Chapter 2001 Refining!evolution!
Everyone still didn't speak, Emperor Mo said word by word:

"My decision is to prevent Brother Hong's reincarnation from coming back!"

Emperor Mo glanced over the crowd and said:

"I am not only for all of us, but also for the stability of the entire Dragon Race and the Dragon Realm! After the Nine Heavens Earthquake fell, the gap was opened. Although the outsiders have experienced failures, their minds are not dead! Our Dragon Realm cannot be chaotic, otherwise the entire God Realm will be destroyed. If another group of true demons from outside the territory come to this world, it will be over!"

Everyone was silent for a while, Empress Cui said:

Purple Emperor said:

Even Emperor Cang hesitated for a moment, nodded and said:


Everyone agreed that although Huolong didn't know what they were talking about, he also felt relieved for no reason.

But at this moment, a question emerged, Emperor Cang raised his finger and pointed at the fire dragon and said:
"We prevented Big Brother Hong from coming back, but Big Brother Hong will always be our Big Brother Hong! I still admire Big Brother Hong! Even if Big Brother Hong is not allowed to reincarnate, it will take a real strong dragon to occupy his body, and It's not some bloody crow king!"

When Huolong heard this sentence, he immediately became nervous and shrank into a ball in fright, feeling even worse.

Emperor Mo also nodded and said:

"Old man, you are right, and I don't want to agree with this blood crow king stealing the body of big brother Hong. A lowly blood crow king, damn it, how can he have the right to occupy the body of big brother Hong? He dared to come back to the dragon world and try to make it come true dragon?"

Zidi also said:

"That's right, just because he occupies Brother Chi's body, he can be sentenced to death! Let him never be reborn forever!"

The fire dragon was about to cry, thinking that I had provoked someone, how could I have committed such a heinous crime?
It huddled there, curled up into a ball.

Empress Cui sneered and said:
"This kind of coward also wants to occupy Brother Chi's body, look at it shaking, Blood Crow King!"

Everyone agreed this time, and they were unwilling to let the fire dragon occupy Chidi's body. Modi laughed and said:
"This lowly blood crow king actually recognizes a human being as its master! Think about how powerful Brother Hong was back then, how could his body become the spiritual pet of a small human being?"

"Yes, drive it out! Kill it!"

The group of dragons suddenly became noisy.

But at this moment, suddenly there was a loud bang outside!
Amidst the loud noise, a strong and special aura was released from a certain corner of the True Dragon Hall...

Time went back not long ago, to a certain corner of the True Dragon Hall.

A quiet room in Mo Dian.

"More than 6000 sea chicken awns, all of which were melted in the end."

Tang Tian looked at the colorful liquid floating in front of him, and his eyes flashed with joy.

Thanks to the moonlight of the mermaid nine princesses, after more than 30 months of unremitting refining, more than 6000 sea chicken awns were all turned into liquid.

Of course, Tang Tian didn't refine all of them. In the end, he left two sea chicken awns for future use in searching for sea chicken pictures.

The liquid refined from all the sea chicken awns, piled up together, was a little bigger than Tang Tian's fist.

From this liquid, there was an extraordinary aura.

This kind of breath is very special, Tang Tian sensed it for the first time, always felt it was very powerful, but he couldn't say anything.

But what Tang Tian didn't know was that this aura had already spread to the outside of his quiet room. Several real dragons with relatively weak cultivation bases passed by Tang Tian's door. When they felt this aura, their faces changed drastically. His gaze changed from arrogant to docile!
"What breath? It feels much nobler than us?"

These maids of the True Dragon Palace were all talking and passing by Tang Tian's door.

Tang Tian didn't know about the outside situation, he was busy fusing the solutions of sea chicken awns to evolve his own flame beast.

This kind of evolution is not too troublesome, just like before, just let the flame beast come out and swallow the liquid.

Flames exploded above Tang Tian's head, and in the raging fire, a fire bird spread its wings.

Flames danced in the eyes of this firebird, and their eyes were piercing. Around its eyes, there was a circle of golden light, which made it even more impressive.Its mouth is yellow, very pointed and sharp.Its head is like an eagle's head, and its wings are broad and colorful, like an eagle or a phoenix.In particular, its long tail feathers, like two colorful streamers, have the momentum of a phoenix.

"If the flame beast becomes a blue bird after upgrading, I will fail."

"My target is the divine beast, the flame messenger, the fire phoenix!"

There are blue birds in this world too, and they are already very rare in the God Realm.But the fire phoenix, that is the legendary top beast, a beast unique to the God Realm. It is said that there are nine strongest beasts in the God Realm. They represent nine miracles and control the nine fundamental laws!And among the nine great beasts, the fire phoenix, which controls the flames, ranks first!

"Whether you can succeed or not is up to you!"

Tang Tian's eyes were full of anticipation.

In order to get these sea chicken awns, he has put in too much effort, more than 6000 sea chicken awns, if he can't achieve the beast, then it is really disappointing!

"I believe it will succeed!"

After Tang Tian released the flame beast, the flame bird had a crazy idea, it wanted to get these sea chicken awns too much.These sea chicken awns represent aptitude, strength, and grade, all of which have unparalleled temptations.

"Success or failure, in one fell swoop!"

In the next second, Tang Tian played a formula in his hand, and then raised his hands.

I saw the colorful liquid floating up that day, flying higher and higher, and slowly flying into the flame beast above Tang Tian's head.

Tang Tian also looked up at the flame beast in the world of his domain, and he didn't know what was going to happen.

He originally thought that the Flame Beast would open its mouth to devour these sea chicken awns.

But obviously not.

A bang.

The sea chicken awn solution unexpectedly produced an explosion.

This explosion only blasted a layer of the surface layer of the sea chicken awn solution, and countless solutions splashed.

When the solution fell on the flame beast's body, it could be seen that the liquid evaporated quickly, and then, these parts of the flame beast changed!


In Tang Tian's eyes, he saw that the flame beast's tail feathers began to grow and increase.

From the original two tail feathers, nine tail feathers have been grown!

The originally seven-colored tail feathers have now completely turned into flames!
Although the tail feathers formed by the nine flames are not so gorgeous, they are all agile flames, which look quite domineering!
"This is the messenger of the flame!"

"The originally seven-colored tail feathers are more like seven-colored phoenixes."

"And now, the nine tail feathers that are crazily burning, my God, are too domineering!"

Tang Tian was overjoyed.

The sea chicken awn solution was still rising, and then a second explosion occurred!
In this explosion, another layer of liquid exploded, and all the liquid fell on the body of the flame beast.

"Flame, or flame!"

Tang Tian was completely dumbfounded.

(End of this chapter)

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