From the beginning of the flood to the heavens and the world

Chapter 1858 Encountering the disciple of Youyue Sect again

Chapter 1858 Encountering the disciple of Youyue Sect again
"It's really hard to find anywhere, I never thought that you would come to your door by yourself!"

There was a strong murderous intent in the elder brother's eyes.

In his opinion, he is an existence at the peak of the god stage, and Tang Tian is just a cultivation base (hidden) in the middle stage of the god stage.

Even if he fights alone, he will not be afraid of Tang Tian, ​​and he can even win Tang Tian.

"You Yuezong? Gu Yue? I'm also surprised to see you here."

Tang Tian wore a harmless smile.

The big brother sneered and said:

"What's the surprise? Our group came here to hunt you down and kill you! You stole the copper monkey in front of us, and then used the copper monkey to steal our Haiputi! Tang Tian, You have committed a capital crime, but I can still give you a way to survive!"

Tang Tian smiled lightly and said:

"Is my way of life just to kneel in front of you, hand over all my treasures, and then abolish my cultivation, and let me live like a mortal for the rest of my life?"

"You are smart."

The elder brother smiled sullenly and said:
"But I changed my mind again! There is no one else here, I just need to kill you, your treasure, and I can take it all to myself! Even You Yuezong doesn't know about it!"

"Then wouldn't it be useless for me to kneel down and beg you?"

Tang Tian asked with a smile.

"Yes, you must die!"

The elder brother said gloomyly:

"But if you kneel down and beg me, I can reward you with a whole corpse!"

"Then I thank you for a whole corpse, and I can reward you with a whole corpse!"

Up to now, there is no need to say more.

"Tang Tian, ​​go to hell!"

The elder brother of Youyue Sect is a cultivator at the peak of Tianshen, and he is also the disciple of Youyue Tianzong who is closest to the mid-level area, so he despises Tang Tian in the mid-stage of Tianshen.

Therefore, when he attacked Ding Hao, it was useless to use his strongest power!

"Crescent Slash!"

The divine weapon used by elder brother Gu Yue is a weapon commonly used by You Yuezong.Gu Yue's Crescent Moon Chop is engraved with various inscriptions. It is considered a treasure of Gu Yue's hands. The most powerful thing is that there are even three ancient inscriptions on it!
"You inferior monk, have you never seen such a good weapon?"

Gu Yue smiled sadly and said:

"You country bumpkins from the most inferior areas, you have three ancient inscriptions inlaid with your natal magic weapon, and there are also a few high-quality inscriptions. If you want to do it, it will be a matter of minutes!"


With a move of Tang Tian's hand, a stream of black light rushed out.

"Small black sword, the inscription lights up!"

After the inscription was lit, the small black sword turned into a black meteor.


Gu Yue almost lay down on the ground in fright. Tang Tian's sword had such a powerful inscription!

"How is it possible, when did the monks in the inferior region become so rich!"

With a single slash, Crescent Moon was split in half!


Gu Yue spat out a mouthful of blood.

This situation was completely unexpected to him, and he paid a heavy price for underestimating the enemy!
After Tang Tian slashed through the opponent's magic weapon with one sword, he continued to kill Gu Yue's true self.

Gu Yue was taken aback. The magic weapon was completely destroyed, and the backlash brought about by it would have serious consequences.

"It's over, the injury is not serious, run away!"

As soon as Gu Yue missed the move, she was seriously injured. After swallowing a pill, she turned her head and ran away.

However, his escape speed was not as fast as Tang Tian's. Tang Tian stepped into the void, raised his wrist, and a magic whip grew wildly!It just wrapped Gu Yue's body in an instant! .

"Forgive me!"

Gu Yue was shocked, and in a panic, he couldn't use his real strength.

Fortunately, he was carrying a breastplate treasure.

"Youyue Shenguang!"

A layer of pure white light enveloped his whole body in an instant, and the branches transformed by the magic whip could not enter the light at all.

"Tang Tian, ​​wait until you die."

Gu Yue smiled coldly, raised her hand and threw a light and shadow.

The light and shadow rushed to the sky, exploded suddenly, and transformed into an incomparably huge symbol of You Yuezong.

In the distance, a group of disciples of You Yuezong found the sign, and their faces were shocked:
"No, big brother is in danger, hurry to help!"

Gu Yue knew very well that he was not far away, and the disciples of You Yue Sect would come to help in just a short while.

He said with a sinister smile:
"Tang Tian, ​​the monks in the second-level area are the monks in the second-level area. You want to kill me, you are dreaming! If you do this, you have already made enemies with our Youyue Sect! You are finished, you black mountains, finally All bad luck!"

But Tang Tian was not afraid at all, instead he sneered and said:


Gu Yue thought Tang Tian was going to run away quickly, but to his surprise, Tang Tian didn't run away!

Not only did Tang Tian not run away, but he held the small black sword, and said:
"Youyue Shenguang! Not bad! But my sword is not bad either!"

After finishing speaking, Tang Tian pierced the light curtain on Gu Yue's body with a sword.

The light curtain shook, and the light suddenly dimmed.

"How can this sword be so powerful?"

Gu Yue was dumbfounded again, he suddenly felt that his life-saving treasure might not be so reliable.

"Tang Tian, ​​if you kill me, you are courting death!"

Gu Yue finally knew the danger. Almost instantly, the divine power in his body began to circulate rapidly, and all his treasures were released!
But it was too late.

In Tang Tian's hand, there were two more small black swords.


With these two swords down, Youyue Shenguang will almost be finished!

What made Gu Yue even more frightening was that under his divine defense, Tang Tian's movements and attacks were not affected at all! !
"How strong are the monks in the waiting area this time?"

Gu Yue's heart was filled with fear.

If he had known about Tang Tian's strength earlier, maybe he wouldn't have died so quickly!But he is very arrogant and conceited, he thinks that the monks closest to the middle area are great, and the monks in the second area are scum.

So he underestimated the enemy again and again!

In the end, he easily sent himself into the most dangerous situation!
At this moment, he still has the means to save his life!
"Suppressing Demon Medal, the teleportation function will send me back to the Hall of Fantasy World!"

Gu Yue also has the Demon Suppressing Medal, so he can use the teleportation function of the Immortal Lord Medal to escape his life!
But unfortunately, he is only an intermediate-level Demon Suppressing Medal!

Tang Tian took out his medal and ordered:
"As the owner of the Advanced Demon Suppressing Medal, I order you not to use the teleportation function for the time being! All your teleportation runes and invincible runes are invalid!"


Gu Yue's face suddenly became deathly pale.

You Yuezong also has a way to attack the third-level ban, or even the fourth-level ban.However, it is not so easy to attack the ban, and You Yuezong also has its own rules.That is, above the middle stage of the God King Realm, the Zongmen helped to obtain the Advanced Demon Suppressing Medal; above the middle stage of the Heavenly God, the Zongmen helped obtain the Intermediate Demon Suppressing Medal;

Tang Tian is a high-level demon-suppressing medal, so under Tang Tian's order, his teleportation function is invalid!
"It's really over this time."

Gu Yue was in despair.

But right now...

A roar came from far away in the sky:

"Tang Tian, ​​put down senior brother! Our Youyue Sect can reward you with a whole corpse!"

(End of this chapter)

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