From the beginning of the flood to the heavens and the world

Chapter 2062 Destroy the Demon King's Sacrificial Terrace

Chapter 2062 Destroy the Demon King's Sacrificial Terrace
But what they don't know is that there are countless treasures like this in Tang Tian's storage space, but they can't be taken out. Moreover, as long as Tang Tian wants, Tang can give this treasure boat to Tang Tian for refining at any time!
When Tang Pengcheng and the others landed, there were many monks standing on the treasure boat.

These monks all went to Tang Tianzong to observe the ceremony. There are righteous ways and evil ways.

Tang Pengcheng and the others were all jealous. When they saw old opponents like Tu Laomo and Li Laomo, everyone stared and said nothing.

Fortunately, on the boat, there are still many righteous people, Miao Xuanyue and others from Jiulie Daozong are also on the boat.

The Yunlang Treasure Boat continued to move forward among the clouds and waves. It was not far from Donglin City to Qiqingliuyu Mountain, almost in an instant. Soon, a high mountain peak appeared below.

Mountain of seven emotions and six desires!
Tang Tian is no stranger to this place, and most of the monks on the boat are also no strangers to this place.

Just 50 years ago, Tang Tian won seven games in a row here, created a myth, and won the title of No. [-] in the ranking competition!
But in the past 50 short years, there are neither things nor people here!


Tang Tian was dumbfounded, the Red Dust Palace on the top of the Mountain of Seven Emotions and Six Desires disappeared!

Instead, there is a pointed tower like a turret!

And on the entire Mountain of Seven Emotions and Six Desires, there are all kinds of beasts of seven emotions, big and small!Among these strange beasts with seven emotions, there are actually many flying beasts, an astonishing number of them, rushing towards the Yunlang Treasure Boat!

Although the Yunlang Treasure Boat was flying at a terrifying speed, it didn't have any defensive measures.

Tang Tian immediately shouted loudly:

"Everyone, be careful!"

"Elder Tang Tian, ​​don't worry!"

Zhang Shasha and others immediately jumped up, released their treasures, and slashed and killed the Seven Emotions Beast!
Those righteous monks didn't stay idle, they also started to kill the Seven Emotions Beast.

After these beasts of seven emotions are killed, they will shed tears of seven emotions!
After this thing is refined, it is a kind of heavenly material and earthly treasure that is very effective for spiritual power and soul, and the refining of elixir is even more effective, it is a good thing.Everyone killed the Qiqing Beast and snatched the Qiqing Tears, what a joy!

Tang Tian added:

"Everyone, after killing the Seven Emotions Beast, remember to throw away the body so as not to dirty the treasure boat of the Third Patriarch."


Although Tang Tian could control the Yunlang Treasure Boat, he had insufficient authority to put the Treasure Boat away.

So he stopped the treasure boat in the air, Tang Tian turned around and shouted:
"Who wants to go with me to smash the altar of the Demon King of Emotions, Anger, Sorrow, and Joy? Come with me!"

This will be Li Laomo Tu Laomo and others coming out:

"Elder Tang Tian, ​​we are good at smashing and looting! This abominable demon king of joy, anger, sorrow and joy has robbed the mountain gates of our Seven Emotions Sect and Six Dao Sect, and smashed his grandma!"

Tang Tian said:
"Okay, then go down."

At that moment, Tang Tian, ​​Old Mo Li and several other old devils flew down and smashed down the platform below.

The other monks didn't go down either, and everyone was busy killing the Seven Emotions Beast.

Everyone didn't feel any danger. After all, the Demon King of Joy, Anger, Sorrow, and Joy was not at home. How easy would it be to smash his altar?
Soon, Tang Tian and the others landed on the Mountain of Seven Emotions and Six Desires.

In the past, there were restrictions on the Mountain of Seven Emotions and Six Desires, and they could not land directly. Now that the entire mountain has been destroyed, there are no such rules.

We and the others stood at the foot of the high altar. It seems that although this altar is a little simpler than Tang Tian's altar, it still looks quite tall and mighty. It is black all over and looks like a devil. momentum.

Old Mo Li scolded:

"What the hell, what is he, he actually wants to be the devil, smash it!"

Several of them are strong men in the God King Realm, and there is no suspense at all if they want to smash the tower in front of them.

After everyone's treasures were released, they hit and slashed against the ground of the tower.

Bang bang bang!
Amidst the loud noise, the tower soon began to tilt.

Tu Laomo laughed loudly:

"Smash the demon king's altar, let's see how he can be a demon king!"

After finishing speaking, he released another huge iron stone and shouted loudly:
"go with!"

Old Demon Li moved his eyes:
"This thing is a good thing. If you sell me iron smelting, you can make a lot of magical weapons and swords."

"Fuck off!"

Old Demon Tu cursed, and played a formula in his hand.

The iron ring stone happened to hit the point of strength of the slanted altar, and with a bang, the altar toppled over, and then rolled down from the high Mountain of Seven Emotions and Six Desires!
Boom boom boom!Such a huge tower rolled over the steep cliff, broke into several pieces, and finally fell into the forest below with a bang.

As they smashed the platform for offering sacrifices to the sky, they saw the robbery clouds rolling violently in the sky.

Around Jieyun, the speed of collapse and dissipation began to become crazy, Jieyun became less and less, and God's approval of the devil king of joy, anger, sorrow and joy was constantly decreasing.

Looking up at the sky, several old devils are all in high spirits:

"Haha, Elder Tang Tian, ​​there is no obstacle for you to worship the heavens!"

Tang Tian was also very grateful. Although these old devils had conflicts at the beginning, when Tang Tian really showed his strength, these old devils were still very powerful.

Tang Tian nodded and said:
"Everyone, I, Tang Tian, ​​am definitely not someone who forgets my origins! In the future, when I go to a more powerful area, your sects can regularly arrange genius disciples to come up to practice! Even if one day, you want to open a branch in a high-level area, I, Tang Tian It is also supported!"

With his statement, all the old demons are heartbroken.

Although they have no chance to sacrifice to the sky this time, if they can transfer talents upwards, they will have the opportunity to develop in a stronger area in the future, which has exceeded their expectations.

The platform for offering sacrifices to the roof was smashed, and the clouds in the sky dissipated, and nothing happened here.

But just when several people wanted to leave Mountain of Seven Emotions and Six Desires, everyone's expression changed.


Tang Tian was shocked.

In front of his eyes, the scenery suddenly changed, and in an instant, he seemed to have come to another world!
I saw that the world was desolate, with corpses everywhere and heads rolling down, all of them were people Tang Tian had seen before.

"This is an illusion, this is the phantom formation of the Mountain of Seven Emotions and Six Desires!"

Tang Tian immediately understood that he had fallen into an illusion.

He yelled violently, and forcibly withdrew his thoughts from this illusion.

After he regained his mind, he saw several other old devils with different movements.

Old Mo Li was also drinking loudly, his idea was the same as Ding Hao's, he wanted to break the illusion by drinking violently.But his willpower was not as strong as Tang Tian's, and he drank several times, but he didn't break the phantom array in front of him.

Meanwhile, Tu Laomo and Peng Laomo were sitting cross-legged. They were meditating, getting rid of distracting thoughts, and breaking the illusion in this way.

Tang Tian hurriedly called out:

"Wake up! Everyone, wake up!"

But at this moment, the scene in front of Tang Tian changed again. In the darkness, Tu Laomo and others actually came to kill him!

The amiable Tu Laomo, Li Laomo and others all became extremely crazy.

(End of this chapter)

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