Chapter 2091 The banquet is over!

Elder Xinlian glanced at Ding Hao again, and asked:

"Tang Heaven Worshiper, why do you have such a deep relationship with the True Dragon Palace? The Dragon Emperor sent congratulations at the same time. I am afraid that no Heaven Worshiper in history has enjoyed such treatment?"

"Actually nothing."

Tang Tian chuckled, and said again:

"Actually, I helped the Seven Emperors find the successor of the Red Emperor, so now it is the Eight Emperors."

"It's nothing?!"

Everyone present was about to vomit blood.

No wonder the Eight Emperors sent congratulatory gifts at the same time. It turned out that Tang Tian helped them find the successor of the Red Emperor!This is amazing!It was even more shocking that Tang Tian was even qualified to speak on the issue of the Dragon Emperor's successor!

Tang Tian added:

"Actually, thanks to Old Mo Li, the Red Emperor's Dragon Ball was found in their Artifact Sect."

"That's it!"

Everyone looked at Old Mo Li in surprise.

Old Mo Li shook his head and smiled wryly:
"Actually, this is the ability of Tang worshipers. The Red Emperor has been in the Artifact Sect for so many years, and the bones have been in the flame boat for millions of years. But who got the Dragon Ball? Even if they really get the Dragon Ball, they can be with the real Can the Dragon Palace establish a relationship? Even if it is a relationship with the True Dragon Palace, can it help the True Dragon Palace determine the successor? This is the ability of Tang worshipers, admiration."

What Li Laomo said was a bit bitter, but it was also true.

The dragon ball has been in the flame boat for so many years, why don't you take it to the True Dragon Hall yourself, Li Laomo?Even if you really sent the Dragon Ball to the True Dragon Hall, with Emperor Mo's fierce temper, would you still say thank you? It would be good if you didn't want your life.

Hong Yi nodded and said:
"That's right, this is all the ability of the Tang worshipers. If others get the Dragon Ball, they may not be able to establish a relationship with the True Dragon Palace."

Elder Xinlian also nodded and said:
"Indeed, those dragon emperors are not easy to get along with. Those strong human beings, they don't buy it."

Hearing this, the eyes of everyone looking at Tang Tian changed again.

In the corner of Pofeng City, Tang Pengcheng quietly looked at the sky.

He was speechless, Tang Tian's strength, Tang Tian's connections, and Tang Tian's arrogance broke his heart again and again.The arrogance, disobedience, and resistance in his heart before have all disappeared.Things have come to this point, what is there to be unconvinced?

The eight dragon emperors of the True Dragon Palace sent congratulatory gifts at the same time, how much face is this?

Look at Tang Tian again, standing in the middle of the crowd, full of vigor!And he, not a bean sprout at all, stood in a small corner, how could he have room to speak in this high-level area?All he knew were disciples from some sects!And Tang Tian knew all the sect masters, elders and the like!

This is the difference!
"It seems that what I should do is to go back to the sect and practice quietly."

Thinking of this, Tang Pengcheng said nothing, left the first heaven, and went to the lower realm to practice in seclusion.

There were many monks who were touched, and they all made up their minds in their hearts to cultivate hard, and strive to one day be as beautiful as Tang Tian!

All used to come to the high-end area to entertain guests and friends.

Splashing City was bustling like never before, and Xiong Tianhe had never seen so many strong people, so busy.

During the three-day feast, the entire Splashing City was filled with a sea of ​​joy, and those monks from outside could come in to eat and drink for free!
Tang Tian also spent a lot of money this time, and got a lot of precious treasures, especially those strong men with high cultivation bases, who specially chose gifts!As for the ordinary monks who came to watch the ceremony, a large number of sacred stones were presented, and everyone was very happy.

Three days later, everything in the city gradually began to return to normal.

"Elder Tang Tian, ​​those of us will go back."

The first ones to leave are Laomo Li and Laomo Tu.

Once Tang Tian and the others left, the situation in the inferior area they were in before was greatly unfavorable to the magic way, so they had to go down and make arrangements early.

As soon as they left, the monks on the righteous path also left.

Although both the righteous and the devil participated in Tang Tian's grand ceremony, the righteous and the devil are enemies after all. You have prepared for the devil's way, and the righteous way can't be idle, right?
Then, the city lords of the other big cities also bid farewell and left.

"Senior Tang Tian, ​​if you have time to go to our Night City, Wan Si must treat your benefactor well."

Ye Wansi bowed to Tang Tian and said goodbye.

"Okay, you're welcome, I'll go if I have the chance."

The Lord of Chiba City and others also said goodbye:

"Brother Tang Tian, ​​come and visit us when you have time."

Tang Tian smiled and said:

"You're welcome, when our Nine Heavens Sect has its own city, it would be best to invite you to come as our guests."

When he said this, all the city lords present were startled, secretly thinking which city did Tang Tian take a fancy to?It's too scary, I hope it's not because of my own city.Now that the 99 big cities have owners, Tang Tian wants to have his own city, and the only source is to rob other people's cities. It seems that another bloody storm is coming in this high-level area.

"Then we will definitely come to join us."

When the city lords left, the smiles on their faces were a little unnatural.

"Okay, let's go back to the top area too."

The three, four, and five patriarchs will also go back. As people walk higher and higher, their homes will become safer and higher.Now Jiuzu's home is actually the top area!It is impossible to stay below for a long time.

"Tang Tian, ​​Ye Wen and Wan Ling were accepted as disciples by us, and we took them away."

Fifth Patriarch Yun Nishang said.

"Okay! Walk slowly!"

Tang Tian nodded and replied!
"Everyone is gone."

Liang Yu came over and said something in a low voice.


Tang Tian nodded, and then looked away.

The three, four, and five patriarchs have been sent away, and the friends you know should also leave.

The decline of Xuanwumen will soon be accompanied by the rise of a new generation of Tianmen, and the elders in the high-level areas are busy going back to plan this matter.

"Elder Yun, Elder Yuan, Elder Xinlian, everyone, go slowly!"

"Ding Hao, I hope that your Nine Heavens Sect will gain a firm foothold in this high school as soon as possible!"

"Also, remember to inform us if there is anything, don't hide it!"

Elder Yun and the others are still good friends as before. After the past few days, they are more optimistic about Tang Tian, ​​so they also support Tang Tian even more.

They have already figured out that if one day Tang Tian's Nine Heavens Divine Sect turns the Eight Sect Alliance into the Nine Sect Alliance, then everyone will be happy.


After these people left, Hong Yi from Ziwei Gate was a step slower.

"Tang Tian, ​​you should be breaking through to the middle stage of God Venerable soon, do you want to enter the Seven Illusion Mind Tower to practice for a while?"

Hong Yi asked.

The Seven Illusion Heart Tower is a good thing. God kings and monks in the state of gods, if they enter it and practice hard, they will often find their own insights and advance faster.

But Tang Tian doesn't need:
"Elder Hong's good intentions are appreciated. The Seven Illusion Heart Tower is mainly for cultivating state of mind. In fact, my state of mind is enough, and I don't need to enter into cultivation. To tell you the truth, I have already felt the edge of the middle stage of the god a few years ago. But at the beginning, the cultivation base was not enough, and it was unsuccessful in the end. But I believe that it will soon, when the time comes, it will be a matter of course, and there will be no need for other foreign aids."

(End of this chapter)

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