From the beginning of the flood to the heavens and the world

Chapter 2038 Prepare to return to the chapter

Chapter 2038 Ready to Return
But right now.

"No, Liang Yu is in danger!"

Liang Yu, like other human monks, has no defensive armor and is very sensitive to this ghostly aura.

When she felt nauseated and vomited, she was surrounded by several ferocious underworld Shuras.

She was invaded by the ghostly breath, and her fighting power suddenly declined.

A beautiful light and shadow fled downward.

"Quack quack quack!"

The black wings and feathers on the backs of the underworld Shura danced, and then they took out their long bows and sharp arrows!

The archery skills of Shura in the underworld are also extraordinary!

Whoosh whoosh, a series of dozens of arrows of different colors turned into little cold stars and chased after Liang Yu.

"Liang Yu, be careful!"

Tang Tian was shocked, Liang Yu was disturbed by the ghostly breath at this moment, nauseated and vomited, and could not dodge these arrows at all!

"I am coming!"

Tang Tian had no choice but to let Qian Pohou go and pounce down.His figure was like a black light and shadow, coming to Liang Yu, letting the arrows attack him!

Dangdang Dangdang!
There were constant crisp sounds, and all these arrows hit Tang Tian's Purple Emperor Armor.


Liang Yu let out a sigh of relief, opened her beautiful eyes, and looked at Tang Tian who stood in front of her.

Tang Tian was wearing battle armor and couldn't see his face, but he was quite handsome.

Liang Yu said gratefully:
"Thank you Elder Tang Tian for saving your life."

"Haha! You and I are both leaders of Montenegro, so I will naturally save you!"

Tang Tian waved his hand and replied! .

Because of this delay, Tang Tian raised his head to look, only to see that Marquis Qian Po had entered the light curtain of the sky!
Many remaining Shuras from the underworld also fled.

Even the one-horned fighting beast with a dog's power got half of its body into the underworld.

"Haha, human beings, your name is Tang Tian. I will always remember that your lifespan will definitely be shorter than others. Just wait!"

Qian Pohou escaped, and the hatred for Ding Hao in his heart had reached a certain level.


Seeing this Qianpohou's tone, it is true that there is really a way to find powerful figures in the underworld to reduce Tang Tian's lifespan.

"Qianpohou, okay, okay, one day I will go to the underworld to kill you!"

After Tang Tian finished speaking, he moved his eyes and waved:
"Space Monkey Come Out!"

After the space monkey came out, it released the surrounding scene.

It just so happened that the unicorn ghost beast was crawling out of the space, wanting to go back to the underworld.

"If you want to escape, there is no way out. If you want to blame it, blame your father!"

Tang Tian couldn't catch up with Qian Pohou, so he suddenly stretched out his big hand, reached into the light curtain in front of him, and grabbed it in!
He didn't use any treasures this time, just bare hands.

At this moment, the Unicorn Hades has crawled out most of its body.

But Qian Pohou hated Tang Tian very much, and said sharply:
"Break his hand!"


Hearing this, the fighting beast slammed its golden horn at Tang Tian's grasped palm and slammed it!
"Boy, you came here empty-handed!"

There was a dark light in Qianpohou's eyes, and he was going to teach Tang Tian a lesson before leaving.

The golden horn of the unicorn ghost beast is very sharp, and Tang Tian's purple emperor armor has no gloves.

He just wanted to deal a serious blow to Tang Tian!
But what he didn't expect was that Tang Tian's big hand suddenly grabbed the sharp golden long golden horn of the unicorn ghost beast!
"how is this possible!"

Qianpohou's eyes were filled with shock.

The golden horn of the fighting beast is very sharp, even Qian Pohou, he is not capable of grabbing the golden horn of the fighting beast with bare hands.

But Tang Tian caught it later.

"That is……"

Qian Pohou noticed Tang Tian's palm, and he didn't know when he was wearing a layer of silver gloves!

"Another treasure!"

Qian Pohou is about to faint, there are too many good treasures in the hands of this human being!

The Killing Spear, Purple Emperor Armor, Divine Soldier, these are all treasures that the powerhouses of the underworld are jealous of, and they all fell on Tang Tian alone.

"Come back soon!"

By now, Qian Pohou had no hope of winning, so he asked the unicorn to come back quickly.

The unicorn beast roared and struggled, and it also wanted to escape back to the underworld, but Tang Tian grabbed the longest unicorn in the middle of it, making it impossible to escape at all!

"Qianpohou! If you really dare to affect my longevity, you will be just like this golden horn!"

Tang Tian's eyes sharpened, and the Yishenbing glove in his hand instantly turned into a sharp silver knife!

The silver knife cut off the longest and thickest horn with one blow!
The unicorn let out a heart-piercing roar.

Then, with a bang, the crack in the sky disappeared, and all the Ming clansmen fled away.

After all the Mingzu people fled, this space became the world of human beings.

Those triangular beasts were in bad luck.

"This golden horn is worth a lot!"

Fang Yu directly took off the giant sword on his back.

Although he hasn't refined this Taoist weapon yet, it can be used to cut it. He directly cut off the three golden horns on the head of the Triceratops.

Li Shaotian, Tu Bafang and others are also descendants of rich families, and they all have treasures of the Taoist level, so hurry up to cut the golden horns.

Before they killed some Shuras of the underworld, they also obtained some natural materials and earth treasures of the underworld, which were also quite valuable.It can be said that they have made a lot of money by coming here.

Tang Tian didn't fight with them, the thickest and longest golden horn was in his hands, and getting the high-level area would definitely be a sky-high price!
In the blink of an eye, everyone has not seen each other for more than 40 years.

"Thank you."

Tang Tian's thank you has a deep meaning.

Over the years, Tang Tian had completely handed over the management of the Black Mountain Territory to Liang Yu and the others, including organizing the Ascension Ceremony, which was also arranged by them.

Song Ren smiled slightly and said:

"Thank you for what we said."

While they were talking, Li Shaotian and the others finished cutting the golden horns and came back.

Fang Yu said:
"Elder Tang Tian, ​​you can do it, this battle armor is amazing!"

Tang Tian smiled and said:

"Thanks to this battle armor, otherwise how could I beat Qianpohou?"

Li Shaotian and the others all looked at Tang Tian with envious eyes. Who wouldn't want to have such a battle armor?
With a movement of Tang Tian's figure, he put away the battle armor.

When the Purple Emperor Armor was taken away, his real body was revealed, and his cultivation base also appeared.

Seeing Tang Tian's cultivation, Li Shaotian and the others were stunned again.

"Early stage of God Venerable!"

Li Shaotian was dumbfounded.

It can be said that he has been cultivating hard these years, and now he has finally cultivated to the late stage of the God King. He originally thought that this time he would overwhelm Tang Tian.But looking at it now, Tang Tian is already at the peak of the early stage of the god, and only the last step in the middle stage of the god!


Even an arrogant person like Tu Bafang sighed:

"The number one in the ranking competition is the number one in the ranking competition. Your cultivation speed is really terrifying."

Once upon a time, everyone wanted to compete with Tang Tian for the No. 1, but now, everyone has already agreed in their hearts!

Liang Yu said:
"Let's go out quickly."

A group of people waited to return the same way, and when they walked out of Nether Seventeen Bend, the crack under their feet closed with a click.

In the next second, everyone else was teleported out of the formation by the formation spirit, but Tang Tian was teleported under a dead tree.

Shenquan was dressed in black, with fluttering red hair, and was sitting on the ground. Beside him was a cloud of black magic.

"It's this kid who wants to harm me, right?"

When Tang Tian saw Zhen Ling, he immediately flew into a rage.

(End of this chapter)

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