Chapter 1864 Greed!shot

"Waste is not waste, I can't control it, but I still have something to do, so I won't accompany you."

He took out his Demon Suppressing Medal, and his Demon Suppressing Medal was also high-level, on the same level as Tang Tian, ​​so Tang Tian couldn't stop him from using the teleportation function!

"You want to teleport away with the Demon Suppressing Medal?"

Tang Tian laughed out loud.

The second elder's expression changed:
"The teleportation function of the Demon Suppressing Medal, send me back to the main hall."

invalid! ! !

"what happened?"

The second elder's complexion suddenly became earthy!
"You can't figure out this kind of reasoning?"

A cruel smile appeared on Tang Tian's face:

"Because you use the Demon Suppressing Medal, you are using the will of the ruins. But I am using the power of the will of the gods at the moment! My will is stronger, so under the cover of my will, even the will of the ruins left by the owner of the ruins is not easy to use Already!"

"That's it!"

The Second Elder suddenly realized that it was really dangerous at this moment.

"Tang Tian, ​​even if you get the blessing of God's will, you are only at the middle stage of the gods! And I am already at the late stage of the god king. If I try my best, I believe you will not get any benefits. Why should we both lose? It is better to turn the battle into a jade silk ,what do you think?"

Tang Tian sneered and said:
"Don't talk nonsense, you talk so much, don't you just want to waste the time of my God's will? Let me tell you, the ending will definitely not hurt both sides. You can use your best skills, and there is only one final ending. That is to kill you, I won't suffer a little bit of injury! Besides, who told you that I only have the mid-stage cultivation of a god?"


Hearing this, the Second Elder's face changed slightly, but then he became furious!

Thinking that since he became the second elder of You Yue Sect, no one dared to talk to him like this, but now he is actually looked down upon by a monk in a secondary area, how can this not make him feel angry?
"Damn! You are too arrogant!"

The second elder was finally angry.

Even if you are stronger than me right now, I would rather die than spray blood on your face!The Second Elder, as a monk in the late stage of the God King, you actually say that you can kill without injury, which is simply disrespectful, even if you hide your cultivation and have the power of God's will!
But even so, Tang Tian said something even more irritating.

"Of course, if you kneel down and admit defeat, I can reward you with a whole corpse!"

Tang Tian's original words will be returned!These words were all said by Gu Ming and Gu Yue, and now Tang Tian returned them all to You Yuezong.

"Wow, you are extremely arrogant, do you think you can be invincible in the world with a little blessing of God's will?"

The second elder was furious.

"The power of the domain, the domain world!"

The second elder's domain is called Yeyue Youying. After letting go, countless ghosts appeared under the moonlight. This monk turned out to be a monk of the ghost way.

Tang Tian stood in this ghostly shadow, and said lightly:
"It's amazing that a monk of the ghost way can cultivate to such a level!"

The second elder snorted coldly:

"I'm not just a ghost!"

It is impossible to cultivate to such a high level in the pure way of ghosts. The way of ghosts is to practice ghosts and refine ghosts.It is impossible to enter the late stage of the God King Realm with the way of refining ghosts.The second elder is supplemented by the ghost way, and the cultivation of skills is the main thing. After all, it is a relatively normal way, and the magic is respected!
While speaking, the Second Elder began to cast spells one by one, and saw those ghost shadows began to gather. These ghost shadows became bigger and bigger, and finally gathered from countless ghost shadows into a giant fierce ghost!

The ferocious ghost screamed.

However, this ferocious ghost didn't directly launch an attack on Ding Hao. It stood behind the second elder and turned into a boundless huge black figure.Then its power continuously entered the Second Elder's body. In just an instant, the Second Elder's eyes turned blood red, and a strange and terrifying power emanated from his body.


Seeing this scene, even Tang Tian couldn't help admiring.

If only the ferocious ghost attacked Tang Tian, ​​the effect might not be very satisfactory.Because creatures such as ghosts and beasts fight by instinct, they are very irrational, and their strength cannot be displayed.

But the second elder directly absorbed the power of the fierce ghost and used his real body to fight, so that he could fully exert all his strength, which was actually a kind of blessing.

"Tang Tian, ​​do you think you have the blessing of strength, but I don't?"

Under the blessing of the fierce ghost's power, the second elder unexpectedly began to look younger, and the wrinkles on his face disappeared.

However, his eyes and lips became bright red, which was quite terrifying.

He added:
"You must not underestimate my domain world, this is a domain world that does not exist in the nine arrays of heaven, earth and human beings! It is the greatest opportunity in my life. I got a fierce ghost from ancient times. It was raped by ancient times. Or grab it and put it in a jar, I have exhausted my whole life, and finally refined this ghost in my domain! No one knows how much power it has, and neither do I. Until today, let me see its power Where is the peak of power!"

After speaking, he faced the huge black screen behind him and issued dozens of runes.

These runes were suspended in mid-air, but they seemed to hit the fierce ghost's body. Immediately, I heard the fierce ghost's stern roar, and then more ferocious power was added to the second elder's body. At that moment, the second elder's body There was no change, but Tang Tian could feel that his aura had risen tens of thousands of meters!
"Very good, I have the blessing of God's will, and you have the blessing of fierce ghost power, let's see who can win!"

Without hesitation, Tang Tian grabbed out the small black sword.

"You die for me!"

A sword stabs out!
When Tang Tian became stronger, the ancient weapon spirit in the little black sword completely surrendered!The runes engraved on this sword are like flowing water, emitting circling rays of light, and the old and dignified aura is fully revealed from the tip of the sword!
This sword is extremely heavy, with a single thrust, even the space can be shattered!
"So strong! Where is this bastard's cultivation in the mid-stage of the gods? This is clearly the existence of the king of the gods!"

The second elder was shocked.Now Tang Tian is really too strong, with the blessing of God's will, the power of the little black sword is fully unleashed, he is simply the god of war descending to earth!
But he has no room to dodge, fight or die!

"Your sword is very domineering, I should not confront you! I want to overcome strength with softness!"

The second elder waved his hands, as if he had turned into a fierce ghost, and countless black shadows appeared instantly!

When Tang Tian stabbed with his sword, these black shadows did not explode, but ran along the direction of the sword body, and then wrapped around Tang Tian's small black sword. They turned into countless spiral black mist, surrounding The small black sword hovered.Finally, with this black sword as the center, a huge black cyclone is formed!

"This is how to conquer strength with softness!"

The second elder showed a smile on his face, his power was wrapping around the small black sword, making the sword heavier and heavier!

"Isn't your sword fierce? Isn't it heavy? I'll make you heavier! I'll make you unable to control this sword yourself! Let me go!"

(End of this chapter)

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