Chapter 2081 Leave!Go to the high zone!

At this moment, the inferior area where Tang Tian was before happened to be the night.

In the village near Nine Heavens Divine Sect, the woods are swaying in the shadows, and there are autumn insects chirping in the quiet autumn night.

But on this sleepy night, many men, women and children in the village moved a bench and sat outside the gate.Wealthy people moved out of the soft bed, reclined on the couch, and looked at the clear night sky.

Nobody was sleeping, they were all waiting.

"Why hasn't it started yet?"

A child's impatient inquiry came.

"Nine Heavens Divine Sect is going to the high-level area as a whole. For such an earth-shattering event, of course we must choose a good day and auspicious time."

The experienced old man fanned his fan and looked at the sky.

The Nine Heavens Divine Sect will go to a higher area as a whole, the news has already spread, and everyone is waiting to watch this wonderful scene.

At this moment, the Nine Heavens Divine Sect is brightly lit.

The 199 ascenders are all standing on the largest square platform in the Nine Heavens Sect.Everyone is in high spirits!All eyes are on the deep sky!

Although many of them have been to middle and high-level areas before, the meaning of going this time is completely different!
In the past, they were just guests, but this time, they will turn their backs on customers, stay there, and build their own homes!
At this time, no matter how beautiful the surrounding scenery was, they were in no mood to look at it.

Their gazes were all looking at the sky. After so many years of cultivation, they were just waiting for this day!Isn't it?
Tang Tian stood at the forefront of the crowd and looked at the sky to calm down. He clenched his fists and uttered four words clearly.

"Let's go as a whole!"

Immediately, all the monks threw out their flying treasures, which turned into light and soared straight into the sky.

199 monks, some fast, some slow, but the angle is the same, straight up to the sky!
A streak of white light, pulling straight straight lines upwards!

All the children in the village jumped up, and the little figures all looked at the streaks of light in the dark sky.

"It's really spectacular!"

In the big round eyes of the children, there is a flash of light inside.

In fact, it wasn't just the 199 monks who were going to the high-level area that flew up at this moment.

The three, four and five patriarchs, the elders of various sects, the big bosses of the two ways of righteousness and evil, including those monks whose cultivation level is not enough, all also flew up, and sent another journey!So there are more flashes of light in the back, streaks of white light, like countless comets, rushing into the sky, and like a large piece of fireworks released, it is extremely spectacular!

"Cultivate to become stronger and go to a higher area. This is the dream of monks in an inferior area! They have all done it!"

The old people in the village looked at the sky with dim eyes.

Why was this not their dream?

But they didn't do it, they could only look at others.They bowed their heads, and in front of them were the children, and they put their hands on the heads of the children:

"Children, there is no hope for us people. If you want to be like this one day, you must practice hard! When you become stronger, you will be able to fly into the sky like today!"

"We know, we will work hard!"

The round faces of the children were full of solemnity, and their little fists were tightly clenched.

The children in this area, from the time they are sensible, know that they must practice hard and strive for the top. Only by practicing can they have a bright future!

And for the disciples who have entered the Nine Heavens Sect, or the low-level disciples who have become monks, their feelings are even deeper.

Inside Nine Heavens Divine Sect, Ling Yunxiao looked at the sky.

Looking at the streaks of escaping light, he has just entered the stage of deity and is not qualified to ascend.

He looked at the little stars flying higher and higher in the night sky. In his tiger eyes, besides envy, there was determination.

"Others can do it, why can't I, Ling Yunxiao?"

"I thought that my whole life would be spent in the small world of Kyushu, but who would have thought that I could also break through the stage of the gods?"

"Then why don't I work harder and strive for one day to ascend to the Nine Heavens!"

Flying to the high places in the sky, those who are in the stage of gods, and those who are not in the stage of gods, they can only stop.

Looking at the masters, uncles and ancestors who are still being promoted, in addition to envy, they also have blessings in their hearts.

"Elder Tang Tian, ​​elders, and uncles, you must work hard in the high-level area. Only after you gain a foothold will you have the opportunity to bring us up!"

"Farewell to Elder Tang Tian!"

Suddenly a certain monk let out a loud shout, and all the monks of the Nine Heavens Sect stopped in mid-air at the same time to bid farewell to Tang Tian and other seniors who were heading to higher regions.

Tang Tianfei was at the highest point, but he could also hear the voices below, and he looked down while flying.

Looking at those kneeling disciples, and looking at the mountains and rivers below the Xianlian Great World, the moonlight sprinkled silver brilliance, the world is so beautiful.

"Farewell, Nine Heavens Divine Sect!"

"Farewell, this area!"

At this moment, Tang Tian felt that there were too many people to bid farewell to, but there was only one image in his mind, and that was the scene of tumbleweed butterflies flying in the sky.

"Advanced area, here I come!"

Flying on the highest Tang Tian, ​​he suddenly raised his head, and let out a long howl, speeding up!
Below him are Li Shaotian, Pengguan, Tu Bafang, Fangyu, Goddess Yanhui and others. At this moment, although their faces are calm, their hearts are also agitated.That's right, they have all been to middle and high-level areas more than once, but they used to go to practice and go shopping. According to others, these are monks from lower-level areas.

But this time is different, they know very well that after going up this time, they will rarely come back in the future!

Since then, they have had one more name.

"A disciple of a high-level Zongmen!"

Once upon a time, the disciples who saw the advanced areas felt that they were three points short.

But now, they have also become disciples of the high-level regional sect!

"Advanced area, here I come!"

These monks all imitated Tang Tian, ​​and let out a long roar, speeding up their promotion!

At the very top of the sky, there is a mighty wind. The scene here is a bit strange, with bluish gray in the darkness.

Relatively speaking, it is relatively quiet here.

A group of hundreds of people are waiting quietly.

The leader of these hundreds of people was a middle-aged man with black hair and short beard. His eyes were extremely firm and his face was full of ferociousness.Beside him, stood an old man with a face like a tiger. He was not angry and pretentious. Ordinary young monks would be scared when they saw it.

"I seem to see a shadow below."

The tiger face with long white stripes looks even more tiger.

Qin Dongfang's face became even more gloomy:

"Little beast, just wait for him!"

After speaking, he turned back and asked:
"Vajra Blood Massacre Formation, are you ready?"

The Vajra Blood Slaughter Formation is a special and powerful formation of the Vajra Sect. It uses nine monks who have the world of the Vajra Blood Slaughter domain to overlap to form a complex formation. Among them are 99 blood vajras. This formation After the law is formed, the monks caught in the formation can be said to die without a doubt
(End of this chapter)

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