Chapter 1838 Thunder Zone
You must know that these restrictions are very dangerous, if you touch them, you will definitely die!Moreover, the prohibitions appear one by one, it is best to find those prohibitions that are relatively remote and exist alone!
So finding a ban that can be broken is also a technical job.

Guo Zhiwei has been in the practice field for many years, and he is very familiar with the situation inside, and he usually pays attention to these.

"Daoist Tang Tian, ​​originally there was an excellent place in the Miracle of Wood area. There were no monsters, divine beasts, and no one noticed. But it doesn't matter if we come to Miracle of Thunder now, there is also a good place here!"

Tang Tian smiled and said:

"I don't know how many kinds of restrictions there are? This time, we are not just for getting the Demon Suppressing Medal."

Guo Zhiwei smiled and said:
"Fellow Daoist Tang Tian, ​​don't worry. That place is really good, not many people know about it, it's very safe and quiet, and there are many kinds of restrictions. As long as you have the strength, you can break it there with peace of mind."

"very good."

Tang Tian stood on the dragon's head with his hands behind his back, and the copper monkey next to him said:
"It's just breaking the ban. I've seen it a lot! With me here, it's easy to talk about it."

"It's just ahead."

Guo Zhiwei raised his hand and pointed.

Soon, the fiery dragon with red flames landed in the valley.

It was a brown col with bare hills.There aren't any plants.Tang Tian and the others walked off the old crow, when their feet landed on the soil on the ground.A chirping sound could be heard from the soil, and countless tiny electric currents escaped.

"This is Dianmu Mountain."

With the copper monkey as a guide, Tang Tian learned a lot about the trial area.

The copper monkey said again:

"In the deepest part of Dianmu Mountain, there is Dianmu Yuanji hidden. That thing is sealed, even I dare not touch it! It is a good thing, very precious, but no one dares to touch it. It is the owner of this relic from other interfaces. Made it!"

Tang Tian nodded.

Although the owner of this ruins ruled and enslaved mankind back then, it cannot be said to be useless.For example, many materials and items were obtained from other areas with his strong strength!In this way, the products of this world will be more abundant.

Walking in from the col, you can find that the scene in front of you is different.

Tang Tian said in surprise:

"There was a phantom array just now. The scene seen outside is different from the inside!"

Seen from the outside, this col looks plain and unremarkable.But when you enter it, you can see that the sky is full of thunder and lightning, and the various restrictions on the ground are scattered, and the sky and the earth echo.The sight is spectacular.

The other eight people who walked in were also quite amazed.

Even Die Lian, who looked quiet and desolate, had a hint of surprise in her beautiful eyes.

But only Tang Tian's waist-high copper monkey chirped:

"Stupid! There is no phantom array, it's an electric mirage!"

Guo Zhiwei's junior sister laughed:

"There are only mirages. There is no such thing as an electric mirage."

"Stupid woman."

The copper monkey spoke very harshly, it snorted coldly:
"Mirages appear on the sea, but electric mirages can only appear in the miracle of thunder. What's so strange about that?"

Tang Tian patted it with a smile and said:

"Okay, you monkey, be gentle with girls, otherwise no female monkey will like you."

Unexpectedly, the copper monkey scratched its ears and said:

"Master, I don't like female monkeys all of a sudden, I like women, women are white and tender, much better than female monkeys, at least they don't need to catch lice."

After hearing this, everyone fainted.

Boom boom boom!
Just as the group of them walked over, they discovered that there was another group of people attacking the restriction in the canyon.

This team is also nine people, and they are attacking a cyan restriction.

During this time, Tang Tian learned from the mouths of Copper Monkey, Guo Zhiwei and the others that the order of prohibition is white, blue, yellow, green, orange, red, purple, black, and gold.Then, Tang Tian also broke through the white restriction, and then got the Junior Demon Suppressing Medal.

Then the restriction to be broken by the intermediate medal is naturally the blue restriction.

Someone asked, those monks didn't get the guidance of the copper monkey, why did they know the order?

In fact, this order of attacking the ban is also based on the fact that many people died.

Only gradually summed up some experience.

What everyone knows so far is that only Tang Tian and the others know about the order of prohibition on white, green, yellow and green.

Guo Zhiwei and the others walked over, and the nine people over there stopped immediately.

The leader of these nine people is a monk with a hooked nose. He is not very old, but his cultivation has reached the peak of the gods, and his strength has even broken through the realm of the gods.

He sneered far away at Guo Zhiwei and said:
"Brother Guo, we meet again!"

Guo Zhiwei's face changed, he didn't expect to meet this person.

However, Guo Zhiwei didn't want to cause trouble, so he said:

"Fellow Daoist Su, we are divided into different teams, and everyone can attack the ban with peace of mind. You have found the team anyway, so don't take the previous misunderstandings seriously."

There was a gloomy look on the face of the aquiline-nosed monk:
"Then I wish you guys don't be like last time, brother Guo, haha."

Immediately, he laughed loudly, and said to the people in their team:
"We continue."

Tang Tian frowned and asked:

"What's the matter?"

Guo Zhiwei said:

"I once formed a small team to attack the restriction before, and I was short of the last person. This fellow Daoist Su and another monk came at the same time. I saw that this person was not a good person, so I didn't take him with me, but brought another A monk. So this Su, has always held grudges! Then because we were not strong enough, we failed to attack the ban for a year, and the team disbanded. After this Su knew, he would ridicule me every time .”

"So that's the case, then forget it, everyone will attack the prohibition separately."

In the mountain depression, the area is not small, and the restrictions of various colors are scattered all over the place, without interfering with each other, it can completely accommodate two teams.

After everyone stood still, they quickly chose a cyan bar.

This kind of restriction is like a small rectangular brick inlaid on the ground, blue in color, with powerful energy fluctuations.If you touch it easily, the light ones will lose their hands, and the heavy ones will instantly turn into fly ash!
After the nine people stood still, Tang Tian looked at the copper monkey.

The copper monkey said:
"Haven't you guys studied the legacy of thousands of machines?"

Tang Tian knew about Qianji's legacy, but he didn't know much about it!

As for Guo Zhiwei and Mai Qin, they don't understand even more.

But the mysterious female cultivator Die Lian said:

"I've read the Legacy of Thousand Chances before. I feel that the classic book becomes more and more esoteric as I read it, but I was lucky enough to understand the first volume. It reminds me of the cyan restriction, which combines the time restriction and the space restriction! If you want to open it If it’s the surface, we must start from the principles of the time ban and the space ban!”

Guo Zhiwei and the others listened to these forbidden theories, it was like listening to heavenly scriptures.

Pohou is well-informed and said:

"You little girl is the smartest among these people. In fact, the blue ban is easy to break. As long as you arrange the reverse cross ban and repeat the time ban and space ban, it will be easy to open its surface."

(End of this chapter)

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