Chapter 1626 Panic Jing Wuying

"do not want!"

Jing Wuying was also completely panicked.

In fact, Jing Wuying also has her own wish, she wants to be strong, to be a dark horse, to put Tang Tian, ​​Meng Ao, Li Shaotian and others under their feet.

So when he started fighting today, he didn't use the attack artifact.He only used the ground shuttle with a buoyant face.

Isn't it the first time for you, Tang Tian, ​​to defeat an opponent without using treasures?Then I don't need to attack your artifact to defeat you Tang Tian, ​​so Jing Wuying had this idea in his heart.

But when Tang Tian really appeared in front of Jing Wuying, he panicked in fright.

"Iron Phantom Shield!"

Jing Wuying raised his hand almost reflexively, and finally released his body protection treasure.A black light spread out in front of him in an instant. The iron phantom shield was both a defensive shield and a phantom array.When this huge shield appears, there will also be some phantom formations of ferocious beasts on it, which are lifelike and deter opponents.

But Tang Tian simply dismissed such a small trick.

"You can learn that I don't need treasures?"

Tang Tian snorted coldly, and the iron fist hit the phantom shield in front of him unceremoniously!
A blue light and shadow of divine power violently shook away.

The phantom array on the shield was directly shattered, and looking at the black shield body, it was already covered with countless dense spider web-like cracks.

"My God, is Tang Tian a demon cultivator? Or is his body in the form of a beast? Why is his body so powerful?"

All the people present stood up again, and Tang Tian beat the opponent's shield like this with his fist.I'm afraid that even a physical cultivator would find it difficult to do so. Only demon cultivators, or divine beasts, who are born with strong and tough skin and great strength, can achieve such an effect.

"This power..."

The most shocked person was probably Jing Wuying!Seeing Tang Tian's punch, his unrealistic thoughts of easily trampling Ding Hao and defeating Ding Hao without using treasures were instantly smashed to pieces!

Jing Wuying moved the ground shuttle under his feet, almost retreating in the fastest time.To say that the speed of the ground shuttle is astonishing, but in the blink of an eye, Jing Wuying had already fled a mile away.


Lao Lei let out a sigh of relief, if Jing Wuying lost like this, his face would also be ugly.

Then, his big mouth opened again:

"What people didn't expect was that Tang Tian really had two brushes. He suddenly used some kind of weird movement technique to sneak attack Jing Wuying and succeeded..."

Before he finished speaking, Fang Yu angrily scolded:
"Sneak attack on your family! Lei Tingting, you are talking nonsense, right? Brother Tang Tian obviously relied on his strength to forcefully rush in front of Jing Wuying and overthrow him. Is this a sneak attack?"

Lao Lei ignored Fang Yu, as long as his fans listened to him, Fang Yu's words were selectively blocked by his ears.

He continued:
"Although Tang Tian's sneak attack was successful, Jing Wuying was still superior. With his extraordinary speed from the Thousand Illusion Sect, he escaped Tang Tian's second sneak attack! I'm still optimistic about Jing Wuying. Wuying's speed and the flying speed provided by the ground shuttle under his feet have already helped him remain invincible!"

His seemingly favorable summary resonated with many viewers:

"I agree with this sentence, Jing Wuying's speed is too fast, Tang Tian can't catch up at all! At least Jing Wuying will not lose, and he is invincible!"

In the battle space, Tang Tian and Jing Wuying stood in the air.

Jing Wuying looked at the Iron Phantom Shield in his hand with distress, and finally took it into his pocket.At this moment, since he has already used the treasure, he doesn't care about using other treasures.He opened his mouth again, and a golden light shot out from his mouth.

"The Divine Soldier of Destiny has appeared!"

For their battle at this stage, the natal magic weapon is an important point to watch.

Jing Wuying's natal weapon is a small golden tower. When this small tower appeared, it immediately became huge, reaching a height of ten thousand miles, like a giant golden bamboo shoot, which fell to the ground with a bang.

Afterwards, a series of domain powers emerged from the tower. Although none of them were powerful domain powers, there were still a lot of them, about a hundred of them. These mantras were spinning around the tower, forming a series of golden cyclone.

"It is a unique artifact of the Thousand Illusions Sect, the Mantra Illusory Turret!"

Lao Lei nodded:
"Jing Wuying finally took out his strongest artifact, the magic turret. As far as I know, this turret is quite strong. The strongest point is that there are nearly a hundred fields inlaid outside its tower. The power of these formations formed a set of domain formations! Then the spinning of these formations will indiscriminately attack enemies in all directions! That is to say, no matter where Tang Tian attacks from, he will be attacked by this tower. Attack! And this attack frequency is quite crazy, I hope Tang Tian better be careful, otherwise he will suffer a lot!"

Lao Lei's words are actually not bad.When the mantra magic turret was released, the sky was filled with lights and shadows, and as nearly a hundred domain forces spun wildly, lights and shadows of various colors shot at Tang Tian intensively.

In fact, as long as Tang Tian used his divine weapon to defend, he could easily block Jing Wuying's attacks.

But Tang Tian still wanted to try how fast his speed could be, and also wanted to adapt to this fast fighting style.

So he immediately changed his fighting stance, from standing with his feet side by side, to his feet one in front of the other, as if surfing, and then flew towards the magic turret of mantra.

"Ding Hao is crazy!"

The audience was in an uproar again.

"Jing Wuying has released the Divine Weapon of Destiny, but Tang Tian still doesn't use any treasures! He is so arrogant, what kind of capital does he have? In front of the crazy mantra magic turret, does he really have any? Is there a chance to get close to this treasure?"

Everyone was sweating, and Lao Lei snorted coldly:
"seek death!"

"How is it possible? Ding Hao's speed..."

All the spectators present stood up again, and they were all dumbfounded by the battle in the contest space.

Tang Tian, ​​who flew towards Jing Wuying quickly, kept shaking his body back and forth, avoiding the attack of Jing Wuying's dense domain power!
His speed became so fast that he could not be seen at all.

Jing Wuying can only pull out a long phantom at most, but Tang Tiancai is truly Wuying!

All that everyone could see was Tang Tian's back.

Originally, Lei Tingting opened his mouth wide and was saying:

"What kind of pose is Tang Tian, ​​haha, it's really ridiculous, very ugly..."

But before he could finish his sentence, Tang Tian's figure almost disappeared from his sight, he was completely stunned, and opened his mouth wide:

"Impossible! Impossible! What kind of movement technique is Tang Tian using? Why is his speed so fast? This is impossible, this must be my hallucination!"

At the VIP table, Li Shaotian was also shocked.

"So fast!"

Li Shaotian opened his mouth!

Tang Tian's figure shuttled directly among the attacks of countless domain forces, that feeling was like walking through a hail of bullets.When the speed is extremely fast, you will find that other people's speed is extremely slow!In Tang Tian's eyes, those flying domain attacks were simply too slow!

(End of this chapter)

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