Chapter 1597 Split Wind God Butterfly
At this moment, Tang Tian was also circulating the energy in his body to guard his mind.

Immediately, I felt my mind cleared up a lot.

However, he was still secretly amazed in his heart, how terrifying this Wind Ripper Butterfly is!

Just as Tang Tian and the others blocked the sonic attack.

Another two terrifying wind blades rushed over, these two wind blades were in the shape of a cross, and they were extremely powerful.

At the very least, it is as terrifying as the limit of the gods in the later stage.

If it were Tang Tian's own physical body to resist, it would not be able to withstand this blow at all.

Even with a god-level shield, I'm afraid he would be seriously injured by the shock.

This power is too strong!

But Tang Tian and the others had no other choice, they directly activated the formation again to form a light shield.


This time, the light shield was shattered directly, and Tang Tian and the nine of them were all blown away.

"too strong!"

Tang Tian and the others were shocked.

Is this the strength of the god-level pinnacle-level Split Wind God Butterfly?

This Godly Butterfly Splitting Wind is not a real divine beast, it just has the blood of a divine beast, and has not grown into a real divine beast.

If it was a real divine beast, perhaps this blow would be enough to kill Tang Tian and the others on the spot.

If Xiao Hei and Xiao Lan grew up to be real beasts, how strong would they be?
Tang Tian couldn't help thinking of Xiao Hei and Xiao Lan who had awakened their blood in the fairy world.

"Hmph, beast!"

At this moment, Master Fengye finally made a move, and a divine sword appeared in his hand and slashed out.

Instantly tearing apart the sky, he went straight to the depths of the mountain stream.

Extremely terrifying, and the speed is even more terrifying.

This blow, at least Baiji!


A loud bang.


Suddenly, an angry scream came from the depths of the mountain stream.

Then a huge figure flew over from the depths at a high speed, flying like a ray of light, and finally stopped in front of everyone.

Only then did everyone see that it was a blue butterfly.

The butterfly's wings are huge, and its eyes are extremely angry and cold.

"You are courting death!"

Liefeng Shendie spit out words, extremely angry.

Immediately, the wings waved, and instantly turned into countless wind blades, shooting towards Tang Tian and the others.

There are at least thousands of these wind blades, each of which has a power close to [-] poles.

Tang Tian and the others had no choice but to form an formation again to resist.

The wind blade hit the light shield and exploded like a torrential rain.

Faced with these attacks, the light shield also became shaky and could break at any time.

On the other side, Master Fengye was also suppressed by the dense wind blades.

However, Master Feng Ye is not a vegetarian either, he circulates his own divine power to form a strong wind shield protection, blocking all these wind blades.


Master Fengye let out a cold snort, and his figure suddenly turned into an aurora.

The speed skyrocketed, and he rushed towards the God of Splitting Wind Butterfly.

The power of the field exploded with all its strength, forming a terrifying impact.

"Triple domain?"

Tang Tian knew it in his heart! .

Master Fengye's understanding of the sky domain has actually reached the third level, and it seems that he has not just entered the third level, but has reached the third level for many years!

This blow at least exploded the strength of the god's late limit.

The limit of the gods in the later stage, even if it is Tang Tian today, he can reach this level only by relying on the strength of his physical body.

This power is absolutely devastating.

The Godly Butterfly Splitting Wind also seemed to feel the horror of Master Fengye's blow, and immediately mobilized the power of the gods in her whole body to mobilize the power of her own domain.

But the domain level of the Wind Ripper Butterfly is obviously much weaker than Master Fengye, but it should also be at the third level of the domain.


Two huge forces collided, and the sound that erupted was extremely terrifying.

The rocks of the entire mountain stream were shaken and burst by this terrifying sound.

And the aftermath formed by the two turned the mountain stone into dust.

Tang Tian and the others were naturally also affected by the aftermath. Fortunately, they were standing behind Master Fengye, so the terrifying aftermath did not affect them too much.

Seeing this blow, they all showed surprised expressions.


The huge body of the Splitting Wind Butterfly hit the mountain wall, causing the entire mountain wall to burst immediately.

There were bloodstains in many places on the body, obviously the injury was serious.

Seeing this scene, everyone around showed surprise expressions.


This is the battle between the god-level peak powerhouses?


The Splitting Wind Godly Butterfly let out an angry roar.

The huge body turned into a human body, but behind it was a pair of wings.

The next moment, the Godly Butterfly Splitting Wind rushed towards Master Fengye.

The speed is several times faster than before.

Except for Tang Tian and Lu Qingyue, Song Ren and the others couldn't see the figure of the God of Splitting Wind at all.

Seeing this, Master Fengye also exploded with terrifying speed, fighting with the Godly Butterfly Splitting Wind.

The terrible impact continuously tore the surrounding mountain walls, tearing the entire mountain stream out of several times the space.

"Form an formation, trap him, I want to perform a lore."

Master Feng Ye suddenly sent a sound transmission to the nine people.

Hearing this, the nine people tried their best to activate the formation.

The purpose of their formation is to cooperate with Master Fengye to form a lore.

So at this moment, they have contributed all their strength to form a terrifying formation.

Nine stars shine brightly in the sky, forming an extremely strange array above the void.

The power of this array is very strong, and the power accumulated in it is definitely not inferior to the full-strength blow of the gods in the later stage.

Such a blow, even if it couldn't kill the Splitting Wind Butterfly, was still enough to cause the Splitting Wind Divine Butterfly to suffer greatly.


In the end, the nine-star shining array was completely condensed.

In this array, a terrifying beam of light directly formed.

This ray of light swept violently and directly bombarded the Wind Ripper Butterfly.

The speed is so fast that it is completely close to the speed of light.

The Godly Butterfly Splitting Wind who was originally fighting Master Fengye was suddenly attacked by this terrifying blow.

Immediately, he was about to burst into tears, and immediately shook Master Fengye back, resisting with all his strength.


The Crack Butterfly mobilized its own power to collide with this beam of light.

A momentary terrible crash.

For a while, they were deadlocked together.

And at the moment of the stalemate, Master Fengye had already started to perform his lore.

At this moment, an extremely terrifying aura erupted from the high-grade Heavenly God Sword in Master Fengye's hand.

All the power of the gods in Master Fengye's body was poured into the long sword, and the aura of the long sword attracted powerful domain power.

Formed an extremely terrifying shock.

"Sweet Song of the Wind, Extinction!"

He only heard Venerable Feng Ye yell loudly, and stabbed out with a sword.

The sword light formed by the divine sword turned into a beam of extremely fast light, piercing through the head of the split wind butterfly in an instant.

The Splitting Wind Goddie didn't even have a chance to resist, so he was instantly killed with one blow.

In this scene, apart from Tang Tian and Lu Qingyue, the seven of Song Ren and the others were dumbfounded.

"What a terrifying sword, the power of this sword may easily kill me in seconds."

Song Ren thought to himself.

At that moment just now, Song Ren felt palpitations.

He can be sure that even if he has the god-level armor protection, he will be shocked to death by one blow.

And the speed of this blow, even if he wanted to dodge, it was too late.

That is to say, the Fengye Master in front of him can definitely kill him face-to-face easily.

The existence of the limit of the gods in the later stage is too scary!

"Is this the difference?"

Song Ren and the others thought to themselves.

Moreover, Song Ren and the others knew that Venerable Feng Ye was not the strongest among the gods, and there were very few gods stronger than him in the God Realm.

(End of this chapter)

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