Chapter 2066 Sneak Attack
The Demon King of Joy, Anger, Sorrow and Joy said:

"Huangba, you control the formation well and obey my arrangement. If you can get the seven emotions and six desires this time, we will set you free!"

"Thank you master!"

Huang Ba was ecstatic, and kowtowed immediately.

He has stayed in this ghostly place for decades, and he is already tired of this place.

But what did he think of, and said:

"Master, I have one more request."


Huang Ba's expression was gloomy and he said:
"Among the monks who came in this time, there is one named Tang Tian, ​​who is my old enemy! I beg you, master, to kill him here!"

The Demon King of Joy, Anger, Sorrow and Joy nodded and said:

"Yes, I really want to kill him, he ruined my plan to become the devil, he must die! Everyone who comes in today must die!"

"Hahaha, haha."

Crazy laughter resounded in the void again.


At the same time, the forest outside Donglin City.

"Stop him!"

Three, Four, Five Patriarchs and Zheng Yuan Patriarch are all attacking the Demon King of Joy, Anger, Sorrow and Joy with all their strength.

After everyone's concerted attack, the Demon King of Joy, Anger, Sorrow and Joy was finally temporarily suppressed.

"There are no new avatars coming out."

Patriarch Zheng Yuan heaved a sigh of relief. It was the first time he had encountered such a difficult opponent in these years.

"It went well this time. Tang Tian and the others should have broken the altar for the Demon King of Joy, Anger, Sorrow, and Joy."

Sanzu and the others also breathed a sigh of relief.

But at this moment, the body of the suppressed Liu Taiyi suddenly let out a strange laugh.

"Hahaha, a group of stupid monks."

Fifth Patriarch Yun Nishang said angrily:

"Devil King, what are you laughing at?"

The Demon King of Joy, Anger, Sorrow and Joy laughed loudly and said:

"I'm laughing at your stupidity. Do you really think this is my body? If this is really my body, why don't you kill so many of my body and I don't die?"


Patriarch Zheng Yuan and the others all looked shocked.

From the body of the Demon King of Joy, Anger, Sorrow and Joy, countless happy faces and angry faces were killed, but there are still more to kill.Everyone thought that the Demon King of Joy, Anger, Sadness and Joy had many clones, but now it seems that this is not the case.

"Those are not my avatars, they are just projections of my power! Even the one in front of you is not my real body! You idiots, I won't play with you anymore, I took away the last bit of power in this body! As for this body, hey, I won't leave it to you either!"


Amid wild laughter, Liu Taiyi's body split open suddenly.

Click!Liu Taiyi's body split into 13 yuan!Blood burst out!Light and shadow scattered!

There was a chaotic and noisy roar, and it fell silent in an instant. Only the fragments of Liu Taiyi's body were left on the scene, and nothing else was left.

"not good……"

All the faces of the three ancestors turned pale, and the face of Patriarch Zhengyuan was pale:

"Tang Tian and the others are in danger!"

They misjudged.

He always thought that Liu Taiyi was the real body of the Demon King of Joy, Anger, Sorrow and Joy.

But now it seems that Liu Taiyi is just a puppet controlled by the Demon King of Joy, Anger, Sorrow and Joy!The real Demon King of Joy, Anger, Sadness and Joy is still in the Mountain of Seven Emotions and Six Desires!If Tang Tian and the others go, they are simply sending themselves to death!

"It's over, it's over, the cultivation base of the Joyful Demon King, the scheming of the Joyful Demon King... It's easy to kill Ding Hao and the others!"

The third ancestor's face changed drastically, and he said quickly:
"Rush to the Mountain of Seven Emotions and Six Desires!"


In the Hall of Happy Words.

Duan Wushang was kneeling in front of Qiqingtie, kowtowing and chanting scriptures.

But obviously, Qi Qing Tie didn't buy it.

I saw that on the Qiqing post, the happy word on the top was still pulsing and flashing, I don't know what it was suggesting.

"It doesn't work."

Duan Wushang struggled for a long time, and finally stood up.

The method he used to activate the Seven Emotions post in the past is useless at all now.

Everyone was a little disappointed.

Li Shaotian sighed:
"I originally thought that these posts of seven emotions were reserved for dealing with the demons of seven emotions and six desires, but now it seems that I may have guessed wrong."

Everyone sighed in their hearts. At first, everyone thought that this post about seven emotions was probably left to future generations, so that they could suppress the seven emotions and six desires.

But now, it has no effect at all.

"Forget it, put it away first, let's go look elsewhere."

Tang Tian motioned for Duan Wushang to put it away.

But when Duan Wushang reached out to recall Qiqingtie, suddenly everyone's eyes moved again.

I saw the happy word on the Qiqing post, and the pulse became more intense!

Originally, it flickered once every breath, but now, it flickered non-stop.

"what happened?"

The faces of the 13 monks present were shocked.

Tang Tian was also surprised, and then he immediately exclaimed:
"Form a circular formation, defend the surrounding area, and protect Duan Wushang and Qiqing Tie!"

The 12 monks all turned around immediately, with their faces turned outward, extremely vigilant, and protected Duan Wushang in the center.

Li Shaotian blurted out:

"Seven emotions post can feel the approach of demons!"


Tang Tian signaled him to keep silent.

Then, amidst the sound of metal fasteners rattling, the Purple Emperor Armor came back to Tang Tian's body, and there was another snap. The lavender spar was blocked in front of Ding Hao's eyes, and through the lavender chip, Tang Tian could clearly see that there was a black shadow in a corner of the hall!

This shadow might have wanted to attack Tang Tian and the others, but for some reason it didn't come.

"Happy heart demon?"

Tang Tian's heart moved secretly.

Obviously, Xizi Xinmo didn't feel that Tang Tian was looking at it.

It is also constantly changing directions, trying to sneak attack everyone.

But Tang noticed that every time Xizi Heart Demon approached everyone within a certain range, he would not dare to continue approaching!

"Could it be that the Seven Emotions post still has the function of protecting everyone?"

Tang Tian thought of this, and immediately sent a sound transmission to the other 12 people:

"Everyone, I've seen the demon, but it doesn't know! It's trying to attack us!"


Liang Yu immediately sent a voice transmission:
"Then what are we going to do?"

Tang Tian said:
"Everyone, don't be nervous, don't move, stand around Qiqingtie, he dare not attack us!"

Fang Yu voice transmission said:
"I kill kill kill, this despicable and shameless thing, I really want to kill it."

Tang Tian added:

"Stay for a while, if there is a suitable opportunity, I will instantly send his location to everyone! At that time, everyone will work together to kill him in one fell swoop!"

Li Shaotian said:

"I'm afraid this thing can't be killed by ordinary weapons!"

Tang Tian arranged:
"Weapons, jade talismans, spells, formations, all of them are on, everyone, don't waste it, get ready and listen to my command!"

"it is good!"

Standing among the crowd, Elder Ye Wen also nodded. It was thanks to Tang Tian's command to deal with this invisible and intangible mysterious guy, but this time, can everyone still defeat the Demon King of Emotions, Anger, Sorrow, and Joy?

"Damn it, it's the treasure left by the deity! It's too powerful!"

Xizi heart demon wandered around Tang Tian and the others, but they couldn't get close at all!He wanted to sneak attack Tang Tian and the others, but he couldn't approach them. He could only wander around, looking for opportunities.

It is quite confident in its concealment methods.

(End of this chapter)

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