Chapter 2053 Fire Phoenix is ​​here!
"Forget it."

Sanzu sighed:

"Originally, we planned to go down to the realm with nine people this time, but before we left, we got another once-in-a-lifetime opportunity! Several friends made an appointment to go to the top area to explore treasures, and they were willing to bring a few of them, so the other six patriarchs all participated We joined the treasure hunting team. There were only three of us, with a little inferior cultivation, and we didn’t join the treasure hunting team, so we came here.”

"I see."

Only then did everyone understand the whole story.

Going to the top area to hunt for treasures is amazing!Everyone was incomparably amazed. How many people in this world would dare to imagine such a height in the top area?
In fact, for the Divine Exalted Realm, treasure hunting in high-level areas is already a big deal.

Entering the top-level area is already an irresistible temptation for the gods and powerhouses.

Therefore, the other sixth ancestors did not come over, but went to the top area to find opportunities.

Only the three, four, and five ancestors, they are only at the initial stage of fusion, and their strength is slightly weaker, so they did not go to the eighth heaven.

Although the other six patriarchs did not descend to the lower realm, after all, it is an extremely honorable thing for the third patriarch to come down.

Patriarch Zhengyuan said:
"What about the old people you prepared, and the disciples from Duanzhou, Qinzhou and Yunzhou, come and pay respects to your ancestors."

Liang Yu, Song Ren and others hurriedly arranged for people to call these disciples.

But Fifth Patriarch Yun Nishang waved his hands and said:

"These things are not in a hurry. I see that you are doing sacrifices to heaven here. Let's continue. Don't delay your business because of us!"

When it comes to offering sacrifices to the heavens, the faces of all the people present darkened.

At this time, a monk dressed in white and decorated with dragon horns came over, knelt down under Yun Nishang's plain skirt, and said loudly:

"Chai Gaoyang, a descendant of the Chai family, has met the Fifth Patriarch!"

The Chai family is located between Yunzhou and Wuzhou, and the ancestor of the Chai family was actually a legendary figure, which Yun Nishang vaguely remembered.

She nodded and said:

"You are a descendant of the Chai family. You are not bad. You have good cultivation and aptitude. The Chai family has descendants."

Chai Gaoyang was overjoyed, kowtowed a few times and stood up.

Yun Nishang smiled and said:
"The descendants of the Chai family, yes, come, come, stand by my side."

Chai Gaoyang was overjoyed, if he could rely on the tree of the Fifth Patriarch, then he would be rich.

Standing beside Yun Nishang, his eyes swept across the crowd triumphantly, and he said:

"I report to the Fifth Patriarch that the Demon Lord's ceremony to worship the heavens was supposed to be held today, but after the sacrifices to the heavens just ended, God's will did not pass!"


The monks present were all blushing with anger, they didn't expect Chai Gaoyang, a bastard, to come out and say such things at this time.

The three ancestors in the lower realm originally had a good impression of Tang Tian, ​​but when they heard what Chai Gaoyang said, they all looked at Chai Gaoyang suspiciously:

The third ancestor looked at Tang Tian with a puzzled expression!

Chai Gaoyang said:

"It's God's will not to recognize him!"

After Chai Gaoyang said this, he continued:

"Besides, he doesn't distinguish between good and evil. He's good and evil for a while. I don't know what he wants to do? Also, he's running amok in this area! Abolished the descendants of the great ancestor! Heifeng The descendants of the clan have been bullied to the end, but fortunately the great ancestor did not come back this time, otherwise I will see how he will explain it."


Tang Tiantian's face turned blue, this Chai Gaoyang went too far, it was clearly sowing discord.


Sure enough, after hearing Chai Gaoyang's words, the third ancestor's face turned ashen, and he looked at Tang Tian with unkind eyes.

Patriarch Zhengyuan came out and said:

"Three patriarchs, don't listen to Chai Gaoyang's nonsense. Tang Tian's actions are worthy of anyone. Please invite the three patriarchs to visit the Black Wind Sect later, and you will know what is good or bad. As for the abolished patriarch Descendants, it is he himself who has done a lot of evil and bullied the states, the descendants of the great ancestor are still alive, and the descendants of the ancestors and the people of Yunzhou are all complaining about being bullied by him!"


The third ancestor's expression changed again.

Although they didn't like to hear the news that the great ancestor's descendants were abolished, but this great ancestor's descendants actually bullied their descendants, the third ancestors certainly had selfish intentions, if Tang Tian abolished the great ancestor for their descendants For future generations, they should also thank Tang Tiancai for this.

Tang Tian nodded and said:
"Three patriarchs, there are twists and turns, you just need to go and check everything."

Fifth Patriarch Yun Nishang said:

"There's no rush to see it. We believe what Zheng Yuan said. Besides, we've been in the high-level, top-level area for so long. We don't ask the right and wrong of this area."

Patriarch Zhengyuan has always been a very upright person, which is why Jiuzu believed in him so much.

Chai Gaoyang originally wanted to file a lawsuit, but it didn't seem to work.

Now he said again:
"Anyway, Tang Tian is not a good person, otherwise today's sacrifice to heaven would not have failed."

The third ancestor looked at the sky, frowned and said:

"It has indeed begun to collapse, but the strange thing is that the robbery cloud in the sky did not collapse quickly."

The middle-aged scribes of the fourth patriarch looked at the sky and said:
"I also find it strange. According to reason, if God's will does not pass, the robbery cloud in the sky will dissipate quickly. But now it is only dissipating slowly, as if waiting for something! This dissipation speed is so slow that we didn't know it at first. There was no failure in offering sacrifices to heaven."

Tang Tian smiled wryly, and then explained:
"I will tell the three seniors that before the fire beast in the lower domain, I had offended God's will by burning the sky. I suspect that God's will will retaliate against me because of this."

"Burning the sky?"

The beautiful eyes of Fifth Patriarch Yun Nishang looked at Tang Tian curiously:

"You let the fire beast out and have a look."

"it is good."

Hearing this, Tang Tian felt that there was no need to hide it after thinking about it, and immediately released the fire beast with a thought. When the fire phoenix came out, the strong flame breath made the surrounding air quite hot.

"This is...?, it's the divine beast Fire Phoenix, my God! Such good aptitude!"

The faces of the three ancestors were all shocked.

All the monks present knew that Tang Tian's fire beast was a growing flame beast, but everyone didn't know that it had grown into a divine beast, a fire phoenix!
Fifth Patriarch Yun Nishang said:

"The divine beast Fire Phoenix is ​​already amazing. And his divine beast is actually a divine beast that controls an element! My God, it's amazing, the future of this child is limitless!!"

Having said that, she asked again:
"I didn't expect that there would be a genius in this area?"

Tang Tian walked over, glared at Chai Gaoyang, and pushed Chai Gaoyang away.

Chai Gaoyang was still not reconciled, he was dumbfounded and said:
"Impossible, what are you doing? Tang Tian, ​​what kind of tricks did you use? Aren't you a super-grade flame beast? When did you become a divine beast, a fire phoenix? You must be lying to me! You just want to hit me, right? ?”

For this kind of person, the three patriarchs have seen the quality of this person.

Fifth Patriarch Yun Nishang glanced at it in disgust, and then asked the middle-aged scribe again:
"Fourth brother, do you think it will be God's revenge?"

The Fourth Patriarch thought for a while and said:

"Heaven's Will will never target indiscriminately. Even if it has the intention of revenge, there must be an incentive for it! If I guessed correctly, at this moment, there are other people in the Immortal Refinement World who are offering sacrifices to the heavens!"

"What? Others!"

Tang Tian was shocked, but at this moment, he suddenly thought of the jade card given to him by Daoist Samsara.

(End of this chapter)

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