Chapter 2045 Nine Strong Dao Sect
Song Ren smiled bitterly and said:
"Old Sun, I'm sorry, it seems that I'm not likable."

"It's okay, come in and sit down."

Elder Sun asked Taoist Xianshi to sit down.

Song Ren then asked:

"Where is Miss Sun? How have you been these years?"

Mr. Sun told about his granddaughter's situation. This girl and Cai Pan, a young genius of Jiulie Daozong, were in love with each other.

"The past is like smoke."

Song Ren nodded. If he hadn't met Tang Tian, ​​Heishanling would have become the current Heishanzong, becoming extremely powerful. I am afraid that he is still just a monk at the stage of the gods, and he doesn't know if he can enter the realm of the gods.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help being amused, now that he wants to find a Taoist companion, I'm afraid those who have a higher cultivation base and appearance than Sun Baobao will flock to him!
Song Ren asked again:
"Then the young couple are both retreating?"


Old Sun sighed:
"After they became Taoist couples, they gave birth to a pair of twins a few years ago. It was a great thing, but now they are both in their teens, and neither of them has awakened. Hurry up!"

Having said that, Elder Sun clapped his knees and sighed.

Song Ren asked strangely:

"They are all monks in the god stage, and it is impossible for all the children they give birth to to be mortal."

Old Sun said:

"A mortal womb is definitely not a mortal womb, but it just hasn't awakened. Later, I asked an expert to look at it. They said that the sea of ​​consciousness is locked and cannot be opened."


If awakened, the sea of ​​consciousness will be formed, but if the sea of ​​consciousness is closed, the sea of ​​consciousness cannot be opened at all. This is the reason why many children cannot become monks for life.

Song Ren frowned and said:
"There should be pills that can cure this problem."

"Yes, we even asked someone to ask Senior Miao Xuanyue on the mountain to help, and he was willing to help with alchemy, but there is a lack of treasures such as Dharaniflower Seeds. It is said that there are at least ten thousand years left..."

When Sun Lao said this, he shook his head and smiled wryly:
"My dear, the two of them have spent all their time and energy searching for this kind of natural and earthly treasure all these years, and they have delayed their cultivation! Otherwise, they might have no problem entering the God King Realm. No, now they are I went to the depths of the mountain to find the Wannianduoluo flower seed..."

"It's really not easy to find such things as daoluohuazhong."

Hearing this, Song Ren nodded, raised his hand and took out a small white porcelain bottle, put it on the table and said:
"I have some here."


Elder Sun was dumbfounded. Unexpectedly, Song Ren directly took out what he said.

In fact, Song Ren has managed the sect in the Black Mountain Sect for these years, and his own pockets are quite rich. He has a lot of treasures that are not available outside, and he has a lot of storage rings.He just happened to have the Dharani flower seed that Elder Sun mentioned, so he took it out.

"How many thousands of years is this?"

Elder Sun took the bottle, and when he opened it, a strange fragrance filled his nostrils.

Song Ren stood up and said:

"Anyway, it must be enough for you. Well, I'm here to deliver a letter from Jiulie Daozong this time, and I'm leaving too."

After finishing speaking, he didn't have any regrets, walked out of the small grocery store, walked along the mountain path, and walked towards the foot of the mountain.

The past is like smoke, all the past, this is the end.

"Although I missed it, I have no regrets."

Song Ren sighed and raised his head proudly.His mind was like that bottle of Dharani flower seeds. He put it down and never took it away again. He felt that his state of mind had improved a lot.

Not long after, he was already standing in the conference hall of Jiulie Daozong.

Back then, he was just an ordinary monk who couldn't be more ordinary, and even wanted to join Jiulie Daozong.

But now, he can enter the hall and come back here as a representative of the sect.

"What? Invite us to participate in the Ascension Ceremony of the Black Mountain Sect?"

The person who received Song Ren was Yuanjun Shenwang.

Song Ren nodded and smiled:

"Jiangliu Sword Sect has already agreed to participate. At that time, there will be Nine Patriarchs from the Lower Realm. In addition, many orthodox sects have also agreed to attend. I hope that your sect will ignore the past and give you the honor to participate in the ceremony. My sect welcomes you."

Yuanjun Shenwang thought for a moment and said:
"Let's think about it, Elder Tang Tian's invitation, it's okay to go..."

Yuanjun Shenwang was still a little undecided.

Song Ren said again:

"If that's the case, I'll be waiting for you, fellow Daoist Yuan Jun, at the Black Mountain Sect!"

Hearing what Song Ren said, Yuanjun Shenwang nodded at the moment:

"Okay, why don't you stay for a few days, Fellow Daoist Song Ren?"

Song Ren shook his head and said:
"I still have to visit a lot of orthodox sects. I almost want to visit all the orthodox sects in Nanshan Continent, so I will leave first."

"Okay, send Fellow Daoist Song Ren down the mountain."

Yuan Jun sent Song Ren away, and then called the elders and others in the door to discuss.

"What? Let's go to the Ascension Ceremony of the Black Mountain Sect?"

The elders sitting at the front were also quite surprised.

One of the female elders, Bai's pretty face moved, but she didn't express her opinion.

Yuanjun Shenwang is more easy-going, he said:

"I think it's okay to go. After all, the Jiangliu Sword Sect and other major orthodox paths have also gone. Tang Tian took the geniuses of the Black Mountain Sect and the Devil Sect to leave. This will have great benefits for the end of the era of great chaos. It is a good thing Son."

An elder named Tang Pengcheng frowned and said:

"A good thing is a good thing, but it's an anecdote through the ages that we go to congratulate the Demonic Dao Sect! It's too embarrassing!"

Yuanjun Shenwang didn't expect Tang Pengcheng to say this, his face darkened, and he said:

"Don't forget, Jiu Patriarch will also come at that time, and Patriarch Zheng Yuan is also in the Black Mountain Sect. I think that many righteous sects will go there. If we don't go to Jiu Lie Dao Sect, I don't know what Jiu Patriarch will think?"

Hearing the words of Yuanjun Shenwang, the beautiful female elder said:

"So we must go too!"


But as soon as the female elder finished speaking, the elder Tang Pengcheng beside her refused without even thinking about it!

"why not?"

The female elder's face became angry, and she asked:
"Tang Pengcheng, have you forgotten that if it wasn't for Patriarch Zhengyuan, how could we have survived? Have you forgotten that the Ninth Patriarch is also your ancestor? Have you forgotten?"

Tang Pengcheng's face turned pale when asked.

Although Tang Tian's Black Mountain Sect has always been called the Demon Sect by the orthodox sect, but these years, it has been widely rumored that Tang Tian joined the Demon Sect to end the era of great chaos!
But Tang Pengcheng didn't believe it. He inherited the thought of the ancestors of the Lie family and opposed all evil ways.It doesn't matter if you are a real demon or a fake demon, in short, as long as you are a demon, you are an enemy and you must kill them all!
So even so, he still objected to participating in the Ascension Ceremony of the Black Mountain Sect.

Moreover, what he objected even more was that the female elder participated in the grand ceremony, because he has always liked this female elder!
Now the female elder seemed to be very interested in Tang Tian, ​​the devil. This matter was a shame to Tang Pengcheng.If the female elder went to the Black Mountain Sect to meet Tang Tian, ​​if there were any intimate words or rumors spread, Jiulie Daozong might lose all face!

"Anyway, you can't go!"

Tang Pengcheng thought about it and changed his words:

(End of this chapter)

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