From the beginning of the flood to the heavens and the world

Chapter 2086 The worries of Zongmen's talents!

Chapter 2086 The worries of Zongmen's talents!

Tang Tian said coldly:

"Didn't you go to Jiulie Daozong?"

"I went to Jiulie Daozong, but I didn't harass, and I didn't even say a word that was too much..."

Wu Qiang felt even more wronged.

Although he went to Jiulie Daozong to fight in the ring several times, he wanted to win the heart of the beautiful lady.But he was still very personable, not to mention harassment, he didn't even say a word that was too much.

To say that he harassed the female cultivators would be a conscience of heaven and earth.

But when Wu Qiang said these words, he had an idea in his heart.

"That's not right! Senior Tang Tian didn't mean that I harassed you, but that Ye Wen..."

Wu Qiang was not stupid either, he immediately understood that Ye Wen must be the woman Senior Tang Tian liked!I always go to the ring, isn't this harassing female cultivators?I am an old birthday star who eats arsenic, and I don't think he died fast enough!

After understanding this point, Wu Qiang is also a sensible person.

He stopped crying, kowtowed three times to Tang Tian, ​​and said:

"Senior Tang Tian, ​​I have indeed been to Jiulie Daozong before, but I really don't know that she is you... Oh, it was all introduced by Tang Pengcheng. I rarely go to lower areas! Wu Qiang is wrong, please Senior Tang Tian forgive me!"

"I see."

Tang Tian looked at the direction Tang Pengcheng and others were standing with a sneer.

Tang Tian added:

"Since you know you were wrong, but you did harass me, how are you going to explain it?"

Wu Qiang didn't expect that he explained and kowtowed, but Tang Tian still refused to let go.

At that moment, he felt ruthless, raised his wrist, and a small knife appeared in his palm.

With a bang, the light of the knife flashed, and Wu Qiang actually cut off his little finger.

"I, Wu Qiang, swear with your fingers! In this life, this finger will never be reborn! Wu also swears at the same time, that in this life, he will never go to an inferior area again!"

After Wu Qiang finished speaking, he kowtowed to Tang Tian again, begging for mercy:

"I beg senior Tang Tian to forgive me for the crime I didn't know!"

Seeing what Wu Qiang did, many people present were terrified.

He said in his heart that this Tang Tian was really amazing, he forced a genius from a high-level sect into such a position with just a few words, and made an oath never to go to a low-level area!And more importantly, Elder Yun of Baihemen was standing beside him without saying a word!How ruthless is this Tang Tian!

Looking at the scene here, the one who touched me the most is probably the people of Jiulie Daozong.

Originally, for them, Wu Qiang, a genius of a sect in a high-level area, was a superior existence!
Tang Pengcheng even thought that if Ye Wen and Wu Qiang became Taoist couples, then the Jiulie Taoist Sect would still be at the top.

But when Wu Qiang knelt in front of Tang Tian, ​​it really shocked them!shock!
What kind of genius from a sect in a high-level area, what kind of proud son of heaven, what kind of aloof... can't compare with Tang Tian!

Originally, in their eyes, Tang Tian was someone who was on the same level as them, at most a little bit stronger than them.

But the reality gave them a loud slap in the face!

The person they thought was superior is now kneeling at Tang Tian's feet, cutting off his fingers and begging Tang Tian for forgiveness!

Domineering, this is the real domineering, aloof!

Tang Tian paused for a while, and finally said:

"Since this is the case, for the sake of your elders, this matter should be disclosed!"

Call!Many people breathed a sigh of relief.

Especially Elder Yun, if Tang Tian really killed Wu Qiang in front of him, it would be a slap in the face for everyone.

Wu Qiang also breathed a sigh of relief, and his attitude was still sincere. He kowtowed three more times, stood up and bowed three more times, and then stood away from him.He didn't dare to hate Tang Tian, ​​but he hated Tang Pengcheng to death in his heart, he was paralyzed, what kind of Taoist companion did you introduce to me, are you trying to kill me?

In fact, Tang Tian didn't kill Wu Qiang, mainly because of two reasons.The first reason is that Wu Qiang really treats Ye Wen with courtesy. The so-called gentleman is good, and he pursued him but failed. The second reason is that if Tang Tian really wants to attack Wu Qiang, I am afraid Ye Wen will come out to stop him.A righteous girl like Ye Wen is reasonable. If Tang Tian kills Wu Qiang out of nowhere, Ye Wen will naturally object.

At the scene, there were some talented people from the sect whose hearts were pounding at the moment.

"We also went to the Jiulie Daozong in the inferior area to fight in the arena, it's over!"

Talented people from Tianmen are going to cry these days. They didn't eat any fish, and they made a fuss. If Tang Tian pursued it, he would be finished too!
At this moment, they were all torn in their hearts, whether they should go out, admit their mistakes to Tang Tian, ​​or cut off a finger.

Wu Qiang's matter was resolved, and the scene became quiet.

Those who were entrusted by Qin Dongfang to come out to speak, none of them dared to come out.

Elder Yun interceded for Qin Dongfang, he cut off his disciple's finger before he finished speaking, what kind of thing is this?

Qin Dongfang and Bai Wen looked at each other, who would dare to intercede for them on this occasion?
There is no one to even speak.

At this moment, the three, four, and five ancestors also flew up from below. After they met a few old friends, they said something, so they were a step behind.

They came up to see that a large group of people were in a stalemate.

Sanzu Qi said:

"Tang Tian, ​​why don't you go to the high-end area, why are you stuck here?"

"Three powerhouses of the God Realm!"

Qin Dongfang and the members of the Vajra Sect were really about to cry.

They originally thought that Tang Tian was an early-stage God Venerable, who had just arrived in a high-level area, had no strength, and had no connections, and lived in the Pufeng Gate... But the shock after shock over and over again had completely broken them down.Tang Tian's strength is too strong, and his way is too wild, how can he fight Tang Tian?
At this moment, Bai Wen gritted his teeth and pulled Qin Dongfang out.

Then, a scene that no one expected happened.

Bai Wen and Qin Dongfang actually knelt in front of Tang Tian together!
"I wipe!"



Everyone was stunned.

Wu Qiang knelt down to Tang Tian, ​​it was nothing.

But Qin Dongfang is the lord of the 99 great cities, and Bai Wen is the existence of the God Realm!The two of them actually knelt in front of Tang Tian, ​​who was only in the early stage of the God Venerable, in front of everyone!

"This is too exaggerated!"

Many people present, especially the city lords of the 99 big cities, all changed their faces.

Speaking of which, King Kong City is relatively powerful among the 99 big cities. Now that Qin Dongfang is kneeling in front of Tang Tian, ​​shouldn't others kneel in front of Tang Tian even more?

Someone also said:

"City Master Qin was frightened into a fool."

Bai Wen and Qin Dongfang were scared to death. There were too many strong men behind Ding Hao, especially the late three, fourth, and fifth ancestors, who completely defeated their psychological defenses, so they didn't want to lose face at all. , kneeling in front of Tang Tian.

Bai Wen kowtowed?
"Tang Worshipers, my nephew Qin Shaoyou was young and ignorant, and offended the Tang Worshipers. This time we came rashly and disturbed the Tang Worshipers! Here, we are also willing to cut our oath and swear that we will never go Inferior area!"

They are trying to imitate, they want to imitate Wu Qiang and get away with it.

"You want to cut your oath too?"

Tang Tian's face was cold.

(End of this chapter)

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