Chapter 1833 Angry Youyue Sect

"This one……"

Tang Tian hesitated for a moment.

This copper monkey is quite stubborn, Tang Tian can't believe it at the moment.Otherwise, if the copper monkey played tricks, although I wasn't afraid, it would make me trouble.

Tang Tian thought about it and said:

"I don't want to go anywhere for the time being. In this way, there is a sea bodhi plant in the medicine park that is about to ripen. Help me bring out the ripe fruit!"

Tang Tianxin said, you Youyue Sect, aren't you all waiting to collect Bodhi from the sea?Then I'll let this monkey try to see if it's really what it says it is!

"What's so difficult about this?"

The brass monkey stretched its hand into its belly…………………


the other side!
"Hai Bodhi is about to mature!"

Everyone in the You Yue Sect was engrossed in watching Hai Bodhi who was under restraint.

"This item is requested by the suzerain, it must be obtained!"

The Youyue Sect disciple who had cultivated at the Heavenly God stage immediately shouted loudly:
"Everyone prepare! Haiputi is very important, precious and extraordinary, you can't touch it with your stinky hands, all of you should wear special gloves!"

For collecting this treasure, You Yuezong was fully prepared and ensured that nothing would go wrong.


The middle-aged man's pupils closed suddenly. According to their previous research, Haiputi's surface was bright, which meant that he was about to mature.And there is a mouth-like shell outside the fruit of Haiputi. When it is ripe, the shell will crack, and Haiputi will seem to be spit out from the "mouth".

"The crack is getting bigger!"

All the disciples of You Yuezong became nervous.

To get Haibodhi, right away...


Just this moment!

Suddenly a golden furry arm appeared!
"what's the situation!"

The middle-aged man and others almost fell outside the restriction.

Then everyone was stunned to see that the fluffy hand stretched out out of nowhere grabbed Hai Bodhi who was about to mature, and then pulled it very brutally!
And then, there is no more!

"Haiputi was robbed!"

All the disciples of You Yue Sect almost spit out a mouthful of old blood at the same time.

This kind of thing is too nonsense, everyone has been waiting for so many years, and they have already reported it to the suzerain... But the harvest was about to be harvested, and they were robbed!

A few middle-aged men, you look at me, I look at you.

Including those disciples of Youyue Sect, their expressions were also dumbfounded.

I have never encountered such a weird thing, to snatch Haiputi away in front of everyone like this!The middle-aged man was furious, but he didn't know who the anger was directed at.Because this matter is too weird, all the disciples have tried their best.

However, it was robbed just like that.


Indescribable fire!

At this time, a disciple suddenly muttered!
"Who! Who is talking there!"

The middle-aged man, who was unable to find anyone and found a channel to vent his anger, grabbed the young little monk with a big hand:
"What are you mumbling about? Are you courting death?"

That Xiaoxiu turned pale with fright and peed on his pants.

He stammered in his mouth:

"No... big brother, I just feel that hand..."

The middle-aged man roared angrily:
"What's wrong with that hand? You know nothing, you can't say anything, you will definitely die today!"

Xiaoxiu stammered and said again:

"No, senior brother, I think that hand is very similar to that monkey's hand."

Although Xiaoxiu stuttered, his words made the eyes of several other You Yuezong powerhouses shine.

They were too surprised just now, so they didn't expect it.Now being reminded by Xiaoxiu...another Youyue Sect powerhouse came out and said:
"Brother, I think what he said is right. That hand is brass-colored, with a lot of hair on it, and long nails. It's not a human hand, it should be the hand of that brass monkey!"

"Looks like that kid!"

Hearing this, the middle-aged man loosened his hand and put Xiaoxiu down.His eyes are full of sternness:

"That kid suddenly called Tang Tian, ​​right? Well, well! We haven't hunted you down yet, but you stole our Haiputi again. It seems that this is endless! This is forcing us to kill you!"

The middle-aged man snorted coldly:
"Even if he doesn't take Haiputi away, we still have to kill him! But now that it's all over, we have a legitimate reason to chase him down. I think it's better to issue our Youyue Sect's hunting order!"

Before he finished speaking, a strong man from You Yue Sect shook his head and said:

"Not right! This son is carrying a lot of treasures, issuing a hunting order will only make everyone hunt him down. But if he dies in the hands of others, wouldn't the treasures also be obtained by others? So this matter, It's not appropriate to say anything, we still quietly hunted him down! But we can issue a co-investigation order, and everyone who provides the location information of that kid to our Youyue Sect will be rewarded generously!"

"Yes! Senior brother, and what senior brother said is right, we can't issue a kill order!"

The other You Yuezong powerhouses immediately nodded in agreement.

As a powerful sect closest to the middle area, they have many ways to spread the news.In this way, as long as someone in the whole proving ground sees Tang Tian and the others, they will send them a message, and they will be able to chase after them very quickly.

"Boy Tang Tian, ​​you are dead this time."

The middle-aged man shot a gloomy light from his eyes.


in the endless darkness.

At the bottom of this vast darkness, there is a blue light.

These lights form the shape of a human head. This human head is an old man. The old man said respectfully:

"Great master, that hateful monkey actually betrayed! It couldn't stand the temptation of a pot of five internal organs refining soup, and followed others. It's really abominable. From now on, this game will become unfair! "

"This young man is good, he has his own ideas." A cold, emotionless voice sounded, and he said again, "Actually, that Poor Monkey is also part of the test! As long as you have enough ability, you can subdue the Poor Monkey." It's no big deal."

The old man is the guide of the ruins, that is, the old man with the head that Tang Tian entered the ruins before, he thought for a while and said:
"My great master, although I was optimistic about this kid named Tang Tian before. But I found that he is very resistant to submitting to you. He has his own thoughts, and he is unwilling to submit to others! What our true demons outside the territory need is Lowly subjects who are absolutely obedient, not lowly subjects with their own minds!"

"These lowly and thoughtful subjects, when they have enough power, will resist our true demons from outside the territory! I don't like him anymore. On the contrary, I prefer the female cultivator who went to the demon training room last time. With a natural demonic bone, this kind of qualification, even if many of us true demons outside the territory can't reach it, if we vigorously cultivate her, she will definitely complete our mission!"

The avatar looks very reasonable.

However, the voice in the darkness still sighed slightly:
"Let's take a look again. In fact, after so many years, I've seen a lot. As long as the person selected can send me and all my soldiers back to my hometown, the rest is not important."

(End of this chapter)

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