Chapter 1827 Youyue Sect

Seeing Tang Tian running so confidently, several people present were a little surprised, and at the same time guessed Tang Tian's origin.

Even Machin immediately changed his mind and said with a smile:
"Fellow Daoist Tang Tian, ​​do you have any good ideas?"

Tang Tian pondered for a while, and then said:
"I have a method and I want to try it, but before that, I need everyone's help to help me put on a play."


Even the cold Die Lian looked at Tang Tian with interest.

Tang Tian nodded and said:
"The waiting will be very simple. After entering the hidden snow area of ​​the wood, you can drink the soup in front of a copper monkey, and then act as if it tastes good, that's all."

"So simple!"

Maqin and the others also stopped putting on airs and nodded one after another. His two junior sisters also said:
"Fellow Tang Tian, ​​may I ask what kind of soup it is?"

"it is this."

While talking, Tang Tian took out a large cauldron.

"This is……"

The people present saw that there was a pot of soup in the cauldron. In addition to some grass leaves floating in it, there were heart, liver and intestines, and it smelled an unpleasant smell of blood.

Everyone resisted the urge to vomit, Guo Zhiwei asked:
"Friend Tang Tian, ​​why is this soup so disgusting, what is it made of?"

Tang Tian said:
"Five viscera refining soul soup. It's just a person's heart, liver and five viscera. I boiled it by cutting myself out. In addition, there are some unrefined soul spoils and some medicinal materials. Don't worry, it is absolutely non-toxic."

In fact, this method was not thought up by Tang Tian, ​​but it was recorded in the jade certificate given by Tu Lao Liu. After all, Tu Lao Liu has been here for so many years, there are always some methods that others don't know!
"I wipe!"

But when Machin and the others heard this, they couldn't help but ran to the side and retched:
"Fellow Tang Tian, ​​I can't help you with this job. This thing is too disgusting. If you let me drink this soup, you might as well let me die."

Tang Tian said:
"That won't work, everyone wants to drink, and drink happily, otherwise you think those high-level medals are so easy to upgrade?"

"But this is also..."

Although everyone is disgusting, but think about it, the reward for getting a high-level medal is also very generous!Especially entering the advanced practice secret room to practice, it is an excellent opportunity to improve!

Liao Long and Liao Hu spoke first:
"Then let's drink."

Guo Zhiwei and his junior sister also nodded.

Tang Tian said:
"Actually, it's okay if there are a few people just pretending to be, and the female cultivator doesn't need to drink."

As a result, the female cultivators were overjoyed.The last one left, Machin, hesitated to speak.The two female cultivators who had a crush on him also changed their positions this time, and persuaded:
"Mai Mai, just drink it for us! Guo Zhiwei drank it for the sake of my younger sister."

Machin had no choice but to say:

"Okay, I'll drink."

A group of people waited, and soon arrived outside the hidden snow area in the flowering period.

After waiting for a while, the hidden snow area in the flower area appeared.

In mid-air, a light gate surrounded by flowers appeared, which was the hidden snow area of ​​the miracle of wood, the medicine area.

"This is the medicine park!"

Guo Zhiwei hangs around in the practice field these days, and has heard many stories about the hidden snow area.However, only some powerful sects know the secrets of how to enter the hidden snow area. How can a monk like him know this.

Today, he finally saw the hidden snow area.

A group of nine of them flew up and hurried into the hidden snow area.

After entering the medicine park, everyone was shocked. When nine of them walked in, there were dozens of people inside!
The men were all dressed in tight black clothing with a black crescent mark on their chests.

Seeing Tang Tian and the others come in, several disciples came over immediately and said:
"Everyone, the medicine park has been taken over by us, no one is allowed to enter, you leave!"

Machin, who was originally very proud, suddenly changed his face when he saw these people.

He whispered:

"It's over this time, these are all members of the Youyue Sect! Youyue Sect is a very powerful sect! The area they are in is also very close to the middle-level area. There was a thrilling battle in their area before. , is the Blood Demon Sect and the Youyue Sect!"

Tang Tian frowned.

At this time, Guo Zhiwei on the side asked via voice transmission:
"Didn't the Blood Demon Sect win a complete victory at that time, and blocked the entire area to prevent a single member of the Youyue Sect from escaping. Why are these people still so arrogant and came down to occupy this place again?"

Machen said:
"The Youyue Sect is famously arrogant and likes to suppress others! The area where they were released was almost completely wiped out by the Blood Demon Sect, but because of the intervention of some mysterious families at a higher level, the Youyue Sect survived again!"

Mai Qin's junior sister couldn't help but said bitterly:

"This hateful sect should be wiped out by the Blood Demon Sect!"

Machen sighed:

"After that battle, You Yuezong knew that they were not the opponent of the Blood Demon Sect, so they did not dare to fight against the Qi and Blood Demon Sect, but chose to expand their power downward! There are rumors outside that You Yuezong wants to take the initiative to surrender the sect. !"

"Self-surrendered sect?"

Tang Tian wondered.

Machen said:
"The self-surrendering sect came down from some powerful areas and developed into an area that was worse than the area it was in before. Youyue Sect had a bad reputation in the original area, and it couldn't compete with the Blood Demon Sect. It's better to come down. Some poor areas are justifiably bosses!"

"Go to some poor areas to be the legitimate boss?"

Tang Tian was shocked by the news, he asked:
"How could those sectarian alliances in that area allow it?"

"So what if you don't allow it? In this world, strength is always respected. As long as your fist is hard enough and your strength is strong enough, then no matter where you go, you are the boss!"

Machen sighed and said:
"Fellow Daoist Tang Tian, ​​you probably have never left this area, right?"

Tang Tian didn't hide anything, nodded and replied:


Machen whispered again:

"Of course. Youyuezong wants to go to the lower realm, but there is a saying that a strong dragon will not overwhelm a local snake, and Youyuezong is also afraid of being unacceptable. I heard that they have bought a lot of decision makers recently!"

"That's it."

When they heard the words, they also nodded.

You know, there are a lot of elixir in this medicine park, so no one wants to give up, but Youyuezong wants to occupy this place for a long time, even if you wait until the year of the monkey or decades later, the people of Youyuezong will not give up. Will leave, but let them leave, they are not reconciled!

"Fellow Daoist Tang Tian, ​​what shall we do now?"

Everyone looked at Tang Tian!
Now, in their eyes, Tang Tian is their backbone!
Seeing everyone looking at him, Tang Tian pondered for a while, and then said:
"We finally came here, so naturally it is impossible to go back!"

"Well, let's go in and look for the elixir. If they dare to snatch it, then we are welcome!"

"They are the strongest here, that is, the late stage three gods. If they really fight, we will have the strength to retreat and even defeat them!"

Hearing Tang Tian's words, Maqin and the others hesitated for a while, then nodded!

Indeed, as Tang Tian said, it was not so easy for them to come here. If it wasn't for Tang Tian this time, they probably wouldn't even know it was here!

(End of this chapter)

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