Chapter 2026 Evolution?breakthrough?
The soul space wanders in the space.

After a short period of turmoil, those triangular ghost beasts began to regain their calmness. Their main job here is to cultivate and eat carrion corpses.

Roar!The deep roar continued to sound.

Every once in a while, the gap in the sky will open, and then a large number of carrion corpses will be sent in.

Tang Tian felt that this place should be the space where some strong man from the underworld specially raised these triangular ghost beasts.


Tang Tian saw another combat boot. This boot did not recognize its owner and could not be changed in size, so the Triangular Phantom Beast could not be worn on its feet.

It played with it for a while, feeling that it couldn't put it down, and then, it was ready to sit the boots under its buttocks.

"It's really reckless, and the pearl is thrown in the dark!"

Tang Tian hurried to a place where there were only rotting corpses and no ghost beasts, and with a thought, he released the space monkey.

After the space monkey came out, it immediately stood there motionless.

Not to mention, this guy seemed to be lifeless, so he didn't attract the attention of ghost beasts and carrion corpses.It would be different if Ding Hao went out, his breath of living being spread out, and ghost beasts and rotting corpses would be discovered.

Tang Xiaokong was like a bronze monkey statue, standing there motionless, and the carrion corpses crawled past it, turning a blind eye.

Suddenly, the buttocks of the triangular ghost beast lifted.

Tang Xiaokong moved quickly, he touched the treasure mirror of Qiankun Tongda on his belly button, and a sphere formed by a light curtain appeared in front of him.

Those rotting corpses and ghost beasts just now discovered something and turned their heads to look this way.


Don't mention how fast Tang Xiaokong's monkey paw moves, like lightning, he reaches into the light curtain in front of him, grabs the boots, and pulls them out...

The triangular ghost beast sitting on the combat boot moved very quickly, grabbing the other corner of the boot.

"It's over, it's over!"

Tang Xiaokong cursed:

"Why is this guy so fast?"

But at this moment, somewhere in the space, a burst of breath suddenly exploded.

As this breath exploded, all the ghost beasts in the space were stunned.


Space monkey Tang Xiaokong snatched the boots and closed the light curtain.

Tang Tian cooperated with him tacitly, and took him into the soul space with a thought.


Tang Tian took the boots, his eyes flickered:
"So exquisite!"

Speaking of it, the combat boots are much more refined than the armguards and wrist guards. The purple-black boots have fierce tiger head patterns, and the sides are engraved with silver runes. After being passed on, they not only increase the defensive ability.And you don't need to use the Royal Sky Treasure, you can also have a strong flying ability!
"nice one!"

Tang Tian didn't care if he only had one, he put it on first.

Little Greenway:
"Master, you are so handsome."

Tang Tian laughed loudly and said:
"Wait until you put on the full set, you will be more handsome!"

Tang Xiaokong's gaze was fixed on the outside, and he shouted:

"Master, look."

Tang Tian's eyes were also attracted.

"This is……"

In the sky, there is an astonishing amount of black and white ghost aura converging downwards, forming a black and white funnel cloud.

And under the funnel cloud, a triangular ghost beast sat cross-legged, and it could be clearly seen that its body was expanding at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"what's going on?"

Tang Tian looked outside in surprise.

Tang Xiaokong said with deep eyes, "

""It may be a breakthrough!" "

"These ghost beasts will also upgrade and break through?"

Tang Tian's eyes moved, and he probably confirmed his guess:

"This should be a place where a big boss from the underworld specially cultivates these underworld beasts!"

The ghost beast sitting cross-legged suddenly opened its eyes and let out a thunderous roar.

With its roar, all the black and white ghostly aura in the sky was shattered, and it stood up suddenly, roaring continuously, venting towards the sky.

Its body is already twice the size of other triangular ghost beasts, and the three golden horns on its head have also become larger and longer.

Amidst its roar, the other hundreds of ghost beasts in the space were all frightened and knelt down on the spot.

"Is this the king of all ghost beasts?"

Tang Tian looked at the ghost beast outside.

But obviously, there are also some tall ghost beasts who don't buy it.

Not only did the two tall ghost beasts not kneel down, but they also let out a deep roar.

The newly appeared king looked at the two ghost beasts with huge eyes, and then rushed forward without hesitation.

Boom boom boom!
The three ghost beasts collided together, and Ding Hao discovered that they were only fighting, the tearing of their palms was still auxiliary, and the main attacking weapon was the golden horn on the head!
Don't look at the skin on these ghost beasts as hard as steel, but their golden horns are extremely sharp!

With a snap, Jin Jiao peeled off a piece of skin on the opponent's body!
Seeing the three behemoths fight into a ball outside, the other behemoths were frightened and ran away, leaving the central field to these three behemoths.

The ground kept shaking, the three giant beasts crashed wildly, and countless carrion corpses were trampled to death by them. The scene was rotten and bloody.

Tang Tian was dumbfounded, and after a while he said:
"Hurry up and find the Purple Emperor Armor!"

This kind of chaotic occasion is a good time to look for the Purple Emperor Armor.

"Over there, it seems to be an ancient artifact!"

Tang Tian saw a pair of scimitars that Zhen Ling used to use.

"Don't care about him, take it in."

Now the scene is in chaos, the giant triangle beast can't take care of itself, these treasures are simply not wanted by anyone.

Tang Tian directly asked Xiaolu to release her arms from the soul space, grabbing one at a time.

After a while, a lot of treasures were caught.

"Haha, it turns out that the treasures thrown in by that boy Zhenling are all here!"

Tang Tian was overjoyed. He picked up one of the jade cards, and he scanned it with his heart, and was immediately ecstatic:

"Dark Prison Art! Your uncle, this boy Zhenling really doesn't treat treasures as treasures! Throw this thing to ghost beasts, can they understand?"

When fighting against Zhenling before, the Dark Prison Art left a good impression on Tang Tian.

The prison beasts created by the Dark Prison God Art actually have the ability to continuously upgrade.Tang Tian has always thought that the fire beast in his fire beast hell also has this kind of learning and automatic improvement function, but he didn't expect that this would lead him to find the Dark Prison Art.

"Good stuff, good good!"

Not only the Dark Prison Art and the pair of double knives, but also some other treasures, all of which are ancient artifacts.

As for the Purple Emperor Armor, another pair of knee pads and a large arm guard were found.

In this way, Tang Tian gathered a few more items.


Tang Xiaokong kept looking outside, only to see a ghost beast holding a short black whip in its hand, whipping towards the strongest triangular beast.

"That's the belt of the Purple Emperor Armor, I'll fuck it!"

Although this purple emperor armor is holding a weapon, it is still useless.

The strongest underworld beast that had just broken through was indeed extremely ferocious. The three huge horns on its head stabbed fiercely, and finally picked up the giant three-cornered beast, lifted its body high, and then slammed it hard. Swipe!
The triangular ghost beast flung it far away and hit the ground, spattering a piece of flesh and blood.

This ghost beast was seriously injured, with wounds all over its body, and an astonishing amount of ghostly black energy leaked from its wounds.

(End of this chapter)

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