From the beginning of the flood to the heavens and the world

Chapter 1866 Entering the Depths of Crazy Thunder Canyon

Chapter 1866 Entering the Depths of Crazy Thunder Canyon


Tang Tian felt that it might not be as simple as sleeping.

As a demon vine, God Whip has its own wisdom, so it won't be sleepy without sleeping for ten or eight years.

Now it is sleepy, maybe there is some power in her body that is conceiving, maybe it is.The evolution of monsters is different from that of humans.The cultivation of human beings is almost the same, one level of cultivation, but the difference between monsters and beasts is very big.

In fact, after the successful transformation of the magic whip into a demon, she can also practice human skills. She can at least be regarded as the late stage of the god.But Tang Tian felt that it had its own way of growth, so it didn't give her any exercises, let her drink blood to cultivate, and advance with her natural way, and see what she can grow into in the end thing.

Tang Tian put away the magic whip and put it into the soul space to sleep.

The second elder really left behind a whole corpse.

However, this whole corpse can also be used, directly take away its storage ring, and throw the corpse into the mother worm to serve as food for its worm grandchildren.

A strong person like the Second Elder should have a clone. When the deity dies, the clone will respond.

But these don't matter, Tang Tiantian is not afraid of revenge!

To Tang Tian's surprise, when countless worms were eating the second elder's corpse, a black shadow unexpectedly appeared.

"Senior Tang Tian, ​​please forgive me."

Tang Tian Xinnian probed into the storage ring where the female worm was, and asked:
"what are you?"

The black shadow said:
"Senior Tang Tian, ​​I am that ferocious ghost! Although he refined me into his domain, he has not completely refined me! So he is him, and I am me! He is dead, but I am still alive! "

Tang Tian didn't expect such a thing to happen.

He stared and said:

"Then what do you want?"

The fierce ghost kowtowed and said:
"Senior refined me into your domain world, so that the domain world you release can have my shadow."

Tang Tian shook his head and said:
"I don't want a ghost like you, and I'm not a ghost cultivator, so it's useless to want you."

The fierce ghost kowtowed again:

"Senior, if there is a lack of spirit among your treasures, I can do it too!"

"I don't have any treasures and need a weapon spirit."

Tang Tian didn't like these ghosts, and said:

"Mother worm, eat it."

The mother worm said:
"Master, our spirit worms only eat blood, not ghosts. Master, take it away, I don't like him in this space."

The fierce ghost kowtows like garlic:
"Senior, why don't you let me go, and I'll find a way out by myself."

"You think beautiful."

After thinking about it, Tang Tian took out a small banner, and then ordered:
"You stay in this little streamer first."

This little streamer was obtained by Tang Tian by accident in the Immortal Realm. Because the level was too low, he didn't like it, so he kept it outside his own space. Now that he saw the fierce ghost, he prepared to let it stay here for the time being!

As soon as the fierce ghost looked at the little banner, he wondered:
"Senior, this soul banner is too simple..."

"Are you still picking and choosing?"

The fierce ghost had no choice but to get into the small streamer.

After killing the second elder, Tang Tian still has the power of God's will!
"Your uncle, if I knew it earlier, I wouldn't need to do the experiment. What a waste of so much heavenly liquid!"

Tang Tian is a bit regretful now, there were too many counts just now, and the colorful liquid used was too much, it was a waste!

"Waste is the greatest crime!"

Tang Tian felt that if he didn't use the power of God's will to do something, it would be even more wasteful!
"Yes, these powers cannot be wasted."

Even though he said that, is Tang Tian going to find someone to kill him now?His thoughts had already covered the entire thunder field, and he swept back and forth, but there was nothing to kill.

But he soon discovered something.

"Now with the power of God's will, I can just go down and have a look."

Immediately, a figure was seen, with a ray of light, going deeper into the Kuanglei Canyon.

Kuanglei Canyon, it sounds like a canyon, but it is actually a huge crack in the ground!

The place where Tang Tian and the Second Elder fought was not at the bottom of the inclined valley, but just a platform in the canyon.

No one dares to go down to the real bottom of Kuang Lei Canyon!

too deep!
More importantly, there is an electric mother Yuanji underneath!

It was a really good thing. Although Tang Tian didn't know what it was useful for, it was obvious that it was a good thing on the same level as the Heavenly Spirit Liquid!
At this time, the voice of the space monkey came over:
"Master, even if you are a strong person in the God King Realm, it is impossible to touch the mother of electricity Yuanji, even if you are possessed by God's will."

Hearing this, Tang Tian didn't care at all and said:
"I always go down and try."

Even Tang Tian was still insisting, and the space monkey hurriedly said:

"In short, it's very dangerous. The mother electricity is the source of the lightning. If you get hit, even if you are possessed by the power of God's will, it will vaporize you!"

Tang Tian was very confident about his physical body.

Although his cultivation in this world is only at the God King Realm, don't forget that he still hides the power that belongs to this world, which is the existence of the peak Taiyi Jinxian, so it is really dangerous, he believes, relying on With the cultivation base of the peak Taiyi Jinxian, he should be able to handle it!
"I will be careful."

Tang Tian replied!

Seeing that Tang Tian had said this, the space monkey didn't say anything, after all, Tang Tian was his master.

Moreover, the space monkey also wanted to see if Tang Tian's real strength was really worth it's service!
But at this moment, after sending off the space monkeys, Tang Tian didn't hesitate anymore, and flew down directly against the rock wall. At the beginning, he could see quite a few thunderbats.

But the further down, the fewer Thunderbats.

Soon, Tang Tian saw the blue thunder bat hanging on the cliff.

Some blue thunder bats have blue hands and feet, or blue wings.But going deeper, those blue thunderbats are all blue, and the whole body is full of blue electric current!
"These thunderbats seem to be quite precious outside!"

Tang Tian was secretly happy, he was not interested in catching ordinary thunder bats.But this kind of priceless and precious thunder bat is really a good thing!

"The power of God's will, block its induction!"

Using the power of God's will, Tang Tian caught these thunder bats one by one, and packed them all in small boxes.

Tang Tian went down while catching, if he could catch it, if it was too far away, he would not catch it.

After all, Tang Tian's goal was to go deeper into the canyon.

Slowly, the Thunder Bat has completely disappeared.

With the crazy clamor of thunder and lightning, Tang Tian also forced out all the power of God's will. His body was protected by a layer of seven-color light and shadow. Even if these thunder and lightning fell on him, they would not cause fatal damage.

But as Tang Tian went down, the power of thunder and lightning would become stronger!
No, another terrifying purple electric current hit him, this time it actually made his whole body numb.

"Hey! I didn't expect the thunder and lightning below here to suddenly become much stronger!"

Tang Tian looked at the flashing purple thunders below, and couldn't help muttering to himself!
Space Monkey said:

"Master, it's fine, we can't go down anymore!"

(End of this chapter)

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