From the beginning of the flood to the heavens and the world

Chapter 1853 The Bronze Monkey's Means

Chapter 1853 The Bronze Monkey's Means

A black beam of light soared into the sky, and in the black beam of light, countless stars emitted light.

Then, there was another loud bang, and the coffin lid cracked open to both sides.

From the dark coffin, there was a powerful and old aura.

"He even brought an immortal!"

Maqin, Guo Zhiwei and others were all stunned!

Take the old immortal out to kill people!
Oh my God!

What a hatred, what a hatred!
You know, the remaining life of the old immortal is extremely precious!Let the old immortal come out of the mountain, unless the sect is about to perish!But at this moment, in order to deal with Tang Tian, ​​Baiyun Daozong brought an old immortal!
"You really think highly of me, Ding Hao."

Seeing this, Tang Tian suddenly couldn't laugh or cry, even he didn't think of such a thing.He asked Old Ni Yunduo curiously:

"Baiyun Daozong, how can I have such a deep hatred with you for a few days? For someone like Zhonghuang, you actually dispatched an old man? Think about when Fengmo City was massacred by the Demonic Dao, you didn't dispatch a single old man!" Immortality! When there is benefit, you will do everything you can; if there is no benefit, you will not care about the death of the world! How is your righteous way different from the devil's way?"

Old nun Yun Duo blushed when he heard that.

"Young man, this has nothing to do with Zhengmo, it's purely my private action."

Before old nun Yunduo could answer, Patriarch Yi Jiong in the coffin had already spoken, his tone extremely old:
"How about it, young man. You can catch me without a fight, and I don't need to do anything. I will help you get a life in front of Senior Zhonghuang, and let you live your life like a mortal!"

Hearing this, Tang Tian couldn't help laughing out loud, and then replied:
"Are you asking me to hand over all my treasures, then abolish all my cultivation, and spend the rest of my life under house arrest in your Baiyun Taoist sect?"

"You're right."

Patriarch Yi Jiong's tone was light, although he didn't use a loud voice, but this light breath just showed his domineering control over everything.Then he said lightly:

"You have already delayed the five breaths, but I can still give you five breaths to consider, otherwise, you will die!"

"The cultivation base was abolished, and then placed under house arrest. This kind of life is worse than death. I am afraid that even low-level monks will not agree."

Tang Tian felt it was very funny, he hated this kind of arrogance very much, as if he could easily judge your fate, he immediately said coldly.

"If you don't agree, you will die!"

Zhong Huang on the side was already a little impatient, and seeing that his face was full of cruelty, he said with a sinister smile:
"Tang Tian, ​​do you still think you have a chance to escape now? You have many means, and fellow Taoist Yun Duo alone cannot kill you! But Yi Jiong's attack is enough! He is not only a monk at the peak of the God King Realm, but also Because he stayed in this realm for too long, in order to break through to a higher level, he rebuilt the Condensation Domain three times, and he is already No. 1 in the God King Realm! How do you escape?"


Guo Zhiwei, Maqin and others were all so frightened that they fell to the ground.

"Peak of the God King Realm!"

"Three times of reconstruction, three times of condensing the domain world!"

"God King Realm No. 1!"

so horrible!

This is a legendary character!This Yi Jiong patriarch is a legend no matter where he is placed, even in their area, he is also a proper legend!

"It's really over this time!"

Guo Zhiwei and the Liao family brothers, who were coaxed to help Tang Tiankai just now, turned blue.

The cultivation base at the peak of the God King Realm is so arrogant, killing a few of them is no different from killing a few ants.

Just when Mai Qin, Guo Zhiwei and others were flustered, they heard Tang Tian speak.

"Patriarch Yi Jiong, right? You have rebuilt the Condensation Domain three times and three times, and you are considered a legend!"

"As old as you are, you have an incomparably firm mind and will. I still admire your perseverance!"

"God King Realm No.1, I believe that your title is worthy of the name, and anyone who does not break through to a higher level is not your opponent!"

Just when Zhonghuang and Yunduo old nun were complacent.

Tang Tian changed the subject again:
"But your legend, I'm afraid it will end today!"

"Because you made a huge mistake! You said that it would be nice to lie in the coffin and be your legend, but you insist on coming out and messing around!"

"After today... God King Realm No. 1 is just a joke! Three times of rebuilding, three times of condensing the domain of heaven and earth, today will be over! As for the peak of God King Realm, I see whether you can save your life, it's hard to say!"

"my God!"

Mai Qin and the others were already lying on the ground, looking up at Tang Tian.

Even now, he can still say such awesome words. Does this mean he has eaten the guts of a leopard?Eat thousands of leopard guts, and you don't have the guts!
Die Wu stood aside, with a clear and cold expression, her eyes also flashed.

Regardless of whether Tang Tian can really do it, but facing such a powerful enemy, he can still say such a thing so calmly, this person is either crazy, or really has superhuman strength and psychological quality!

"You are presumptuous!"

The old nun Yunduo shouted sharply, then turned around and said:
"Patriarch Yi Jiong, this Tang Tian is the great devil of the contemporary evil way. Although the Yunmiao pirate group is not an orthodox sect, there are many good people in it, but with a population of tens of thousands, it is not enough for him to destroy the Yunmiao pirate group. Just everyone, who has broken the inheritance of others, there is no need for this kind of person to waste any more words, just kill demons and demons directly!"

"it is good."

With a movement of light and shadow, an old man sat up from the coffin.

Seeing Yi Jiong make a move, Tang Tian also acted immediately.

"You guys, go!"

Tang Tian turned to Die Wu and the others behind him and ordered.

Machin and others were about to cry, thinking that we wanted to leave too, but where should we go?The surrounding area is isolated by formations, and the Suppressing Demon Medal is useless; the strength of the people in front of them is too strong, and there is no way to escape!
But what they didn't expect at all was that they saw the brass monkey holding its belly button with its hands.Then with a sudden pull, a big black hole was opened in its belly!In this hole, there is a vast expanse of darkness, and on top of this blackness, there is a light blue light curtain.

"This is……"

"Still going in?"

The space monkey not only has the function of taking things, but also sends people away!This function is not based on the rules of the owner of the relic, but based on the method of the space monkey to tear the space!

So even with Zhonghuang's formation here, the space monkey can still teleport people away.

"Oh oh oh."

Machin and the others didn't even think about it, and they didn't care where the other side was, they just went straight in.

"Drilling people's belly buttons..."

Mai Qin's junior sister is still arrogant.

Guo Zhiwei and his junior sister had already entered quickly one after the other, followed by Liao Long and Liao Hu.Maqin's two junior sisters also followed in.

"Take care of yourself."

Die Wu handed Tang Tian a piece of jade, and then plunged into the space monkey's belly button.

(End of this chapter)

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