xiao Hei just before he broke through, they can't sense any breath from it now. Except for being able to travel through space, it is no different from an ordinary fairy beast.

"Little bastard, how do you feel now? Have you made a breakthrough in cultivation?"

Xiao Lan brought Xiao Yi and five fairy beasts to Xiao Hei, and after looking at it carefully, she couldn't wait to ask.

"Haha! Well, I feel better than ever now! Although I haven't made a breakthrough in my cultivation and am still in the early stage of the Immortal Emperor, I can definitely easily crush the opponent in the middle stage of the Immortal Emperor. Even in the late stage, I am confident that I can draw with the opponent."

Hearing Xiao Lan's question, Xiao Hei suddenly laughed excitedly, and then said with a proud face.

"So strong? By the way, what happened to you just now? Why do I feel a breath in your body that makes me tremble?"

Xiao Lan recalled the terrifying aura before, and immediately asked curiously.

"Terrifying breath? Is there any? Why didn't I feel it?"

But Xiao Hei looked at Xiao Lan blankly, and then asked suspiciously.

It turned out that Xiao Hei had been refining the golden elixir just now, and had no time to pay attention to the outside world, so he didn't know what happened.

In fact, the aura that Xiaolan felt just now that made it tremble was actually a trace of gluttonous blood that Xiao Hei had just awakened.

The five fairy beasts, including Xiaolan and Xiaoyi, were originally fairy beasts, and Taotie was a ferocious beast, and it was also a top existence among the beasts. Even if Xiao Hei only awakened a trace of Taotie's blood, it was not Xiaolan and others. The fairy beast can bear it.

"It's your turn! Although I don't know what type of elixir it is, I can be sure of one thing, that is, that golden elixir is definitely not a poison elixir!"

To calm down the excitement in his heart, Xiao Hei hurriedly said to the five fairy beasts including Xiao Lan and Xiao Yi.

Although, when I met Xiaolan, I basically fought, but after so many years, even if it was a fight, I also showed affection.

If Tang Tian hadn't said before that each person could only eat one golden elixir, Xiao Hei would have eaten the second one long ago, or would have robbed Xiaolan and the others of their golden elixir.

Of course, these are just Xiao Hei's thoughts in his heart, otherwise it would really dare to snatch Xiao Lan's golden pill, Tang Tian might just ask him to remake it.

"Oh! Yes!"

Hearing Xiao Hei's words, Xiao Lan and Xiao Yi waited for the fairy beasts to react, and immediately rushed towards the golden core, fearing that the golden core would be gone if they were too slow.

Before arriving in front of the golden elixir, there was no need for Tang Tian to urge, only to see Xiao Lan and the first-class fairy beasts directly opened their mouths and swallowed the golden elixir in one gulp.

Tang Tian was naturally happy to see this, and immediately released his divine consciousness, divided it into six parts, and always paid attention to the conditions of Xiaolan and Xiaoyi first-class fairy beasts.

Time passed little by little.

The first one to wake up was not the strongest Xiaolan, but Xiaoyi who was at the peak level of Xianjun.

But now they can no longer be called Immortal Monarchs, but Immortal Emperors.

That's right, after taking the golden elixir, the five immortal beasts of the Xiaoyi class broke through one after another and became immortal emperor-level immortal beasts.

At this time, Xiaolan is still refining the golden elixir, not to say that Xiaolan absorbs the golden elixir slower than Xiaoyi and the others, but that Xiaolan has also awakened the power of her bloodline, and the awakened bloodline of Xiaolan The power is not inferior to that of the little black gluttonous blood.

"The blood of the Azure Dragon Divine Beast?"

A gleam flashed in Tang Tian's eyes.

No wonder Xiao Hei once said that Xiao Lan and it have always fought on equal footing. Although the two of them usually fight not a life-and-death battle, but a rivalry, but Xiao Hei is a descendant of Taotie. Even though they are only at the same level, they are It is much stronger than the average of the same level.

And Xiaolan can fight on par with Xiaohei, and her bloodline is naturally not bad, but I didn't expect it to be a divine beast Azure Dragon of the same level as Taotie's bloodline!


Suddenly, there was a turmoil in the surrounding space, and countless water forces gathered from all directions, rushing towards Xiaolan one after another.

As the huge water power poured into Xiaolan's body, Xiaolan's whole body emitted bursts of blue light, and a terrifying aura that was not inferior to Xiaohei's before erupted from Xiaolan's body in an instant.

Even the five immortal beasts of the first class who had broken through the realm of the immortal emperor couldn't help but take a step back under this terrifying aura, only Tang Tian and Xiao Hei were not affected at all.

"Haha! As expected of my old opponent, he has also awakened his bloodline. And seeing the situation, the awakened bloodline is not low!"

Seeing this change in Xiaolan, Xiaohei couldn't help laughing, and then said, with a hint of joy in his eyes, as if he was suddenly happy for Xiaolan's awakening of his blood.

Tang Tian didn't speak.Just watching Xiaolan silently, at the same time paying close attention to the situation in Xiaolan's body with the power of divine consciousness.

"It seems that the Nine-Color Snow Lotus Pill I refined is already one of the top pills in this fairy world. Even if it reaches the God Realm, it should be ranked as a middle-grade pill!"

Tang Tian narrowed his eyes slightly, and kept thinking in his heart!
Time passed slowly, and I don't know how long it has been.

The dense water power around him suddenly shook, and then slowly dissipated.

And the blue light on Xiaolan's body also gradually subsided, that terrifying aura had long since disappeared, and Xiaolan also returned to her original appearance, an ordinary little fairy beast.

"What a powerful force! And the mysterious and ancient breath in the body, is it the power of blood? I feel that I am more than ten times stronger now. If I use the power of blood, I am afraid that my strength will increase by more than a hundred times. "

"It's a pity that the power of this bloodline is too little. If I use it with all my strength, I'm afraid it can only support ten minutes at most. However, as I continue to cultivate, the power of this bloodline will continue to increase, and eventually it will be comparable to the legendary beast. Qinglong's level."

After waking up, Xiaolan felt the powerful force in her body, as well as the mysterious and ancient aura in her body, she couldn't help but exclaimed immediately.

"Haha! Xiaolan, how do you feel? Do you have the feeling that you can smash the sky with just one punch? Even if there is a strong immortal in front of you, you dare to rush up and fight him?"

Just when Xiaolan was still marveling at the amazing power in her body, suddenly Xiaohei's smirk came from next to her ear.

Following the prestige, I saw that Xiao Hei came in front of him at some point, and standing behind him were Xiao Yi and other immortal beasts.

"Hehe, trust me now? I said that if I give you a chance, I will definitely give it to you!"

At this time, a figure slowly appeared in front of Xiao Hei. Who else could this person be besides Tang Tian? Tang Tian looked at Xiao Lan, Xiao Hei, and Xiao Hei and other immortal beasts, and then said with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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