Chapter 1850 Plan
When the old nun Yunduo heard this, his expression changed:
"Shengzi Gaoyang means that after capturing Tang Tian's little beast, the copper monkey will be handed over to our Baiyun Daozong?"

Seeing this, Zhong Huang knew that the other party was moved. Originally, he didn't pay much attention to the bronze monkey and the treasures in the ruins. Now what he cares most about is to snatch the remaining bronze figures, and then find a place to put Chai Gaoyang's body Occupy it completely so that he has a chance to do something else, otherwise it will be useless.

Thinking of this, Zhong Huang immediately nodded and said:


As for this point, after hearing Zhonghuang's affirmative answer, old nun Yunduo's face also burst into ecstasy.

Originally, they still adhered to the integrity of the righteous way, but money touches people's hearts, and the righteous way is no exception. As long as there are enough benefits, it's okay to betray the same belief.Recently, rumors about the copper monkey have spread all over the sky. If the copper monkey can be obtained, the financial and material resources of the Baiyun Taoist sect will be greatly improved. This kind of temptation is irresistible.

"it is good."

The old nun Yunduo immediately released the Baiyun Dao Palace, and after everyone entered, they flew faster.

Now Su Chengli became a little worried.

If Baiyun Daozong arrives first and captures Ding Hao and others, then the Youyue Tianzong's people brought by his avatar will be lost.The 10 million over there will probably not be earned!

But Su Chengcheng had no choice, because the people present would not listen to him at all.

All kinds of thunder and lightning are like a weird forest, and a huge palace is shuttling through it.

Half a month later, this huge white palace finally stopped in the distance of a thunder mountain.

"It's in the valley there."

Su Chengli flew out from the Baiyun Dao Palace, pointed to a thunder mountain in the distance and said.

Zhong Huang frowned:
"We used to walk by it before, why didn't we find it?"

Su Chengli said anxiously:

"Seniors, I definitely didn't lie to you. The two times I saw Tang Tian and others were there. There is a mirage-like phantom formation outside the Thunder Mountain. Once you enter, you will find that it is completely different."

The elder brother and the old nun exchanged glances, and the old nun Yunduo said:
"It appears to be true."

Su Chengcheng said again:
"Seniors, that 20 million..."

"When I see Tang Tian, ​​I will naturally give it to you."

The big brother snorted coldly, turned around and said:
"If Tang Tian finds us, he will immediately use the privilege of the Suppressing Demon Medal and escape back to the Hall of Fantasy World! We have to guard against this!"

The best way to use the Demon Suppressing Medal is the teleportation function. If you encounter danger, you can use the authority immediately and teleport away.

Old nun Yunduo said:
"Tang Tian has a high-level demon-suppressing medal. If we have a top-level demon-suppressing medal, we can use the authority to suspend his teleportation function!"

Hearing this, Zhong Huang looked at old nun Yun Duo, and then asked:
"Is there anyone here who always has the top-level demon-suppressing medal?"

Hearing Zhonghuang's question, old nun Yunduo couldn't help but feel embarrassed, then shook his head and replied:

"No, I only always have the Advanced Demon Suppressing Medal."

Like Tang Tian, ​​Die Wu and others, Yun Duo's old lady is a high-level demon-suppressing medal, so Tang Tian and the others still have a chance to teleport and escape.

Zhong Huang continued to ask:
"That's okay, I have a formation here."

After all, Emperor Zhong was a monk in the ancient times, and the memories and inheritance in his heart are not for sale!At this time, only he has such means, he said:

"According to my formation, that mountain depression can be temporarily opened up into its own space! At that time, the set of rules of the proving ground will no longer work! Tang Tian and his demon-suppressing medals will also be invalidated!"


The old nun Yunduo's face was shocked. This method of creating a self-contained space is basically lost now.But she added:

"But the proving grounds are all under the control of the owner of the ruins. We have created our own space in it and closed the authority of the Demon Suppressing Medal. This is probably not allowed by the owner of the ruins."

Zhong Huang said:
"Time is the key, so when the time comes, you must release your patriarch, fight quickly, and resolve the battle before the owner of the ruins finds out!"

The old nun Yunduo's eyes also became firmer, and he immediately arranged and said:

"You all listen to the arrangement of Shengzi Gaoyang, and quickly arrange the formation."

Immediately, a group of people approached Leishan quietly, and began to arrange complex formations around them.


at the same time.

In the Thunder Mountain, Ding Hao looked at the pages of the book in his hand with astonishment in his eyes.

"The weight of this page has increased again, and the text on the page has already filled up all the blank space!"

Now this book page is twice as heavy as before, Tang Tian holds it in his hands and it feels heavy!

On the golden pages, there are densely packed words, none of which can be understood, but Tang Tian clearly feels the power coming from these words!With the substantial increase in the number of words, this overflowing power is also crazily strengthened!
"Totally full!"

Tang Tian's pupils closed, and with the appearance of the last word, there was no blank space on the entire golden page, and all of them were strange words.

"What the hell does this mean?"

Ting Tian took the pages of the book out of the light curtain and looked at the words that none of them knew.

The copper monkey stood beside Tang Tian, ​​it was only as tall as Tang Tian, ​​and it could only look at the reverse side of the book.It said:

"For true demons outside the territory, words not only represent inheritance, but also represent power. The increase of these words is likely to increase the power!"

Tang Tian nodded and said, "What you said makes sense. This book page is probably like a battery, which can continuously charge power into it. It is full at this moment, and there is terrifying power in it. But the key question is, how to Can we use the power inside?"

"Battery? What's a battery?"

The copper monkey is very unfamiliar with this term!
But Tang Tian didn't pay attention to it, but put the page in his hand into the orange light beam in front of him again. After putting it in, the page didn't change in any way.

If this book page is regarded as a "battery", then the text on it is the "power" inside.Now that the "battery" is fully charged, it cannot be recharged!

And this "battery" obviously has an automatic protection function. When it is fully charged, it will not continue to be charged!

"However, no matter how full the battery is, I don't know how to use it!"

Tang Tian frowned.

To use the power in the pages, the first thing to do is to let the pages recognize the owner.

But at Tang Tian's current stage, Tang Tian doesn't know how to make this page recognize the owner!

"Is it just left like this?"

Tang Tian retracted the pages of the book.

But when his eyes moved, he had a new idea.

"After the battery is fully charged, it cannot be recharged. But what if you change to a stronger charger?"

Thinking about this, Tang Tian slowly walked towards the red bar not far away.

Then, he slowly stretched out his hand, and put the page into the red beam of light.

Waited for a while, and nothing changed.

(End of this chapter)

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