Chapter 1829 Acting!

"A treasure is about to be born over there."

Die Lian's sound transmission entered Tang Tian's ears, and she said:

"If Fellow Daoist Tang Tian wants to take some action, you can start preparing. When the treasure over there is born, we can just take action."

Tang Tian secretly thought, Die Lian is also a clever person, just as he thought.

But what surprised Tang Tian even more was that Dielian said again:

"If my impression is correct, the one to be born over there should be Minlong Bodhi, and the time of birth should be half an hour later."

Tang Tian was shocked, this Die Lian was no ordinary person.From such a distance, she actually knew exactly what was produced there and when was the exact time of production, which is amazing!I'm afraid that the members of You Yuezong don't even know the exact time of birth.

Knowing this, Tang Tian also started to prepare.

"Everyone, I feel a little thirsty, why don't we drink some five internal organs refining soup."

Tang Tian Angtian smiled slightly, and took out a cauldron.

When Tang Tian took out the cauldron, Tang Tian obviously felt the copper monkey move.That kind of movement is very slight, and other people don't pay attention to it, and don't feel it at all.

"Come on, come on, this is a good thing, everyone, drink a little."

While talking, Tang Tian gave each of Mai Qin and the others a small wine glass.

Machin and the others were afraid of this. When they saw the small wine glass coming, the smile on their faces was unbelievably ugly. It felt like crying.I said in my heart, drink it, for the sake of the high-level medal, then drink it, anyway, you won't die if you drink it.

Brothers Maqin Guo Zhiwei and Liao Long and Liao Hu each filled a small glass with a small glass and drank it while pinching their noses.In the minds of the four of them, Tang Tian's eight generations of ancestors were scolded at this moment, making this kind of thing for people to drink, is this a human thing?

Not only did this stuff smell bad, but it was also hard to drink, but even so, the four of them had a good time drinking it.

"It's delicious, it's really delicious! Come on, brother Maqin, we both drank three hundred cups!"

Guo Zhiwei raised his glass again.


Machin said:

"Three hundred cups, you kill me!"

Maqin had no choice but to scoop up another half cup. When he raised his head and found that Tang Tian hadn't drank, the guy was furious, thinking that you let us drink it, but you don't drink it yourself. How can this be done?
"Fellow Daoist Tang Tian, ​​you come too! Don't waste such a delicious thing! Let's clink glasses!"

In fact, he didn't want to drink it for a few days. It's heart and liver, bloody and disgusting.But there is no way, this is what he suggested, so I had to scoop up half a cup, drank it in a big gulp, and laughed loudly:

"It's delicious, it's so delicious!"

Around them, there were several You Yuezong monks standing. Seeing Tang Tian and others drinking so happily, they all surrounded them:

"What kind of wine is this?"

Tang Tian drank a cup each:
"This is five viscera refining soul soup, good stuff! Try it too, it's delicious!"

These people drank it in one gulp, and the bloody smell made them almost spit it out.

"Nimma, I've never drank something so nasty."

All the monks of You Yue Sect had green faces.

Tang Tian added:

"Come, come, have another drink."

"Don't drink, don't drink."

Frightened, several monks ran away quickly and walked a long way, each of them spit out what they had just drunk.

At this moment, suddenly a golden beam of light shot up into the sky, it should be that Haiputi is about to be born!
You Yuezong's disciples also ignored Tang Tian and the others, and all gathered towards the north of the medicine park.

Taking advantage of this time, Ding Hao finally brought the cauldron in front of the light curtain and said in a low voice:

"Damn monkey! Don't pretend! This soup is so delicious. The five internal organs here are the internal organs of a cultivator in the blood field who have practiced for thousands of years. Do you want to drink and say something!"

In fact, to Mai Qin and others, Tang Tian's behavior is quite ridiculous. He has been talking to a bronze statue for the past few days. Could it be that this bronze monkey statue is really alive?Impossible?

Suddenly, I saw the monkey grinning, stopped peeing, and stretched out his hand to grab the cauldron.

"I wiped it, it really came alive!"

Machin and others all exclaimed.

The copper monkey was in the light curtain, and when it saw Tang Tian take out the five viscera refining soup, it was already drooling!
Moreover, under the deliberate performance of Tang Tian and others, it even aroused the copper monkey's desire to drink.

The copper monkey didn't pay attention to the artificial expressions of these people, and the copper monkey felt that the soup in the cauldron was getting less and less.

Now seeing Tang Tian bring the cauldron over, it couldn't bear it at all, and stretched out its hand directly from the light curtain, about to grab the cauldron.

"Really alive!"

Machin and the others all changed their faces in shock.

Because of this brass monkey, everyone thought it was a dead thing, but who would have thought that it would be alive.

But just as the copper monkey stretched out his hand, Tang Tian put away the cauldron and said:

"Bronze monkey, do you think you can drink the five internal organs refining soup casually this time? Let me tell you, if you want to drink it this time, you can follow me! I still say the same thing, you follow me, I promise One day you can drink the blood of the Golden Crow and the internal organs of the real dragon, which guarantees that your internal organs will be reborn and return to normal!"

The copper monkey couldn't drink it, but if it could break out of the light curtain, it would have torn Tang Tian to pieces long ago.

Its face suddenly became ferocious and said:

"Who are you? Also, don't dream! If you want to become my master, you must have a top medal!"

Hearing this, Tang Tian smiled slightly, and then replied:

"Sooner or later, I will have the top medal! It's only time now! It will be to your advantage if you take refuge in me early! Otherwise, after I have the top medal, there will be so many people who want to praise my stinky feet. By then, you think I will Rare you?"


The copper monkey immediately hesitated, feeling that what Tang Tian said made sense.

Seeing the hesitant look on the bronze monkey's face, Tang Tian immediately said:

"Originally, you could pretend to be a bronze statue comfortably, but now look, my friends and the monks over there, they all find that you are a living creature! Let me tell you, your days of ease are over, and in the future you You will be bored to death every day! I think you might as well come with me!"

The copper monkey said:
"No, no, I must not disobey the order of the owner of this ruin."

Tang Tian knew that it was useless to say anything, so he took out the five internal organs refining soup:
"Come, come, since it won't drink, let's eat up such a delicious thing."

After finishing speaking, Machin and the others took out their cups again, and drank "very happily".

"do not!"

The most unbearable thing for the copper monkey is that other people eat its five viscera refining soup. Now seeing that the soup in the pot is getting less and less, it is anxious like a cat scratching, scratching its ears and raving its cheeks:

"You bastard, you, you, you, change the terms!"

"Change the conditions?"

Tang Tian sneered, reached out and took out the heart, liver and five internal organs, and said:

"Bronze monkey, look carefully! This set of heart, liver and five internal organs are sacrificed by others for a lifetime to dedicate to God's will! Look at the runes on it, have you eaten this kind of internal organs? It is a good thing accepted by God's will." , It’s not much worse than the real dragon’s internal organs, you have no blessing to enjoy it, you are so stupid, you only have one chance, will you come with me?”

"A treasure is about to be born over there."

Die Lian's sound transmission entered Tang Tian's ears, and she said:

"If Fellow Daoist Tang Tian wants to take some action, you can start preparing. When the treasure over there is born, we can just take action."

(End of this chapter)

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