Chapter 2069 Open the light curtain
While he was studying, the people over there had already finished listening to Duan Wushang's story.

Fang Yuxi said:

"That is to say, as long as we turn all the words on Qiqing's post into swords, we can easily kill Qiqing's heart demons! It's a good idea, give me which sword quickly! I'll get one too!"

Peng Guan nodded and said:
"That's good, it's not too late, I hope we can catch up to save a few elders."

But when everyone was excited, Elder Ye Wen couldn't help but reminded:

"I heard that there are thirteen heart demons with seven emotions and six desires here! Now there is a way to kill the seven emotions, but if the six desires come out, what should we do? We still don't have the strength to defeat the six desires! They can completely let the seven The Emotion Demon hides, and then let the Six Desire Demon kill us!"


Everyone's face turned white again.

Elder Ye Wen was right.

Duan Wushang's post of seven emotions can only be turned into seven swords to kill the demons of seven emotions!

But what if the Six Desires and Heart Demons are dispatched?
Everyone was speechless, and their brows were wrinkled again.

Just when everyone felt that there was nothing they could do, Tu Bafang came out, his pale face was tangled, and he said:

"If I say that Liuyu Post is with me, you won't be surprised?"

When he said this, the ones who reacted most violently were the other five sects among the six sects.

Ouyang Xiuluo of Dao Killing Demon Sect cursed:
"I just said that the Liuyu post will not disappear out of thin air. It turned out that you stole it, color Taoist sect, thieves!"

"Yes, thief! Shameless!"

Shijing Zongma Baibian also scolded.

Speaking of it, it was a bit strange that the Six Desires Post was lost in the first place.

When the Seven Emotions Sect and the Six Desires Sect split, the Seven Emotions Sect was obtained by the Seven Emotions Sect, and the Six Desires Sect was naturally obtained by the Six Desires Sect.

But later, the Six Desire Sect split into the Six Dao Sect.

In the midst of this split, Liuyu Post disappeared inexplicably.

At the beginning, the six sects accused each other and abused each other, and the most suspected ones were Dao Dao Sect and Shijing Sect.

Because when the Six Desires post was lost, it was the ancestors of the Killing Dao Sect who managed the post, so everyone scolded the Killing Dao Sect for guarding and stealing; the other suspect was the Shijing Sect.

The Shijing sect was originally a sect of thieves and thieves, and petty theft was their usual method.

So Shijingzong was also scolded by everyone, and it was suspected that Shijingzong stole it.

But only now did I know that the Six Desire Posts actually appeared in the hands of the Color Dao Sect!

"You guys are all thieves, shameless, you are all thieves!"

The more Ouyang Xiuluo and Ma Baibian scolded, the more excited they became.

Tu Bafang's face was ugly, and he said angrily:

"Even if it was stolen, I didn't steal it. I took it out with good intentions. Since you don't want it, let's all die together!"

Ma Baibian scolded:
"If you weren't afraid of death, would you take it out? You shameless thing."

Tu Bafang was furious:
"Then let's all die together!"

Watching them quarreling, Peng Guan said:
"Forget it, what happened in the past, the past is the past. Will the grievances of the older generation continue forever? What's more, we are in danger now! It takes courage for Tu Bafang to bring it out, you don't want to Scold him, after all, he didn't steal things, although he did it for himself, why not for everyone?"

Duan Wushang also said:
"Actually, the Six Desire Posts are useless in your hands. Only the descendants of the broken family can handle and use them. Take them out, the Six Desire Posts, exactly six swords, and each of you has one, which is fair and reasonable."

After being persuaded by everyone, Tu Bafang didn't say much, and took out the Liuyu post.

Duan Wushang knelt down under the Liuyu post, sacrificed and refined it, and then took down all six swords from above. It happened that all the disciples of the Six Dao Sect were there, and each of them took one. When all the swords were taken down, the Liuyu post exploded. Turned into a flame, burned to ashes.

From then on, Liuyu Post disappeared in the world, and what remained were the six swords, the Liuyu Sword!
Duan Wushang also divided all the swords on the Qiqing post, and the Qiqing post spontaneously ignited and disappeared.

Coincidentally, I don't know if it was God's will, or Duan Qiqing calculated it early in the year, there happened to be 13 people present, each with a sword.

Everyone has a long sword in hand, and can't wait to kill the demons with seven emotions and six desires.

Although the demons of the seven emotions and six desires are very strong, they have no resistance at all to the sword of the seven emotions and six desires!
Let's look at Tang Tian now.

"How about it?"

Tang Tian is still studying the formation in front of him:
"I can clearly see the magic formula they used just now, and I can also see clearly the position of the magic formula bombardment, but I just can't open the light curtain!"

Tang Tian looked embarrassed.

"That's probably only available to them."

There is no regret.

Tang Tian shook his head and said:

"But I can also vibrate the formation. If it's for their special use, then I can't vibrate the formation."

Liang Yu said:
"That's because you can't open it alone, and we can open it with a few more people."

"That's okay too...try."

Tang Tian taught everyone the formula, and several of them practiced for a while, and then played the formula at the same time.

The air in front of him suddenly fluctuated, and a spiritual light shone, and a light curtain like the surface of water immediately stood in front of everyone.


All the monks present gave Liang Yu a thumbs up.

Liang Yu's silver bell-like laughter sounded:

"Actually, I was just talking nonsense."

"Elder Liang Yu is amazing."

Seeing this, Tang on the side didn't hesitate immediately, nodded to everyone and said:
"Everyone follow me and enter."

After finishing speaking, Tang Tian took off his tiger-headed combat boots and walked into the light curtain in front of him.

After he entered, the people behind also carried the Sword of Seven Emotions and Six Desires and filed in.

After they entered, all of their faces changed dramatically.

Because they actually stood on the top of the Mountain of Seven Emotions and Six Desires!

Originally, the Mountain of Seven Emotions and Six Desires was outside, but it was received here!

However, Laomo Li, Laomo Peng and others who were standing on the top of the mountain had disappeared!

The Mountain of Seven Emotions and Six Desires stood alone in the void, surrounded by a vast black mist.

Then, from the top of the mountain to the black mist, there are thirteen passages radially!

The passage is narrow, leading to the deepest part of the black mist!

Tang Tian looked around and said solemnly:

"Now comes the problem. Each sword can only kill the corresponding inner demon, but we don't know which inner demon is behind which of the thirteen items? If we make a mistake, we will be completely finished!"

Peng Guan said:
"That's not easy, let's act together, kill the thirteen paths one by one, if you see a demon, kill a demon! Kill them all all the time!"

"That's a good idea."

But at this moment, there was a flash of light and shadow in midair, and an old man with golden hair came out of the black mist:

"Tang Tian, ​​haha, we meet again."

Tang Tian's face was gloomy:

"Huangba? Why are you here?"

Huang Ba laughed loudly and said:
"I'm here to kill you! You ruined my Xuanwu sect's ancestry and killed my disciples. If you don't kill you, I will not be a human being!"

(End of this chapter)

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