From the beginning of the flood to the heavens and the world

Chapter 1685 The restored Song Ren and the sad Fang Yu

Chapter 1685 The restored Song Ren and the sad Fang Yu

"Haha! But to be honest, if you can really support the past and become a demon cultivator, I can help you refine the unknown power of the Black God Pill for your own use. Once you master that unknown power, you will Become a real genius level figure, even surpassing Mengao!"

Tang Tian stared at Song Ren with a straight face, and said!
"Really? Can I really become a genius? And surpass that of Meng Ao!"

Hearing Tang Tian's words, Song Ren widened his eyes, then stared at Tang Tian and asked!

"Not bad!"

Tang Tian nodded affirmatively!
If Song Ren's transformation into a demon cultivator, Bingxue has controlled the ominous power, Tang Tian can be sure that Song Ren will definitely become a genius beyond Mengao!
Just as Tang Tian and Song Ren were talking, Fang Yu and others from previous years were also waiting anxiously!

At this moment, the stone door of the quiet room slowly opened!

"Everyone, I'm back again."

When Song Ren walked out of the stone gate, all the friends outside cheered.

"Haha! Lord, I knew you would definitely recover!"

Fang Yu came up to welcome him.Then he shrugged happily!

"Lord, congratulations on your recovery!"

Liang Yu, Zhao Xixi and others also expressed congratulations to Song Ren!

"Everyone! Thank you so much this time. If it weren't for you, I'm afraid I'm really going to be doomed this time?"

In the past two days, Fang Yu and others have been helping the front and worrying about themselves. Song Ren has seen all this. While blaming himself, Song Ren is also very moved in his heart!
When Tang Tian saw this scene, he was moved and heaved a sigh in his heart!

There is still a long way to go, and no one knows if Song Ren will succeed.

But he will not regret it, nor will he be lonely, because he has these good friends.

Just when Tang Tian was still thinking about whether he should tell Fang Yu and others that Song Ren hadn't fully recovered, a woman in black came out from the crowd watching outside.

Li Shiyue of Blood Sword Sect.

Li Shiyue walked towards Fang Yu. The two met in a battle before. Fang Yu even said something disrespectful to Li Shiyue.

So seeing Li Shiyue approaching, the muscular girl Zhao Xixi immediately became nervous.

But Li Shiyue ignored her at all, walked towards Zhang Shasha arrogantly, and said arrogantly:

"Fang Yu! Although you have defeated me, I am not convinced! In the future, when my cultivation base improves, I will definitely challenge you again! If I fail, I will continue to challenge. One day, I will put You are defeated!"

Fang Yu almost fainted. If everyone is afraid of offending a lunatic, he is really unlucky. He will continue to challenge him in the future if he gets involved with a lunatic.

However, Fang Yu was not forgiving, and scolded:

"Why am I afraid of you? Let me tell you, if you come here and lose once, if you come a hundred times, you will lose a hundred times. If you are not afraid of being hit, you are welcome at any time!"

Fang Yu's words were domineering, Li Shiyue's eyes lit up, and she snorted coldly:
"I will!"

But after she finished speaking, she said another sentence:
"Fight well! Try to move forward a few more rounds, I believe that my opponent is the strongest!"

After Li Shiyue finished speaking, she turned her head and left coolly.

Looking at his cool back, everyone's eyes were surprised and surprised.

Some friends who are very close to Fang Yu, seeing this scene, couldn't help but exclaimed:

"My God, is this female sword lunatic here to encourage you?"

Song Ren looked at Fang Yu suspiciously, and then said in a tone of someone who had experienced it:
"Fang Yu, it's fine. This is a gimmick. They say they want to challenge you constantly, but the real purpose is to encourage you. I feel like she's taken a fancy to you?"

Hearing this, Fang Yu was also a little taken aback, then he laughed and said:
"It means Zhang is still very handsome."

But as soon as he finished speaking, he saw Zhao Xixi take off his coat, revealing his sturdy muscles.He shrank his neck in fright and quickly explained:
"Xixi, don't get angry, this is a joke. Just kidding, just kidding."

Everyone laughed again.

The matter of Pengguan has come to an end here.

After this incident, everyone's eyes returned to the fifth round of the battle.

Meng Ao, Chai Gaoyang, Goddess Yan Hui, Li Shaotian, Tu Bafang, Tang Tian, ​​Fang Yu, Liang Yu, Duan Wushang, Luo Xiaoshuang, Ouyang Xiuluo, Xue Potian, Mandrill Qi.

In the fifth round, there are only 13 talents in total, which is the battle of the top 13.

In the fifth round, there were a total of six battles, and 7 geniuses were promoted. The list of 13 people above is all geniuses in this area!The battle between them is exciting!

However, because some geniuses are the top geniuses of each sect, the protection measures are also stricter.

The jury formed a five-person elders group, and the five people sat in five directions of the small world of the battlefield.During the battle, as long as one side clearly admits defeat, they will attack at the same time to protect the one who surrendered!
After all, each of these 13 geniuses selected from millions of monks is the future of this area, and there is no room for loss, and none of them can die!
It is impossible for Tang Tian to kill his opponent in front of the elders again.

At the same time, the appearance of Elder Crazy Saber made the situation even more complicated. The days when Elder Shenquan said nothing by himself is gone forever.Of course, Elder Crazy Saber can't cover the sky with one hand, and the final result still depends on each person's own strength.

"In the first match, Mengao of the Seven Emotions Sect of Tianyushen Mountain, against Heishanling Fangyu!"

When Zhang Shasha opened his jade card, he almost vomited blood to the ground.

"Damn it, how could I be so unlucky? I met Meng Ao? Is this a fart?"

Fang Yu wanted to cry but had no tears. Originally, he imagined that Li Shiyue would go forward a few more rounds.

But he didn't expect that this time when he was reciting words, he would be the first to meet Meng Ao.

Fang Yu said with a bitter face:
"The first thing I was afraid of was meeting Brother Tang Tian, ​​and the second thing I was afraid of was meeting Meng Ao. I didn't expect to meet him. My hands really stink!"

Tolerance on the side smiled and said:

"What kind of unlucky are you? If you compare with me, you will know that you are not unlucky. Besides, it is already a kind of luck that you have not met your first fear."

Fang Yu rolled his eyes, and then replied:

"But I'm going to lose the match with Meng Ao! The cultivation level is different, and the strength is also different. The most important thing is that Li Shiyue and I have exposed all of my capital, and Meng Ao's iceberg has only revealed a tip. !"

Everyone nodded, everyone held the strongest method in their hands, and they would not show it easily.

Fang Yu's strongest method is the Seven Kills Monument.But when he was facing Li Shiyue, he had already been released.But Meng Ao didn't use many methods in these battles, and his strength was simply unpredictable.

At this time, Tang Tian suddenly thought of something, and immediately said to Fang Yu:

"Second lord, I think if you can't do it, you should admit defeat. To be honest, Meng Ao is still very strong, and he has a grudge against us, I'm afraid he will hit you hard."


(End of this chapter)

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